Georges Charlia


L'amour qu'il faut aux femmes
L'enfant de ma soeur
Valerian writes his uncle, colonial millionaire, for money. He meets a quartermaster, Napoleon, who pretends to be a doctor of law. They become friends.
Антивоенное выступление, ратующее за дружбу и согласие между людьми на примере истории французского шахтера, спасенного его немецким коллегой после взрыва рудничного газа.
L'ensorcellement de Séville
Miss Europe
Lucienne, typist and gorgeous bathing beauty, decides to enter the 'Miss Europe' pageant sponsored by the French newspaper she works for. She finds her jealous lover Andre violently disapproves of such events and tries to withdraw, but it's too late; she's even then being named Miss France. The night Andre planned to propose to her, she's being whisked off to the Miss Europe finals in Spain, where admirers swarm around her. Win or lose, what will the harvest be?
Train Without Eyes
The Crew
First adaptation of Joseph Kessel World War I novel, in which an aviator falls in love with a woman who turns out to be the wife of one of his flying comrades.
Morgane, the Enchantress
Sea Fever
The ill-fated romance of a brow-beaten seaport slum café waitress and a young man with a possessive mother, who dreams of going out to sea.
La Goutte de sang