la proviseure
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
Действие разворачивается в начале 90-х, о СПИДе известно уже более десяти лет. Активисты Парижа всё чаще проводят акции против общего безразличия к проблеме. Натан примыкает к группе, которая занимается распространением информации о болезни. Его потрясает радикальный настрой одного из лидеров сообщества — Шона, который вкладывает в эту борьбу все свои силы и злость.
La voisine
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
La mère
A young woman inherits her family's historic home on the coast of Brittany, a house she has not been to since her father died there when she was age 12.
Emmanuelle lives in the suburbs near a shopping mall. Since her father's death, she feels increasingly out of sync with the world around her. Her mother is distracted, high school bores her. She has just turned 17 and, this particular year, her life will take an entirely different turn.
Fanny's Mother
Воротила Лондонской фондовой биржи, безумно умный, удачливый менеджер и по совместительству большой зануда наследует винодельню в Провансе. По прибытии во Францию он обнаруживает, что, кроме него, есть еще люди, претендующие на его законную собственность. Цепочка невероятных событий и открытий заставят его по-новому взглянуть на истинные ценности этого мира…
История любви между 13-летним мальчиком и взрослой женщиной...
On the spur of the moment, 30-year old Alain gives up his well-paid job as a tester of computer games, but is uncertain over what do next. He takes up the offer of a place on a course to learn how to operate a bulldozer, although this means spending time away from home. During his training, he is paired up with a child-like younger man, Manu, who is passionate about wanting to drive a bulldozer but has no aptitude for the job. While his marriage starts to fall apart, Alain finds himself becoming more dependent on his relationship with Manu.
Anne doesn't have enough money to take her daughter, Mélody, away from the small provincial town where they live for a few days during the summer holidays. In the face of her daughter's disappointment and incomprehension, she does all she can to find the money.
Джамиль – серьезный парень, живущий и работающий на окраине Парижа. Однако после того, как его брата Нордина, торговца героином, который и сам «сидит» на своем товаре, по ошибке убивает полиция, Джамиль присоединяется к беспорядкам, устроенным разгневанными друзьями, чтобы отомстить за трагическую смерть Нордина.