Janusz Majewski

Janusz Majewski

Рождение : 1931-08-05, Lwów, Polska (obecnie Ukraina)


Janusz Majewski


Jazz Outsider
Чёрный Мерседес
В оккупированной нацистами Варшаве находят убитой в своей же квартире красавицу жену адвоката Кароля Хольцера Кристину. Дело поручено инспектору Рафалу Крулю — офицеру так называемой «Синей полиции», контролируемую немцами, который также является членом польского подпольного движения. Кто и зачем убил Кристину во времена, когда каждый день гибнут тысячи невинных людей?
Чёрный Мерседес
В оккупированной нацистами Варшаве находят убитой в своей же квартире красавицу жену адвоката Кароля Хольцера Кристину. Дело поручено инспектору Рафалу Крулю — офицеру так называемой «Синей полиции», контролируемую немцами, который также является членом польского подпольного движения. Кто и зачем убил Кристину во времена, когда каждый день гибнут тысячи невинных людей?
Чёрный Мерседес
В оккупированной нацистами Варшаве находят убитой в своей же квартире красавицу жену адвоката Кароля Хольцера Кристину. Дело поручено инспектору Рафалу Крулю — офицеру так называемой «Синей полиции», контролируемую немцами, который также является членом польского подпольного движения. Кто и зачем убил Кристину во времена, когда каждый день гибнут тысячи невинных людей?
Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street
Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street
The Rite of Passage
A couple with two small children (Ludwik is fourteen and Hania is nine) travel from Lwow to a newly liberated Krakow. Ludwik attends a good school and quickly establish friendships. Before the 1946 June "3XTAK” referendum Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, leader of the PSL party, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, came to Krakow. During his visit Ludwig was involved in a street brawl and consequently, was arrested. In turbulent times in which Ludwik matures, things trivial and silly still verge on the serious and the tragic...
The Rite of Passage
A couple with two small children (Ludwik is fourteen and Hania is nine) travel from Lwow to a newly liberated Krakow. Ludwik attends a good school and quickly establish friendships. Before the 1946 June "3XTAK” referendum Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, leader of the PSL party, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture, came to Krakow. During his visit Ludwig was involved in a street brawl and consequently, was arrested. In turbulent times in which Ludwik matures, things trivial and silly still verge on the serious and the tragic...
Love in an Underground Passage
Another film from the TV series "Polish Holidays", this time illustrating a holiday not entirely Polish, but already firmly rooted in the native reality - Valentine's Day. The script for it was written by Jerzy Pilch. For the famous writer, winner of the Nike Award, this is the second encounter with this cycle: earlier he wrote the script for the excellent "Yellow Scarf". His collaboration with director Janusz Majewski resulted in a story full of humor and charm, treating love with a slight wink of the eye and a touch of nostalgia. Wojciech Malajkat, who also played the main role, is a great merit.
Po sezonie
Po sezonie
Золото дезертиров
Scenario Writer
Осень 1942 года. На вилле в варшавском Жолибоже на конспиративную встречу собрались бойцы подпольной армии - майор Джереми, ротмистр Лелива, поручик Лётка и, самый молодой из них, подпоручик Пет. Ротмистр информирует собравшихся, что командование сформировало подразделение для спецзаданий под кодовым названием «Лицманштадт». Командиром группы назначен майор Джереми, так что все остальные с этой минуты находятся у него в подчинении. От майора они узнают о планируемой закупке большого количества оружия и амуниции. Товар этот предлагает офицер штаба итальянской дивизии, которая на пути с восточного фронта будет временно расквартирована в Польше.
Золото дезертиров
Осень 1942 года. На вилле в варшавском Жолибоже на конспиративную встречу собрались бойцы подпольной армии - майор Джереми, ротмистр Лелива, поручик Лётка и, самый молодой из них, подпоручик Пет. Ротмистр информирует собравшихся, что командование сформировало подразделение для спецзаданий под кодовым названием «Лицманштадт». Командиром группы назначен майор Джереми, так что все остальные с этой минуты находятся у него в подчинении. От майора они узнают о планируемой закупке большого количества оружия и амуниции. Товар этот предлагает офицер штаба итальянской дивизии, которая на пути с восточного фронта будет временно расквартирована в Польше.
Devilish Education
Gosia is a beautiful and innocent young maid on the catholic countryside tending the cattle. One summer day she is having a bath in the river naked as god created her. On the next day a stranger appears painting and painting all day long. As they talk the black dressed suddenly shows her a picture showing her naked in the river. At first she is very ashamed, but then she begins to forget her shyness.
