Witold Adamek
Рождение : 1945-11-07, Łódź, Polska
Смерть : 2017-02-18
Director of Photography
Канун 2000 года. Зося Альбрехт-Радецка — счастливая жена и мать, ее второй брак очень удачен, а дочка Зоси, 12-летняя Флорентина, обожает своего отчима. Казалось бы, лучше и быть не может. И все-таки Зося упрекает судьбу за то, что она не подарила ей встречу с Якубом на 13 лет раньше. Когда она просыпается, оказывается, что ее мечта каким-то чудом исполнилась, и ей теперь на 13 лет меньше. На календаре май 1987 года, рядом с ней — ее первый муж Дарек, Флорки еще нет на свете, а за окном — закат ПНР. Когда Зося понимает, что все это — не кошмарный сон, она начинает действовать. Во-первых, нужно поскорее освободиться от мужа-тирана, во-вторых, как можно быстрее встретить Кубу…
Director of Photography
Another film from the TV series "Polish Holidays", this time illustrating a holiday not entirely Polish, but already firmly rooted in the native reality - Valentine's Day. The script for it was written by Jerzy Pilch. For the famous writer, winner of the Nike Award, this is the second encounter with this cycle: earlier he wrote the script for the excellent "Yellow Scarf". His collaboration with director Janusz Majewski resulted in a story full of humor and charm, treating love with a slight wink of the eye and a touch of nostalgia. Wojciech Malajkat, who also played the main role, is a great merit.
Эва живет в Польше, а Якуб — в Германии. Как это часто случается в современной жизни, они случайно знакомятся в глобальной сети. Они начинают общаться через Интернет, и чем больше они разговаривают, тем больше они сближаются и тем больше нравятся друг другу. В конце концов, они решают встретиться в реальной жизни. Но все идет совсем не так, как должно было бы…
Director of Photography
"Miss Wet T-Shirt" is a humorous and thought-provoking story of a widowed man in his fifties who rebels against the degradation of the world around him, full of corruption and moral ambiguity. Władysław did not always act honestly in life, so his wife left him. Soon she was gone forever and only after her death did he understand his mistake. He tries to redeem guilt, adhering to the principle that no one can escape from responsibility for committed sins, for existence in the world of evil. The hero heads a group of so-called defenders of morals, actively participates in combating the progressive demoralization of society.
"Miss Wet T-Shirt" is a humorous and thought-provoking story of a widowed man in his fifties who rebels against the degradation of the world around him, full of corruption and moral ambiguity. Władysław did not always act honestly in life, so his wife left him. Soon she was gone forever and only after her death did he understand his mistake. He tries to redeem guilt, adhering to the principle that no one can escape from responsibility for committed sins, for existence in the world of evil. The hero heads a group of so-called defenders of morals, actively participates in combating the progressive demoralization of society.
In "Monday" Maniek and Dawid got hold of some dirty money. In "Tuesday" they invest them in a strip club.
Director of Photography
The main character - a man who suffers from alcoholism - wants to change his tumultuous life. The day before Christmas Eve he receives a gift from his son - a yellow scarf. A gift is a kind of talisman he receives from loved ones, and every time he loses it. When after another banquet he falls into delirium, his ex-wife and secretary bring him to his mother. She helps him to sober up and arranges holiday celebration for two of them. She gives her son another yellow scarf, in belief that it will help him break the pernicious habit.
Director of Photography
Jajo to zaniedbany chłopak z rozbitej rodziny. Wzorem życiowego sukcesu jest dla niego "profesja" złodzieja samochodów w elitarnym gangu Maksa. Przed złodziejską karierą przestrzega bohatera właściciel warsztatu samochodowego, w którym on pracuje. Jajo, chcąc zdobyć respekt Maksa, kradnie wspaniałego jaguara, czym jednak niechcący naraża się gangsterowi.
The film is set in one day (the title Monday) in the small Silesian town (Świdnica). Manny (pin) drives a delivery van in the warehouse. His boss (Tomasz Stanko) did not pay him the money, because the liquidity due to lending to people who can not repay their debts to him. Manny calls for overdue payments from the employer, but instead of cash gives him a notebook with the names of their debtors. Desperate Manny, seeing no other way to recover the money, he decides to forcibly pull money from debtors. To help recruit David (Paul Kukiz) - his trusted friend from the army. After a short deliberation begins debt collection to your account.
Director of Photography
К безработному преподавателю английского языка Юзеку Галице обращается Кинга, красивая девушка, невеста американца Гарри, с просьбой заняться с ней репетиторством. Вскоре она должна вместе с Гарри выехать в США. Но перед самым отъездом американец исчезает, оставив после себя загадочный чемодан. Юзек пробует помочь девушке в поисках пропавшего и оказывается втянутым в шпионскую авантюру международного масштаба.
Director of Photography
Jerzy Stuhr Poland s most beloved actor wrote and directed this charming comedy that caters to his image as an innocent caught in a cynical world.
Stuhr stars as Gustav, a Krakow professor who is roped into showing a visiting Swedish professor around town. The randy Swede soon tires of Gustav s dull dissertations on Polish heroes and suggests looking for female companionship, but the task proves beyond the skills of the shy academic. Eventually, Gustav calls Isa, an old girlfriend from his distant past who was writing a dissertation on the mating habits of geese the last time they spoke. While Isa is not what the Swede had in mind, Gustav sees his old flame through the rose-colored glasses of time.
Camera Operator
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A young writer in 1939 Warsaw faces the conflict of acting his age or relapsing into childhood during the brink of World War II. Based on the famous novel Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz.
Director of Photography
A high-ranking Polish politburo member is banished from the party, and must find out why. Set in 1979 Poland before the Solidarity events.
