Marcial Tagle

Marcial Tagle

Рождение : 1973-01-03, Santiago, Chile


Marcial Andrés Tagle Concha (born January 3, 1973), is a Chilean film and television actor. He became well known for the TV show "Casado con hijos" (2006), -an adaptation of the American show "Married with Children"- where he played the character of"Pablo Pinto". The following year, he starred in the telenovela Fortunato, an adaptation of Los Roldán and years later, the TV series "Graduados", adapted from the TV series of the same name.


Marcial Tagle
Marcial Tagle


The Cow Who Sang a Song into the Future
When thousands of fish die in a polluted river in southern Chile, Magdalena, a woman long-deceased, emerges amongst their lifeless bodies. Magdalena encounters her widowed husband, sending him into a state of shock and prompting the return of their daughter, Cecilia. Magdalena’s presence and her effect on the environment stirs curiosity and fear among her family. As the past comes into focus, mother and daughter are met with the opportunity to change the future.
Chile '76
Chile, 1976. Carmen heads off to her beach house to supervise its renovation. Her husband, children and grandchildren come back and forth during the winter vacation. When the family priest asks her to take care of a young man he is sheltering in secret, Carmen steps onto unexplored territories, away from the quiet life she is used to.
Мамочки идут на помощь
Четыре подруги решают помочь Кларите решить свои финансовые проблемы, чтобы её дочь могла продолжить обучение в престижной школе. Чтобы привлечь в ежегодный чемпионат по вышибалам больше участников, школьная администрация объявляет за первое место денежное вознаграждение, и подруги решают воспользоваться возможностью, чтобы выиграть главный приз.
Marcela is a little girl who wakes up in an unknown house, under the care of Angela, who fights for her custody with Matías. The girl will try to find her mother without results, but will discover a stark reality.
Cosas de hombres
Santiago comes out of the closet to his 2 long life friends at the age of 50. The reaction is not very positive from one of them, Raul. Who tries by all means, to convince Santiago that he is only going through a moment of sexual confusion, and there's no way he is gay.
Hecho bolsa
A fifty year old man living an existential crisis, with family, friends and children, tries to escape from debts and stress.
La noche mágica de Gaspar
Gaspar Alegría (voice)
A fireman receives the sad news that he will not be able to spend Christmas at home due to work. But his wife and two children do their best to lift his mood just before holiday season arrives.
El Taller
In the midst of a convulsed country, a group of people attend a poetry workshop that can last only one night,taught by the renowned academic David Sanhueza.
Я не сумасшедшая
Для некоторых женщин судьба не приготовила очевидной биографии. На пороге сорокалетия Каролина понимает, что никогда не испытает радость материнства. Ее избранник уходит к подруге, которая беременна от него. Попытавшись утопить свои неприятности в бутылке спиртного, дама залазит на крышу особняка, после чего подает вниз с высоты. Как навести порядок в собственных проблемах? В чем искать смысл бытия, когда сердце страдает от недостатка мужского внимания? Барышне предстоит подробно разобраться в собственном внутреннем мире, поскольку тупиковая ситуация угрожает ей печальными результатами? Найдется ли новый кавалер? Кому можно будет доверить свои переживания? Сможет ли хрупкая особа оправиться от удара?
Angel of Death
Follows Nano, the auto-proclaimed first maid male in Chile and his arrive into the house of Mario and Federico, two very polite and professional men, soon problems shape into unimaginable proportions.
My Father's Memory
After the death of his mother, a repressed tv writer is forced to take care of his father who is loosing his memory, obsessed with his wife is still alive and lost.
Фантастическая женщина
Orlando's older relative
Когда-то Марину звали Даниэль, и она была мужчиной. Но как бы она ни менялась внешне, внутри она все равно женщина. И через десять дней она отправится со своим возлюбленным, Орландо Онетто, на водопады Игуасу. Жизнь вносит свои коррективы: Орландо просыпается с сильной головной болью, Марина успевает довезти его в больницу, но оказывается поздно. Орландо мертв, а Марину подозревают в его смерти. С этого момента для женщины начинается череда унижений.
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.
Fernando is married to Alma, a very funny woman with bipolar disorder, which kicks him when she learns that he no longer supports her. When Alma meets an Argentine suitor Fernando reacts discovering that still love her. But it's too late.
Karadima Forest
Father Altunaga
Based on true events, involving powerful Catholic priest Fernando Karadima, who committed crimes of child abuse and pedophile between 1980's-2000's. The struggle of his victims, to be able to reveal the truth and look for justice.
В оттенках серого
У Бруно всё было хорошо: работа архитектором в одной из крупных компаний, любящая жена и хорошая семья. Но внезапный порыв заставил главного героя оставить всё это и уехать на другой конец страны чтобы побыть в одиночестве. Там он знакомится с Фером, который работает учителем истории в одной из школ. И хотя у Бруно есть любящая жена, он не может сдержать своё влечение к молодому гомосексуальному парню. Сможет ли роман между мужчинами перерасти во что-то большее?
Los Jetas: La revolución es interior
Tommy and Manu are two thirty-something hustlers who sell audiovisual projects to major brands. They try to make as much money as possible with little work. They're on the road for their latest venture in Northen Chile which may very well be a dead end.
