Andreas Bellis

Рождение : 1939-11-30, Athens, Greece


.com for Murder
Director of Photography
This high-tech, psychological thriller is set in the shadowy world of the Internet. Sondra Brummel is recovering from a skiing accident in her boyfriend's mansion, and accidently contacts a possible killer in an Internet chatroom. She and her friend Misty enter a virtual game that that becomes all too real.
Нанятые для убийства
Director of Photography
Убийце-профессионалу Фрэнку Райену для выполнения чрезвычайно важного и опасного задания необходимо проникнуть в некое государство Сайпра известное в мире своим кровавым тоталитарно-диктаторским режимом и зверствующей контрразведкой. Сочиняется шикарная легенда — и Райен становится молодым талантливым художником-модельером Сесилом Торнтоном который вместе со своей труппой манекенщиц приезжает в Сайпру для демонстрации новой коллекции одежды.
В холоде ночи
Director of Photography
Модного фотографа Скотта Брюина начинают мучить ночные кошмары, в которых он убивает красивую девушку. Вскоре он встречает красотку из своих снов наяву и, влюбившись в неё, начинает бояться, что с ней может произойти что-то непоправимое...
Страстный архангел
Director of Photography
Образ Афродиты, чудом оставшейся в живых после авиакатастрофы, на протяжении двенадцати лет преследует греческого композитора Ариса. Он служит для него и источником вдохновения, и причиной для депрессии...
Σεμνών θεών
Director of Photography
Σεμνών θεών
Director of Photography
Писательница — автор детективных романов — приезжает на уединенный остров в Эгейском море в поисках вдохновения. Как-то утром она обнаруживает, что ее гостеприимный хозяин убит, а все последующие события разворачиваются, как в ее последнем детективе, который она еще не дописала…
Blind Date
Director of Photography
A man goes blind when remembering his lost girlfriend, but the doctors can't find anything wrong with his eyes. They fit him with an experimental device which allows him to see with the aid of a computer interface and brain electrodes. Meanwhile, a taxi driver is taking young women up to their apartments, giving them gas, and performing a little fatal amateur surgery on them. Their paths inevitably converge, and the blind man must try to stop the psychopath.
Director of Photography
During the night of the big earthquake that shook Athens in 1981, Yannis, a 30-year-old cinephile, falls in love with his best friend Yorgos’ girlfriend who allows him to sleep next to her feeling her breast. Yannis and Eva have to overcome Yorgos’ jealousy as well as the ups and downs of their own affair. Since they all seem to be suffering, they form a trio and manage to live together in harmony for some time but then a well-hidden secret from the men’s political activism in the past is about to hit them like a new earthquake.
Director of Photography
Greek drama
Director of Photography
A lawyer, offspring of a bourgeois family of Greek-Egyptians, tries to find the traces of a relative of his. Through a rich tapestry of characters, Christofis creates an ode to the Hellenic Diaspora.
Director of Photography
Taxidi Tou Melitos is about the fear that most elderly people experience: approaching death. Leon (Stavros Xenides) and Zaharoula (Betty Livanou) are heading out for their annual vacation at a summer resort. Instead of their usual carefree anticipation, their mood is subdued because their daughter has just married and is off on her honeymoon. Life is lonely without her and the couple cannot avoid the realization that death is not that far away for them. Once at the resort, Leon tries to overcome this nagging fear by taking a wild plunge in the ocean, naked, as he and Zaharoula are out walking on the beach. Taken up in the spirit of the moment, she joins him among the waves. The results, however, are not what they expected.
The Girl with Golden Hair
Director of Photography
Antonis Katsaris stars as a teacher in the small village of Zante who fights the growing desire of many locals to abandon the village for the big city or other countries. He works hard to organize traditional cultural events, such as outdoor performances of the traditional play I Chrissomalloussa, in order to solidify local values and a sense of identity. The teacher is aided by a young woman, a widow who has just returned from Germany and lives with her father-in-law. Kazan walks away with the film, as his sinister desires for his daughter-in-law are inflamed when he sees that she has fallen in love with the teacher. These developments lead him to whip up protests against the play by conservative locals, claiming that the teacher has changed the traditional story by adding elements of propaganda with the potential of causing peasant uprisings. The result is an unexpectedly violent example of social censorship.
Лентяи плодородной долины
Director of Photography
Отец и три сына переезжают в сельскую местность, когда получают в наследство особняк и деньги, на которые можно спокойно жить, не работая и пользуясь услугами горничной. Постепенно все их время начинает занимать сон, даже прогулки на природе, разговоры и пение за обеденным столом начинают восприниматься как ненужное отклонение от сна.
Breaking Point
Bob Bellings
Bob is an unassuming office worker and train enthusiast who leads a double life as a schizophrenic and misogynist killer. He teeters on the edge of reality. Television news reports encourage him in ways no one realizes.
Honeybaby, Honeybaby
Director of Photography
Liv, a mercenary, is drawn into a mission to rescue a kidnapped politician. He travels to the volatile Mideast and is assisted by Laura, a translator, where their lives are imperiled.
The Second Coming of Eva
Director of Photography
Her teenage hormones raging, Eva is obsessed with sex. Her prudish family sends her to an all-girls' boarding school to receive proper moral guidance and forget her sexual obsessions.
Триллер: Жестокий фильм
Director of Photography
Юная девушка, насильно ставшая проституткой, изощренно мстит людям, растлившим ее душу и надругавшимся над ее телом.
Jag heter Stelios
A drama about Greek immigrants in Stockholm in the 1960s.
Georgia, Georgia
Director of Photography
Georgia, a black American singer, comes to Stockholm for a show. She meets an American deserter and soon they have fallen in love. But Georgia's assistant Alberta tell her to stick to her own kind.
I, a Woman, Part 2
Director of Photography
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
A Question of Rape
Second Assistant Director
A mysterious violent man breaks into a rich couples apartment and holding his wife hostage. The threatening and dangerous situation devolve into an erotic game.
Я любопытна - фильм в желтом
Himself - Assistant Camera
Двадцатидвухлетняя Лена желает узнать все, что можно, о жизни современного общества. Она занимается моральными, социальными, политическими и эротическими исследованиями окружающего мира. Она представляет, как разговаривает с Мартином Лютером Кингом, участвует в демонстрации против войны во Вьетнаме, берет интервью у прохожих на улицах Стокгольма, а сама в это время продолжает крутить роман с женатым мужчиной, Бёрье, продавцом машин.