Margaret Perry

Margaret Perry


Margaret Perry


Land for Pioneers
Land for Pioneers is a documentary about economic development in the Canadian North from a 1944 nationalist perspective.
Prince Edward Island
A short documentary about a small province on the east coast of Canada.
Prince Edward Island
A short documentary about a small province on the east coast of Canada.
Go West Young Man
Joyce Struthers
Mavis Arden is a sensational movie star. Her following spans the world and her personal appearance tours prove her popularity. On her way home from one such appearance, Arden's car breaks down. She orders her publicity man to find her a place to stay, suspicious that he planned the break down to keep her away from a man. However, she soon finds herself mooning over an attractive repairman in town and listening to his ideas about inventing equipment for film.
Новая мораль для стариков
Phyl Thomas
У правильных родителей, которые относятся к своим взрослым детям как к подросткам, есть сын, который хочет поехать в Париж, чтобы изучать искусство, и дочь, влюбленная в женатого мужчину.