Los Jetas: La revolución es interior
Executive Producer
Tommy and Manu are two thirty-something hustlers who sell audiovisual projects to major brands. They try to make as much money as possible with little work. They're on the road for their latest venture in Northen Chile which may very well be a dead end.
El Derechazo
Andrés Mallamand
When Bruno, a filmmaker overwhelmed by alimony, receives an ultimatum from his editor to find a subject that help them with ratings, a political candidate appears.
Barrio Universitario
Juan Ignacio
In the midst of the battle between a humble technical center and a powerful university for the award to build a robot to Chile, love arises.
Глория — 58-летняя разведенная женщина. Ее дети уже давно покинули дом, но у нее нет никакого желания проводить дни и ночи в одиночестве. Она преисполнена решимости бросить вызов старости. В итоге Глория начинает отрываться на мальчишниках, с головой окунаясь в водоворот вечеринок, в поисках сиюминутного удовольствия, что приводит ее лишь к разочарованию и ощущению пустоты. Но вскоре она встречает Родольфо…
Bahía azul
A teenager visits his mother in search of affection. She lives semi isolated from the world, on a house facing the sea and in the company of a woman. The meeting of both characters will be rather a disagreement that will throw the young man towards other characters that will be moving further away from his mother until he disappears. Only at that moment will she feel the weight of his absence.
Находясь в Чили, группа путешественников посещает подземный ночной клуб в тот самый момент, когда начинается мощное землетрясение. Выбравшись на поверхность, они тут же понимают, что кошмар для них только начался.
Alberto Arancibia
«Нет» — это один из двух вариантов ответа на вопрос «Должен ли Аугусто Пиночет остаться у власти?». Уверенный в поддержке большинства населения, диктатор назначает дату референдума на 5 октября 1988 года. Но международное давление вынуждает отдать хотя бы какое-то эфирное время оппозиции. 15 минут ночного эфира — за это время сразу нескольким политическим партиям нужно консолидированно объяснить населению, почему нужно проголосовать против. Для этого они приглашают Рене Савейду — успешного рекламщика, много времени прожившего за границей и понимающего современные рекламные технологии.
Quiero entrar
A man wants to become a TV-star and he will try anything despite his advanced age and what everyone says about him and his lack of talent and charisma for the job. But while he starts getting closer to his goal, his house starts crowding with unwanted guests.
Violeta Went to Heaven
A portrait of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra filled with her musical work, her memories, her loves and her hopes.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Javier must reintegrate into society after spending 14 years in prison. His family and friends reject him, so he takes refuge in a house where he rents a room. There he meets Amanda, who helps him find a way to reunite with his teenage daughter that he barely knows.
Fuck My Life
Mario Alcázar
Javier wants to forget his ex. But it's impossible when she's always on line. Getting drunk and partying it's the only solution. Or not.
Sobre la mesa
In the middle of a blackout, the night before his father's funeral, Felipe arrives at his mother's house after a nine-year absence. There he waits with his sister, his aunt and the maid, with a dinner made especially for him. Although Felipe only is coming for a short time, his mother and sister will draw him back to the house he once left.
Post Mortem
Captain Montes
In Chile, 1973, during the last days of Salvador Allende's presidency, an employee at a Morgue's recording office falls for a burlesque dancer who mysteriously disappears.
Displays the experiences of diverse groups of people inside a supermarket.
Manuel and Pedro are extremely close friends. The first one is a women addicted while the other one is a solitary gay. Pedro can't find his way in life, Manuel sets up him in a blind date with some 40's woman named Gabriela, who is also in a hurry looking for a man in order to get pregnant. New changes in Chile inspire Pedro to do something never imagined for gay people: Being father.
Tony Manero
52-хлетний Рауль Перальта, проживающий в нищих кварталах Сантьяго, приходит записываться на телевизионный конкурс двойников, очередной выпуск которого посвящен имперсонаторам Тони Манеро.
Жизнь убивает меня
Gaspar is a young, lonely cinematographer. Unable to deal with his sister and sick grandfather he spends his time with Susana, an actress working on a opera. When he meets Alvaro, an idealistic traveler, Gaspar's life changes. They embark on a adventure that help them unearth the fragility and value of human existence
Súper niño bully
Diego's Father
A short film segmented in three parts commsioned by UNICEF and MTV about a teenager with an abusive father who laughs at him, a mother who drinks to evade depression, the three bullies who torment him daily and a world that doesn't seem to care.
Our Father
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
Miguel Recabarren
Could a brilliant composer's music actually be killing his loved ones? Eliseo can't help but believe it when his younger sister dies tragically and then his pianist Georgina suddenly dies on the piano. Completely traumatized, Eliseo is taken to a mental hospital where he can find escape only through music.
A couple search for love but never quite seem to meet.
Perra Vida
Revolves around the life of 4 dog owners with different social problems.