Devilish Education
Gosia is a beautiful and innocent young maid on the catholic countryside tending the cattle. One summer day she is having a bath in the river naked as god created her. On the next day a stranger appears painting and painting all day long. As they talk the black dressed suddenly shows her a picture showing her naked in the river. At first she is very ashamed, but then she begins to forget her shyness.
Do widzenia wczoraj. Dwie krótkie komedie o zmianie systemu
Capital, or How to Make Money in Poland
Kainovo znamení
Powrót po śmierć
The 1930s. An investigetion after founding a dead body on the street of Cracow.
Дезертиры императорской армии
Первая мировая война, 1918 год. В маленький гарнизон, расположенный в венгерской провинции, прибывает новый офицер-австриец – обер-лейтенант фон Ногай, служака, фанатик и садист, люто ненавидящий солдат, особенно если они по национальности – «всякого рода славянское быдло». Фон Ногай устраивает своим «политически неблагонадежным» подчиненным тяжелые «ночные учения», заставляет часами репетировать гимн империи, избивает своего ординарца. В конце концов обер-лейтенант получает решительный отпор от солдат роты, которые ставят своего командира в неудобное, комичное положение. А потом несколько отчаянных друзей – поляк Каня, итальянец Бальдини, еврей Хабер, чех Худэй и венгр Бенедек – решаются на побег из роты и погружаются в буйный угар алкогольно-сексуальных приключений, путешествуя по городам и странам Центральной Европы.
Дезертиры императорской армии
Первая мировая война, 1918 год. В маленький гарнизон, расположенный в венгерской провинции, прибывает новый офицер-австриец – обер-лейтенант фон Ногай, служака, фанатик и садист, люто ненавидящий солдат, особенно если они по национальности – «всякого рода славянское быдло». Фон Ногай устраивает своим «политически неблагонадежным» подчиненным тяжелые «ночные учения», заставляет часами репетировать гимн империи, избивает своего ординарца. В конце концов обер-лейтенант получает решительный отпор от солдат роты, которые ставят своего командира в неудобное, комичное положение. А потом несколько отчаянных друзей – поляк Каня, итальянец Бальдини, еврей Хабер, чех Худэй и венгр Бенедек – решаются на побег из роты и погружаются в буйный угар алкогольно-сексуальных приключений, путешествуя по городам и странам Центральной Европы.
Słona róża
An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill
Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.
An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill
Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.
Lesson of a Dead Language
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and hallucinations, he begins to collect religious art and attends seances.
Lesson of a Dead Language
An officer stationed in a remote Ukranian outpost at the end of the First World War is dying of consumption. Suffering from feverish dreams and hallucinations, he begins to collect religious art and attends seances.
The Gorgon Case
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
The Gorgon Case
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
Hotel Pacific
Set in the early 1930s, a young man finds a job as a dishwasher in a hotel and quickly works his way up the ladder. Loosely based on the novel by Henryk Worcell.
The Lost Night
The Lost Night
Jealousy and Medicine
In 1930s, a doctor has an affair with the wife of a wealthy industrialist in Poland.
Jealousy and Medicine
In 1930s, a doctor has an affair with the wife of a wealthy industrialist in Poland.
Based on an 1884 story by Robert Louis Stevenson, it pivots on a strong performance by Jerzy Kamas, playing a heel named Markheim who impulsively kills an elderly antique dealer during an attempted robbery. From there Markheim’s sense of reality steadily dissolves in a morass of guilt and shame, until a spectral dog leads him to a shadowy figure who seems to know an awful lot about Markheim and his problems--a fact that, once the figure’s identity is finally revealed, makes a lot of sense.
The Boarded Window
An anxiety-riddled woman and her husband reside in a small, secluded house in the forest. They live a relatively peaceful life until one night when the woman appears to fall sick and die.
The Boarded Window
An anxiety-riddled woman and her husband reside in a small, secluded house in the forest. They live a relatively peaceful life until one night when the woman appears to fall sick and die.
An alternately restrained and outrageous adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether” that like OKNO ZABITE DESKAMI before it was updated to the modern world. It features a young man and a lady friend driving to an insane asylum whose overseers the woman knows. Weirdness is evident before they even reach the place, in the form of a ranting maniac in a tree. More crazies are found freely wandering the grounds of the asylum, they being participants in an apparently revolutionary new system instituted by the asylum’s director. But the director seems just as nutty in his own way as the patients...
An alternately restrained and outrageous adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether” that like OKNO ZABITE DESKAMI before it was updated to the modern world. It features a young man and a lady friend driving to an insane asylum whose overseers the woman knows. Weirdness is evident before they even reach the place, in the form of a ranting maniac in a tree. More crazies are found freely wandering the grounds of the asylum, they being participants in an apparently revolutionary new system instituted by the asylum’s director. But the director seems just as nutty in his own way as the patients...
