Gregor Rabinovitch

Рождение : , Kiev, Russian Empire


Clouzot : The Early Works
A master of suspense admired even by Hitchcock, Henri-Georges Clouzot is famous for acid-tinged thrillers about cold-blooded murder and ugly politics, whether in a French town or a Latin American oil field. But his early writing career was quite different: he provided the scenarios and dialogue for ten years’ worth of clever farces and affecting melodramas, often with musical numbers. My Cousin from Warsaw, Dragnet Night, The Unknown Singer, I’ll Be Alone After Midnight, The Terror of Batignolles, Tell Me Tonight, Dream Castle
The Divorcée
There's No Tomorrow
Evelyne, a woman of bourgeois origin, now reduced to dancing in a sleazy nightclub, is reunited with her first love, who has become a successful doctor.
Beating Heart
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
I Was an Adventuress
Old friends of Vera Vronsky remind her of her past and try to blackmail her.
Набережная туманов
Солдат колониальных войск Жан приезжает в Гавр, надеясь сесть на корабль и уплыть далеко, далеко — для этого у него есть причины, точно в фильме не указанные. Он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой Нелли и между ними возникает любовь с первого взгляда. Сильный, сдержанный и немногословный Жан может и хулигана проучить, и вести себя с достоинством и гордостью парижанина. Ему везет — он получает в подарок и гражданскую одежду, и паспорт; корабельный врач предлагает ему место в своей каюте, но пощечины, выданные публично местному молодому бандиту, обусловили печальный конец этой романтической истории.
Сети шпионажа
Один за другим взрываются и тонут британские суда. Англичане предполагают, что это диверсия, и что немецкое шпионское гнездо находится на британской военно-морской базе в Гибралтаре. Загадкой для англичан является и то, как врагу удается взрывать тщательно охраняемые суда.
Весенние дни
Они проводят вдвоём всего один вечер, но влюбляются друг в друга на всю оставшуюся жизнь. Влюблённым не суждено быть вместе, судьбой предначертано ей выйти замуж за своего наставника и импресарио Николая Назарова, а ему уехать в дальние края. Проходят семь лет и волей случая они вновь на одной сцене. Их сердца и голоса звучат в унисон, а ревность импресарио-мужа не знает предела.
A woman is put on trial for murdering a musician who ruined her marriage.
Vienna, 1922. Due to a sudden financial tragedy, a young woman begins accepting checks from an older, rich gentleman for companionship in order for her to keep attending college. Their relationship is purely platonic, but eventually she begins a romance with the tutor of the older man's sons who has a completely wrong impression as to the nature of her arrangement with his employer.
Unfinished Symphony
Composer Franz Schubert--broke, struggling and unhappy--gets a break when a wealthy friend wangles him an invitation to a command performance in front of a princess of the royal family. Schubert performs a version of his new work, "Symphony in B Minor", for the princess, but a misunderstanding results in Schubert storming out of the concert in a rage. Complications ensue.
Lover Divine
A section from the life of composer Franz Schubert as a material for a love story. Also known in English as Gently My Songs Entreat. An English version called Unfinished Symphony would follow in 1934.
Tell Me Tonight
Opera singer Enrico Ferraro, tired of his too many engagements, jumps off the train escaping from his manager and changes to another going to the Riviera. He makes a friend and stops at a village, where (it seems) he can at last have some well deserved holidays, with the added interest of meeting a beautiful girl in the surroundings.
Tell Me Tonight
An Italian operatic tenor is dominated by his female business manager.
Под чужим именем
Очень популярный тенор Энрико Ферраро работает под чутким контролем своего импрессарио. Он устал от постоянных гастролей и уезжает в отпуск. Но и на отдыхе певца не оставляют в покое.
In the Employ of the Secret Service
During WWI a German agent receives an order to find out when the Russian army will carry out its expected attack against the German lines.
No More Love
An American millionaire, who had always bad luck with women, bets that he can live without them for five years. But after four and a half years traveling around on his yacht, he rescues a lady from drowning in the English Channel.
Dolly is making a career
Musical vehicle for up and coming Dolly Haas, as a would be actress with a would be composer boyfriend. She sings,at one point, that she has the walk of (Lilian) Harvey, the mouth of Garbo and the legs of Dietrich.
Белый дьявол
Хаджи-Мурат, знаменитый наиб, впадает в немилость к предводителю горцев имаму Шамилю, и, преследуемый им, вынужден перейти на сторону русских. Тем временем, желая заполучить голову строптивца, Шамиль берет в заложники его мать и сына…
Manolescu, the Prince of Adventures
George Manolescu (Ivan Mouskojine) plays a confidence man who works his way from Paris to New York, along the way during a train ride to Monte Carlo he meets the voluptuous as always Cleo (Bigitte Helm) where they have a whirl wind romance which becomes short lived after she flees from him.
Hurrah! I'm Alive!
Pieter Kruis runs a grocer's shop in a small Dutch town, with which he and his wife Johanne can hardly feed themselves. Nonetheless, he is satisfied with his life, although he suspects that he will probably never win the jackpot. Suddenly Pieter receives a telegram from America: his old school friend Joe, who has made a fortune in the “new world”, asks whether Pieter would like to visit him. As “compensation” for expenses incurred, Pieter will also receive $ 50,000! Of course, Pieter doesn't hesitate for long - the suitcase is quickly packed and a ship ticket reserved. But the little “world traveler” has no idea what kind of adventures await him! Fearing that his insidious brother might speculate on his life insurance and stage a small “accident” on board the ship, Pieter disembarked in Rotterdam, where his entire travel budget was by a few crooks. Then he learns that his ship has actually sunk and suspects that his brother is already worried about the sum insured...
Secrets of the Orient
Directed by Alexandre Volkoff
Looping the Loop
Botto the Clown is in love with the much younger Blanche but she is in love with the handsome daredevil acrobate Andre.
Mister Mustard's Millions
When bored American billionaire Charles Vanel is amused by the happiness of poor railroad man Nicolas Koline, he offers him a wager: if Koline and his family can spend 20,000 francs a day (about $11,000 in current American money) for a year, then he'll give him a nice pension. The rest of the movie is about the poor man and his family's efforts to win the bet.
Michel Strogoff
Adapted from Jules Verne's 1876 novel Michael Strogoff, the film tells the tale of a Russian courier named Michael Strogoff who has to dash across Russia with a vital message for the tsar's brother, wrestling with bears and fighting off ferocious Tatar rebels along the way. Captured by the Tatars, he is brought before their leader and blinded with a red hot sword by the executioner.
Le prince charmant
Unkwown to the vast majority, Count Patrice is the crown prince of Simenia. One day he sails for the East on his yacht "Bengal" in the company of Christiane, a beautiful princess, in love with him. Chance has it that Patrice sets Anar, an Oriental beauty, free from the harem where she is held captive. Love is born between the two young people, which infuriates Christiane. Mad with jealousy, the vexed woman sets about preventing Patrice and Anar from marrying... by all means fair or foul!
Heart of an Actress
Desire brings out the worst in an actress' suitors-- One a well-to-do patron of London's theatre set, the other a lovestruck loner on the verge of penning a play dedicated to her.