Director of Photography
Двадцатилетний Томек переезжает к матери своего друга и занимает его маленькую комнатку в многоэтажном доме. Помимо комнаты ему в наследство достаётся карточка с чрезвычайно лаконичной надписью КПЧД, которая означает: «Классная Попка, Часто Даёт» и относится к женщине, живущей в доме напротив. Томек, воспитанник детского дома, постепенно очаровывается красивой незнакомкой. Он начинает подглядывать за Магдой сначала в театральный бинокль, а затем в украденную им подзорную трубу. В юноше, жаждущем любви, восхищение незаметно перерождается в более глубокое чувство. Наконец, он решается признаться Магде в своих чувствах.
Director of Photography
A comical behind the scenes look at the Polish Football League where everybody involved including the clubs’ management, players, and referees are trying to get some.
This film is a sequel to Munk's Zezowate Szczescie and it's much the same, only more so. The film begins in a cinema, where the last scenes of Zezowate Szczescie are being shown. Born unlucky, a victim of the errors and distortions of Stalinism, he is released in 1956. He meets a politically feverish woman, her influential parents, and finally becomes the father of her child. But bad luck, or perhaps an unlucky era, will not let him forget.
Director of Photography
19-летний Томек — вуайерист. В свободное от работы на почте время он подглядывает за красоткой напротив Магдой — сперва через бинокль, который завещал ему уехавший друг (тоже вуайерист), а теперь более основательно — через подзорную трубу. Поставленный еще приятелем диагноз: «КПЧД» (красивая попа, часто дает) — в результате наблюдений остается без изменений.
Однако чувства Томека к Магде носят хотя и патологически влюбленный, но при этом платонический характер. Узнав о том, что она находится под наблюдением юноши, Магда сама начинает испытывать к Томеку чувственный интерес, что неожиданно для всех приводит к драматическим последствиям…
Director of Photography
По мотивам всемирно известного романа Ф. М. Достоевского, в основе которого подлинный исторический факт: убийство в Москве в 1870 году лидером «Народной расправы» студента, отошедшего от революционной деятельности. В центре сюжета — блестящий дворянин, любимец женщин Николай Ставрогин, вовлеченный в тайное общество…
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Made in 1982, shelved for five years. Story opens with Lucja Krol's husband under the tram. She gives birth to her fourth son on the floor of their new apartment. Neighbor Wiktor, a communist intellectual, befriends the poverty-stricken family but is soon arrested and sent to jail. During the war Lucja narrowly escapes a Nazi roundup at the black market. Her sons hold ardent Communist meetings in their apartment, with her blessing. Lucja works hard, but without complaint. After the war, Klemens is inexplicably arrested, accused by the new regime of being a collaborator. Wiktor, now a high-ranking party member, trying to defend him, himself falls into disgrace. Klemens is tortured to "confess" and dies in jail, a Communist to the end. Lucja is never told about his fate.
Director of Photography
Первая мировая война, 1918 год. В маленький гарнизон, расположенный в венгерской провинции, прибывает новый офицер-австриец – обер-лейтенант фон Ногай, служака, фанатик и садист, люто ненавидящий солдат, особенно если они по национальности – «всякого рода славянское быдло». Фон Ногай устраивает своим «политически неблагонадежным» подчиненным тяжелые «ночные учения», заставляет часами репетировать гимн империи, избивает своего ординарца. В конце концов обер-лейтенант получает решительный отпор от солдат роты, которые ставят своего командира в неудобное, комичное положение. А потом несколько отчаянных друзей – поляк Каня, итальянец Бальдини, еврей Хабер, чех Худэй и венгр Бенедек – решаются на побег из роты и погружаются в буйный угар алкогольно-сексуальных приключений, путешествуя по городам и странам Центральной Европы.
Director of Photography
Set in the 60's in a provincial town: four high school teenagers approach graduation, but all they think about are The Beatles.
Director of Photography
In a country house at the turn of a century live a family of eccentrics. Anastasia, the beautiful mistress of the manor, enjoys the amorous attentions of her stepson Blarney so openly that her husband Diapanasius takes out his shotgun and shoots her. The rest of the family accepts her end as a matter-of-fact, and soon - her return as a voyeuristic ghost who interferes with their love lifes. Anastasia has a posthumous son Tadeusz, "born" by clambering out of the tree trunk. Anastasia seduces him too, and drives another men so crazy that they kill her another couple of times. Finally, Tadeusz, the arch-rebel, leads a mob on a raid of the old manor.
Director of Photography
В центре сюжета ряд встреч поляков, которые когда-то были заключенными в концлагере на берегу озера недалеко от немецко-швейцарской границы. Один из выживших в концлагере возвращается на это место и вспоминает свое прошлое и это время в истории.
Director of Photography
Polish musical film with leading Polish rock bands from the '80
Director of Photography
The film deals with the a clandestine Olympiade held in a German POW camp during WW II, housing many Poles, but also French and Brits. A spit and a Polish German lieutenant is added to the staff of a prison camp. He sees a Pole, the acknowledged leader of the Polish prisoners, against whom he had competed during the Berlin Olympics in 1936. He asks the Pole to train with him but is refused; the Pole points out out that he is a prisoner and nothing more. But that plants the seed and the Pole proposes and Olympics 40 to be held among the prisoners. They ingeniously make a flag and medals, set up a number of races; a croaching hop race is unwittingly organized by a German prison guard who uses it as a torture. The German lieutenant knows that something is going on but cannot find out. Finally the Germans realize the idea and the Polish chief is sent to concentration camp but the others disobey the orders.
Director of Photography
Post-war movie