Lokis, a Manuscript of Professor Wittembach
A pastor studying folklore in remote parts of 19th century Lithuania is invited to stay with a young nobleman. His mother is sequestered and mad. It seems she has been attacked by a bear as a young wife and local peasants whisper the young man may be the son of a bear. A doctor, who treats the mother with old-fashioned remedies, reveals this to the pastor. Young nobleman's wife is found with a bite and the man has disappeared into the woods.
Lokis, a Manuscript of Professor Wittembach
A pastor studying folklore in remote parts of 19th century Lithuania is invited to stay with a young nobleman. His mother is sequestered and mad. It seems she has been attacked by a bear as a young wife and local peasants whisper the young man may be the son of a bear. A doctor, who treats the mother with old-fashioned remedies, reveals this to the pastor. Young nobleman's wife is found with a bite and the man has disappeared into the woods.
The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
A retired police captain, Siwy, tells a reporter about his latest action, carrying on his own investigation into the mysterious death of a Eve Salm, a.k.a. Princess. She was a witness in a case where the defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Siwy doubts the defendant's guilt and risks his life to apprehend the real killer.
The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
A retired police captain, Siwy, tells a reporter about his latest action, carrying on his own investigation into the mysterious death of a Eve Salm, a.k.a. Princess. She was a witness in a case where the defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Siwy doubts the defendant's guilt and risks his life to apprehend the real killer.
Venus of Ille
In 1969’s WENUS Z ILLE (VENUS D’ILLE) Majewski returned to the work of Prosper Merimee, specifically his 1835 story “Venus d’Ille,” about an accursed statue (a story that was subsequently filmed by Mario and Lamberto Bava in 1979). Said statue, fashioned in the guise of an anguished woman, is seen in a remote inn, having been recently interred from the ground. The occasion is a wedding attended by the protagonist, an unassuming man who becomes caught up in a bizarre nightmare when the groom unthinkingly sticks his wedding ring on a finger of the statue--and can’t get it off!
Venus of Ille
In 1969’s WENUS Z ILLE (VENUS D’ILLE) Majewski returned to the work of Prosper Merimee, specifically his 1835 story “Venus d’Ille,” about an accursed statue (a story that was subsequently filmed by Mario and Lamberto Bava in 1979). Said statue, fashioned in the guise of an anguished woman, is seen in a remote inn, having been recently interred from the ground. The occasion is a wedding attended by the protagonist, an unassuming man who becomes caught up in a bizarre nightmare when the groom unthinkingly sticks his wedding ring on a finger of the statue--and can’t get it off!
Mistrz tańca
Polish short horror film made in 1968 by Jerzy Gruza upon the story of Jozef Korzeniowski as a part of the TV anthology "Opowiesci Niezwykle" (Incredible Stories). We have 20th century. Mysterious person - Jozef - comes to the apartment of a writer. The mysterious person takes the writer back in the 19th century, where they meet The Death.
First Pavilion
A young scientist is kidnapped and taken to a mysterious house in which his former professor is conducting experiments to shrink people.
Associate Professor H.
The title character is a professor looking to replace humans with cyborgs. His supremely creepy assistant Traumer, strikingly played by Majewski regular Andrzej Rausz, is one such creation. Professor H. intends to transpose Traumer’s brain with that of a renowned scientist, but is in for a surprise. A dark film in every sense, DOCENT H. is particularly noteworthy for its soundtrack, consisting of eerie whirs and beeps interspaced with snatches of Bach’s immortal “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.” (from: http://www.fright.com/edge/JanuszMajewski.htm)
Associate Professor H.
The title character is a professor looking to replace humans with cyborgs. His supremely creepy assistant Traumer, strikingly played by Majewski regular Andrzej Rausz, is one such creation. Professor H. intends to transpose Traumer’s brain with that of a renowned scientist, but is in for a surprise. A dark film in every sense, DOCENT H. is particularly noteworthy for its soundtrack, consisting of eerie whirs and beeps interspaced with snatches of Bach’s immortal “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.” (from: http://www.fright.com/edge/JanuszMajewski.htm)
I Am Burning!
The story of a Pogorzelski nobleman who settled in the castle in Samsonów to renovate a damaged building. However, he is disturbed by the ghost of the former owner.
I Am Burning!
The story of a Pogorzelski nobleman who settled in the castle in Samsonów to renovate a damaged building. However, he is disturbed by the ghost of the former owner.
The Black Dress
Two handed chamber piece about a middle aged woman who returns from the camps after WWII and meets the mother of her deceased husband. Unable to explain the truth about her husband’s death, Joanna weaves a web of lies to comfort the old woman. In time she is forced to involve more and more people who know of his fate.
