Loris Gizzi

Loris Gizzi


Loris Gizzi


Zorro, the Navarra Marquis
Zorro fights Napoleon's army to help the King of Spain.
Isabella, Duchess of the Devils
Maresciallo Bassompierre
An Alsacian Baron massacres the family of a French Duke, and takes his lands and his title. Isabella, the Duke's baby child, escapes the massacre, is raised by gypsies, and comes back twenty years later to exact revenge.
Son of Black Eagle
I due Crociati
Two inept crusaders almost sabotage the christians' plan to conquer Jerusalem.
James Tont Operation T.W.O.
Mr. Spring
A dangerous criminal group wants to destroy St. Peter's Basilica and the secret agent James Tont is the only one who can help it.
James Tont Operation U.N.O.
The diabolical Goldsinger, enraged at being excluded from the UN, hatches a plot to blow up the assembly while all the heads of the state participate. Luckily, inept agent James Tont discovers the plot and sets out to stop Goldsinger.
Голиаф и рыцарь в маске
Чтобы сохранить мир с воинственным доном Рамиро, его сосед, дон Франсиско, соглашается отдать тому руку своей дочери Бланки, разрушив помолвку девушки с благородным доном Хуаном. Изгнанный из своих новых владений коварным Рамиро, Хуан присоединяется к табору цыган во главе с богатырём по прозвищу Голиаф. Померившись силами и оценив возможности друг друга, молодые люди становятся друзьями. Голиаф и его друзья решают помочь несправедливо униженному Хуану вернуть свою любовь и свои владения, отобранные доном Рамиро.
Samson and the Slave Queen
The king of Nogara dies, leaving behind a will naming one of his nieces as his successor. Will it be blonde and virtuous Isabella or evil, dark-haired Malva? Each woman relies on a hero to locate the will. Malva hires the bare-chested strongman Samson while Isabella relies on the masked El Toro (a.k.a. Zorro) even though her heart belongs to the mild-mannered poet, Ramon. Malva's ruthless desire for the throne soon alienates Samson and he and El Toro then team up to bring about a proper resolution to the Nogara succession. Meanwhile, Isabella learns El Toto's true identity, an identity which both surprises and pleases her.
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Commendator Bartoloni (segment "La dirittura morale")
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
Duel of Fire
Antonio Franco's sister is been murdered by a gang of bandits. He swear vengeance and manage to infiltrate the gang to find the murders.
Suleiman the Conqueror
Suleiman II
Historical film, telling the story of Turkish Sultan Suleiman's attempts to conquer Vienna. The advance of his army was checked on Yugoslav territory.
Queen of the Seas
direttore della prigione
Redhead Mary is a girl who dresses like a man to better approach, and rob the jewels worn by the pretty ladies of her time.
The Secret of the Black Falcon
Don Pedro Ordigaso
A secret document has fallen into the hands of pirates. Spain and England are both interested. The English commissioned a notorious pirate and the Spaniards procure their best officer, Carlos de Herrera, to retrieve the document for them.
Константин Великий
Roman Prosecutor
Константин I Великий - римский Император, создатель Второго Рима, прекративший кровавые гонения на христиан и установивший свободу исповедования христианской религии. История его любви, пути к власти и борьбы за новый справедливый мир, мир без тирании, угнетения и религиозной нетерпимости.
Guns of the Black Witch
In the 17th century, a village was the refuge of several French buccaneers. One day, the Spanish under the command of Guzmán, attacked the village and killed everybody, adults and children ...
Sword in the Shadows
Zio Roger
Sword in the Shadows (Italian: Una spada nell'ombra) is a 1961 Italian swashbuckler film directed by Luigi Capuano and starring Tamara Lees and Livio Lorenzon.
Pirates of the Coast
Don Fernando Linares
Luis de Monterey is a ship captain who is pitted against a crafty pirates.
Un militare e mezzo
Pharmaceutical Chief
Nicola Carletti is a middle age 50-year old man who return to Italy with his family but he is drafted to go to the mandatory military service in Italy.
The Devil's Cavaliers
Captain Richard and a small band of soldiers return home to France to discover the country ruled by horrible nobility.
Adventure in the city
Mia nonna poliziotto
primario della clinica
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
L'amore nasce a Roma
Moglie e buoi...
Giovanni dalle bande nere
Nicola Del Rovo
The legendary John of the Black Bands begins a romantic relationship with a beautiful girl without revealing his identity. The girl unconsciously discovers the truth and retires to a convent. She thinks that John is guilty of the death of her family, and cannot continue to love him. He remains wounded in battle.
Defend My Love
As part of a story, a reporter goes to meet Elisa, a young woman he met a few years ago on a trial on which she was finally exonerated.
A Mink Coat
A newlywed couple win the lottery and the prize is a mink fur which might change their lives forever.
Самая красивая женщина мира
Музыкальный фильм о счастливой истории любовной связи самой красивой женщины мира начала 20-го века, оперной певицы Лины Кавальери и русского князя Барятинского.
I due compari
Giovanni peddles useless pens in the streets of Rome with his sidekick Francesco, but his college-student daughter thinks he is a rich industrialist. She falls in love with a rich guy and when her father tells her the trust about their financial situation she drops her fiance and refuses food. Luckily, the guy's parents give their consent to the marriage anyway.
Are We Men or Corporals?
The tenor
These are the years of the Second World War, and Toto is imprisoned in a concentration camp, suffering the harassment of Colonel Hammler, a Nazi cruel and despotic.
Il conte di Ceprano
A musical drama based on Giuseppe Verdi's opera Rigoletto.
