Edwin Jürgensen

Edwin Jürgensen

Рождение : 1898-05-24, Cologne, Germany

Смерть : 1947-04-01


Edwin Max Eduard Jürgensen (24 May 1898 – 1 April 1947) was a German actor. He appeared in more than forty films from 1930 to 1944.


Edwin Jürgensen


Das Hochzeitshotel
Berendt, Juwelier
Станционный смотритель
When two Russian captains of cavalry came to a German post station one of them recalls what happened long time ago. He begins to tell the story: Ten years ago a comrade of them made a resting at the post station and fell in love with the station master's daughter. He promised everything to her and finally convinced her to come with him to St. Petersburg. When both arrived there she had to realize that her captain never had the intention to marry her.
Dreizehn Mann und eine Kanone
Андалузские ночи
Когда танцовщица Кармен посещает тореадора Антонио, который зарезал цыганку, в тюрьме она встречает бригадного драгуна Хосе. Они сразу же полюбили друг друга, и с этого дня Хосе часто приходит в кафе, где танцует Кармен. Когда Кармен ревностно ранит другого танцора в драке, Хосе приказывают арестовать её...
Hahn im Korb
Direktor Flügel
a movie by Heinz Paul
La Habanera
Reeder Shumann
While vacationing in Puerto Rico, a young Swedish woman falls in love with and marries a powerful local landowner. Ten years later, their marriage has turned sour; meanwhile, two Swedish doctors have arrived on the island to investigate a mysterious fever.
To New Shores
Gouveneur Jones
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
Человек, который был Шерлоком Холмсом
В погоне за удачей Моррис Флинт и его напарник Мэки останавливают поезд, чтобы под видом Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона добраться до Парижа, где они надеются поправить свои дела. Так начинается невероятная история, в которой им предстоит спасать Всемирную Парижскую выставку от грандиозного скандала, обезвредить банду грабителей и фальшивомонетчиков, стать наконец знаменитыми и найти своё счастье.
Liebe geht seltsame Wege
Polizeipräfekt Montefranca
Шерлок Холмс: Серая леди
J.V. Barnov
Два неудачливых детектива, Моррис Флинн и его друг Макки, «разыгрывают» с удовольствием Шерлока Холмса и доктора Уотсона. Все выглядит реально вплоть до маскировки. Даже полиция просит у них детективную помощь. Мэри и Джейн Берри, две молодые девушки, должны унаследовать от «богатого дяди», большое наследство. На самом деле, жажда наживы всё ещё очень жива у разыскиваемых мошенников, которые всегда могут избежать полиции. Теперь во время Парижской всемирной выставки они могут раскрыть все свои скрытые навыки, а также их образцовые модели, и, благодаря тщательной детальной работе, окончательно арестовать подельщиков. Но тогда Холмс и Ватсон сами арестовываются, и их личность подвергается сомнению, - смеясь отмечает писатель сэр Артур Конан Дойл, изобретатель новых персонажей.
Ride to Freedom
Fürst Tschernikoff
The Court Concert
Before he became cult director Douglas Sirk, Detlef Sierck cut his teeth on such lavish European star vehicles as Das Hofkonzert (The Court Concert). Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-lost daddy. Hofkonzert was designed as a comeback for Marta Eggerth, whose star had eclipsed by the mid-1930s.
The Unknown
Ministerialrat van Altendorf
The body of an unknown beautiful woman is fished out of the river and leaves the policemen wondering what drove the girl to such a grisly fate. The film then flashes back to months before, showing the torrid love affair between a young cabaret singer and a rich playboy that ultimately results in tragedy for the girl.
Das Schloß in Flandern
Sir Ramsey
A woman is put on trial for murdering a musician who ruined her marriage.
Цыганский барон
XVII век. Отец Cандора фон Баринкай однажды спрятал сокровище где-то в лесу. Свиновод Зупан знает об этом сокровище и хочет, чтобы Баринкай женился на его дочери Арсене, с целью заставить его заключить союз между их двумя семьями. Но когда Баринкай встречает цыганку Ципру, которая также слышала о сокровищах, цыгане видят в Баринкае своего нового лидера. Получив фальшивый титул «Цыганский барон», он теперь имеет право на дворянский титул и жениться на Арсене. Но затем он встречает Саффи, цыганку, которая оказывается дочерью последнего турецкого паши...
So Ended a Great Love
The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.
Prince Woronzeff
Der Untersuchungsrichter
Baron Franz von Naydek is constantly being mistaken for Prince Woronzeff, since both look identical. One day, Woronzeff decides that this similarity might come in handy. Since he is very ill and can no longer deal with the intrigues of his relatives, he begs his friend Naydek to play the role of prince for a while. Naydek agrees and everything seems to be going splendidly. Woronzeff’s ex-nag Diane sees through the game, however, but says nothing, since she’s fallen for Naydek. He, in turn, has the hots for Nadja, Woronzeff’s daughter, long thought lost and who has now reappeared. The prince’s relatives fear for their inheritance and so refuse to acknowledge Nadja’s existence. In the interim, Woronzeff dies. Now Naydek is obliged to play the role for a much longer time than he bargained for.
The Burning Secret
One autumn, Edgar, a 12 year old boy, spends a holiday with his mother at a plush hotel in Switzerland. His father, a busy lawyer, remains at the family home in Vienna. When he sees a stylish motorcar pull up at the hotel, Edgar wastes no time befriending its owner, an amiable dandy. The latter pays more attention to the boy’s mother than to the boy himself, and decides to use Edgar to wheedle his way into her affections. When Edgar realises he has been used, he is far from happy...
A Girl You Don't Forget
Sekretär Ewald
A GIRL YOU DON'T FORGET can be thought of as a backstage musical that treats the whole world as backstage. Melodies seem to be buzzing through the air, available to anyone in the right state of mind. Willi Forst always is, and he is also an actor who can transform any space into a stage. Fritz Kortner, one of the defining personalities of the German theatre scene of the 1920s, makes the most of his star’s talent in an intricately constructed romantic comedy that believes in the truth of artifice. Forst plays Paul Hartwig, a wannabe actor who is reduced to selling books in the cold streets of Berlin. While pursuing his big break, he meets Lisa Brandes (Dolly Haas), another victim of the global financial crisis who has just learned a new trick: cheating horny old men out of their money by selling promises she does not intend to keep. Dedicated theatre man Paul decides to win her over by putting on an act, but a misplaced slap leads to unintended consequences. - Lukas Foerster
Marriage with Limited Liability
Though "blessed" with a complex title, which translates as Marriage with Limited Liability, this German comedy was adapted from the more simply titled stage play Causa Kaiser. Composer Georg Kaiser is unable to secure a divorce from his wife, so he "lives in sin" with his singer-sweetheart Causa. The girl's wealthy uncle dies, leaving her millions -- provided she is married to Georg Kaiser. Hoping to take advantage of a legal loophole, Georg seeks out another man named George Kaiser, intending to marry him off to Causa so that she can collect her legacy. Georg Kaiser # 2 is a middle-aged naif who can't understand why his new bride is so cold to him. When he finds out he's been duped by Kaiser #1, Kaiser #2 finds solace in the arms of another woman closer to his own age, which somehow leads to a happy ending for all concerned.