Elza Temary


Rasputin, Demon of the Women
The demonic Rasputin is poisoned but survives to continue seducing in evil ways, in this historical thriller.
Chauffeur Antoinette
The athletic young widow Antoinette Peterson gets into financial troubles when a business venture backfires and has to sell her car and her villa. On the road, she meets a stranger whose car she is able to repair and whom she later meets again as the buyer of her house. It is no one else than the venturer William P. Harrison to whom she lost her whole fortune in the first place. He offers her a bet: If she manages to stay for three months as his chauffeur and behaves accordingly, he would give her back her fortune. Although Harrison makes it as hard as possible for her, she keeps up. But they have already fallen in love with each other.
The Lost Paradise
Evelyn (as Elsa Temary)
A boiled boy
Slapstick comedy about a couple brought together by hypnosis.
The rejuvenated Adolar
Stud. chem. Helene Willfüer
The Chase After Millions
Early German sound film based on the novel "Lord Spleen" by Ludwig von Wohl. Two stowaways attempt to unravel a plot onboard a steam train.
Dangers of the Engagement
Florence Miller
A man unknowingly falls madly in love with the fiancé of a close friend who has twice saved his life.
Gräfin Fontaine
Based on Honore de Balzac’s story of Madame de Langeais. Costume drama about the infamous loves of the countess.
Der Fall des Staatsanwalts M...
Фильм основан на реальных событиях и показывает трагические эпизоды из жизни австрийского учёного биолога-материалиста Пауля Каммерера (1880-1926), затравленного мракобесами от науки и католическими реакционерами и покончившего с собой. Действие фильма перенесено в Германию, в Лейпциг, в котором правят духовенство и аристократия, поднимает голову фашизм, а рабочий класс вынужден жить в нужде. Здесь работает профессор Занге, один из немногих, который сочувствует беднякам. Как только учёный на основе своих опытов на саламандрах делает открытие, что их наследственность зависит от внешних факторов, он становится опасным для существующего политического строя. Духовенство сговоре с аристократией решает избавиться от него.
Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom
Mabel Strong
An international gang of thieves and swindlers decide to move their criminal operation to the Teutonic city of Cologne, but Tom Wilkens, one of the best agents of the international police, is not far behind and leads an investigation to unmask the criminals.
Unser täglich Brot
Der krasse Fuchs
Rose Marks