Dominique Erlanger


Mrs Wenders
Мартина — крутая женщина-полицейский, пытающаяся раскрыть дело о похищении юной Кэролайн бандой порнографов. У нее уже есть сообщник внутри банды, который скармливает ей информацию, но прогрессу мешает ее собственный комиссар полиции. В личной жизни Мартина любит проводить время со своими коллегами-мужчинами, меняя молодого полицейского на более зрелого и опытного Джина.
Jeans Tonic
Ariane's mother
Les planqués du régiment
L'espionne russe
A young engineer, inventor of a dangerous ping-pong ball, which makes him pursued by the American and Russian secret services, finds refuge in a military camp where his irruption sows some semi-catastrophes.
The secretary
Элизабет отправляет билет на самолет своей сестре Лео и американскому другу Бену и договаривается о встрече с ними обоими в Руасси. Но когда они прибывают, Бен и Лео, до этого не знавшие друг друга, не находят Элизабет. Они недоумевают, почему она попросила их приехать, и вскоре понимают, что она ищет своего отца...
A troubled young woman who lives alone in a rundown house meanders around and one day reveals a hidden talent when she goes into a bar, plays magnificently at the piano, and leaves as mysteriously as she came. Meanwhile, an unidentified man is on her trail and eventually tracks her down to the bar she had visited. As the dragnet around her closes in, it becomes apparent that the young woman's stepmother is behind the effort to locate her. But questions over why she is hiding out and what she is hiding from begin to take on more importance as the history of the young woman starts to surface.
Memoirs of a panty
Various clips from Michel Caputo's films.
Qu'il est joli garçon l'assassin de papa
The Saracens invade Spain again, but they seem content to compose music and watch the dancers.
Эмануэль 77
Сигизмунд вместе с очаровательной женой Серджиной и маленьким сыном наслаждаются жизнью на французской Ривьере. Однажды, находясь по делам в Париже, он встречается с Дианой, соблазнительной женщиной, ищущей приключений, и проводит с ней незабываемую ночь. На следующее утро Сигизмунд получает письмо с сообщением о самоубийстве Серджины. Вне себя от горя, он не может дочитать письмо до конца, и чтобы укрыться от ужасной реальности, снова бросается в объятья чувственной Дианы. Через два дня он, наконец, берет в руки то роковое письмо, чтобы дочитать его.
Includes a number of street interviews with prostitutes regarding their lives, customers, the atmosphere, the tension and the danger surrounding the business.
Don't Change Hands
A well-known politician receives a tape showing her son in a porno movie. She decides to hire a female detective to figure out who is trying to blackmail her.
Saint-Just and the Force of Things
Charlotte Corday
Antoine Saint-Just, comrade of Robespierre and youngest member of the Committee of Public Safety, is drawn into the tempestuous political & military conflicts of France under the Terror.
Femmes femmes
Cliente bistrot
The fantasies and dreams of two over-the-hill actresses are intertwined with their realities, as the two roommates struggle to survive their day-to-day lives in the expensive and difficult world of Paris.
Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
Threshold of the Void
Wanda Leibowitz
The young artist Wanda Leibovitz comes to Paris, hoping to forget unfortunate love. Soon after arrival directly at the station Wanda meets the mysterious old woman suggesting to rent at it the room (whom the old woman, allegedly, held ready for the now deceased sister). Wanda doesn't know yet that this room will change all her life shortly after it slightly opens a mysterious forbidden door.
Line Up and Lay Down
La cliente conquise
Erotic comedy about an incorrigible womanizer whose lecherous love life becomes too much to handle. Things culminate when his jealous friends arrange for his fiancee and his mistresses to meet him at the same time.
Dirty Lovers
La tapineuse
Erotic Trap
Varen and Bob are a couple of buddies who get mixed up with a white-slave trader. Pursued by a pair of mob-connected brothers, Bob is killed. Varen retaliates by killing one of the brothers, then enlists the aid of his friend Agnès in tracking down the remaining sibling.
André is a loser. He dreams of becoming a great writer and being sought after by wonderful women. To make something interesting happen in his life he visits political meetings.