A young countess is wrongly accused of adultery and shunned by her husband. She leaves and becomes a successful opera singer and when war comes returns to face her accusers, see her son and clear her name.
Il cardinale Lambertini
Conte Orsi
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
I milanesi a Napoli
Some Neapolitans help a firm from Milan to establish two factories in Naples: one produces TV dinner pizzas the other manufactures lace. The owner of a pizza joint and a woman who makes lace at home are against the project.
Византийская императрица Теодора вышла из самых низов свободных граждан Византии. Но бывшая куртизанка смогла обратить на себя внимание могущественного императора Юстиниана и стала ему верной супругой. Тем временем в империи зреет заговор, во главе которого стоит первый советник Иоанн Каппадокийский. Юстиниан отказывается замечать признаки надвигающейся катастрофы, и только присутствие верного трону полководца Велизария с войсками в столице сдерживает заговорщиков. Но армия вот-вот должна покинуть Константинополь, и тогда Юстиниана уже ничто не сможет спасти. Однако о заговоре становится известно Теодоре. Вместе с Велизарием она составляет рискованный план, который должен спасти Юстиниана и империю…
La prigioniera di Amalfi
An Italian historical drama.
Amore e smarrimento
Young "Paolo" is an orphan who falls in love with the charming singer "Marisa". She hope that he will fund her new magazine, but when she discovers he has already spent all his money on her, she rejects him. Desperate, he does something of which he will soon be ashamed.
Джузеппе Верди
Gioacchino Rossini
Этот фильм рассказывает историю творческой жизни Джузеппе Верди — композитора ставшего национальной славой Италии и почитающегося больше даже как государственная, нежели как музыкальная величина. В историю музыки Верди вошёл как реформатор оперного искусства, крупнейший композитор-реалист…
Easy Years
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Nerone e Messalina
Decius Metellus
The Overcoat
Based on the Nikolai Gogol story but set in 1950s Italy, "The Overcoat" is the story of a poor city hall clerk whose only desire is to buy a new overcoat.
Appointment for Murder
il commendatore Marzocchi
A woman has jumped or been pushed from five stories of an apartment house. The detective on the case lives there, and he discovers that the woman's estranged husband does also.
A historical farce about Napoleon.
La storia del fornaretto di Venezia
My Heart Sings
commendator Cocciaglia
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Il padrone del vapore
Il direttore del Grand Hotel
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
Damn the Taxes!!
Capufficio delle tasse
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Filippo Borcello
Difficult Years
Il Ministro
Aldo Piscitello, a minor government clerk, is forced in 1934 to join the Fascist party. When the war comes, he finds himself able only to talk ineffectually in secret against Mussolini, even as his own son Giovanni is sent into battle. By the end of the war, Aldo has found the courage to stand up for his beliefs, but by then it is too late.
L'isola de Montecristo
Il vento m'ha cantato una canzone
The owner of a cosmetics factory has made a contract with Radio Sibilla for the transmission of an evening program in which the products of his company are advertised.
The Great Dawn
We Are Not Married
They have been living together for some time in a bohemian environment. The boy is attracted to a friend of his mistress and he frankly acknowledges his feeling. His companion favors meetings and even multiplies them: satiety, habituation, weariness set in very quickly. It is the shrewd mistress who will be married.
Aquila Nera
An evil Czarist landowner had mistreated the father and friends of an officer.The officer wreaks vengeance by committing masked coach robberies and insinuates himself into his enemy's castle by pretending to be a French teacher.
L'innocente Casimiro
Gustavo Corra
Il cappello da prete
Marquis Usilli
The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.
In cerca di felicità
Il cantante Fasola
T'amerò sempre
Seduced by count Diego and then abandoned, Adriana finds a job at a large hairdresser shop, so she can lead a dignified life together with her daughter.
Gioco d'azzardo
Sempre più difficile
Sicily, early 1900s. An impoverished prince settles into the house of a rich shipowner and becomes his counselor.
Lascia cantare il cuore
Massimo Rossi
Labbra serrate
L'avvocato difensore di Carlo
Headlights in the Fog
I Live as I Please
Il tenore
A young farmer, with a magnificent voice, receives an invitation to present himself in a large theater to be hired. In reality, the invitation is a joke made by his cousin.
Fra' Diavolo
The leader of a band of mountain bandits defending Naples against the French plays a dual role as a police official. Our romantic hero pivots as well between two women, the sister of a royalist and a lady spy.
L'ultimo combattimento
You Love Me, I Love You
Se quell'idiota ci pensasse...
Il segreto inviolabile
Il signor Smith
Per uomini soli
Ladislao Paszkowsky, il regista
Lo smemorato
Mario Tiana
Milizia territoriale
White Squadron
Un turista
Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his true worth and returns as commander when Santelia is mortally wounded. Cristiana arrives and tries to entice him to return to Rome, but he decides to stay in Africa with the army.
Ginevra degli Almieri
Ginevra degli Almieri's family has arranged a marriage of interest but the young Ginevra strenuously refuses until she falls into catalepsy and is buried alive. Once she wakes up she goes home but her family believes they are dealing with a ghost and they try to chase her away. She will only be welcomed by the penniless young painter who has always been in love with her.
I'll Give a Million
Un ricco
A comedy about a hobo and a millionaire who swap roles after the millionaire rescues the hobo from a suicide attempt.
Black Shirt
A fascist propaganda movie.