The Black Dress
Two handed chamber piece about a middle aged woman who returns from the camps after WWII and meets the mother of her deceased husband. Unable to explain the truth about her husband’s death, Joanna weaves a web of lies to comfort the old woman. In time she is forced to involve more and more people who know of his fate.
The Lodger
A pleasant, open-faced young man (Jan Machulski) comes to live in a boarding house with three peculiar women.
The Lodger
A pleasant, open-faced young man (Jan Machulski) comes to live in a boarding house with three peculiar women.
Blue Room
In the nineteenth century, a young couple head to the countryside to spend the weekend together. On the train they encounter a mysterious Englishman heading for the same destination. Suspicious of this individual, they take the room next to his - the titular Blue Room - and a mystery ensues...
Blue Room
In the nineteenth century, a young couple head to the countryside to spend the weekend together. On the train they encounter a mysterious Englishman heading for the same destination. Suspicious of this individual, they take the room next to his - the titular Blue Room - and a mystery ensues...
Zbigniew Namyslowski's Quartet
A documentary record of the stage performance of the piece titled "Piętawka" played by the Zbigniew Namysłowski quartet: the leader (alto saxophone), Włodzimierz Gulgowski (grand piano), Tadeusz Wójcik (double bass), Czesław Bartkowski (drums). The modern composition corresponds to the geometric, rhythmic stage design in the background. The film is part of a bigger project - a music documentary titled "Jazz in Poland" directed by Janusz Majewski. The production features performances of the most important Polish music bands, they are called "All Stars Session". What is more, the viewers can enjoy short interviews with the artists. Zbigniew Namysłowski (1939-2022) was one of the pillars of Polish jazz as a composer, arranger, performer, lecturer, quartet and quintet leader.
Avatar: The Exchange of Souls
Count Olgierd Łabiński lives with his beloved wife in Paris in a beautiful palace. The Countess recalls her stay in Florence and her insistent admirer Octavius ​​de Saville. Soon, Octavius, arrives in Paris and calls for the famous Dr. Cherbonneau, suspected of being a charlatan. Citing the teachings of the East, Cherbonneau offers the patient an "avatar", a reincarnation of the soul, which takes a different body...
Avatar: The Exchange of Souls
Count Olgierd Łabiński lives with his beloved wife in Paris in a beautiful palace. The Countess recalls her stay in Florence and her insistent admirer Octavius ​​de Saville. Soon, Octavius, arrives in Paris and calls for the famous Dr. Cherbonneau, suspected of being a charlatan. Citing the teachings of the East, Cherbonneau offers the patient an "avatar", a reincarnation of the soul, which takes a different body...
Opus Jazz
Documentary of the Kurylewicz Quintet rehearsing a jazz piece in a recording studio. After a few fits and starts the band finally hits its stride.
Opus Jazz
Documentary of the Kurylewicz Quintet rehearsing a jazz piece in a recording studio. After a few fits and starts the band finally hits its stride.
Fleischer's Album
Documentary short subject based on the photo souvenirs of a German officer who traveled to different fronts during World War II.
1962’s SZPITAL (HOSPITAL) is set entirely in a claustrophobic hospital room where a male patient is confined. Throughout the film the room is invaded by a variety of strange people
1962’s SZPITAL (HOSPITAL) is set entirely in a claustrophobic hospital room where a male patient is confined. Throughout the film the room is invaded by a variety of strange people
Production Design
The 1937 trial of communist journalists, working for the same student magazine in Vilnius, is shown through the tragic life of the paper's young collaborator Julek Szulc.
A boy plays alone in a well of a big city yard. His mother, being in their tenement flat, passes him an empty bottle using a string. The boy has to go to a shop. His alcohol fun begins – at an off-licence shop, at a purchasing centre, at a gate.
A boy plays alone in a well of a big city yard. His mother, being in their tenement flat, passes him an empty bottle using a string. The boy has to go to a shop. His alcohol fun begins – at an off-licence shop, at a purchasing centre, at a gate.
Bridge (An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge)
An adaptation of the “An Incident at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce.
Bridge (An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge)
An adaptation of the “An Incident at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce.
Загадочный пассажир
Janusz, chłopak dziewczyny z tranzystorem (brak w czołówce)
Странные слухи расползаются по поезду, идущему вдоль побережья Балтийского моря. Все они касаются загадочного пассажира явно прячущегося от кого то, в компании не менее загадочной блондинки, переживающей из-за преследования. Подозревают что в поезде едет убийца. Конкретных улик нет. И только зрителю предстоит разгадать эту загадку.
Kalosze szczęścia
A man enters a restaurant and, after trying and failing to attract the attentions of the waiter, an absurd battle of wills commences.
Nadziei za dwadzieścia złotych
Uśmiech bez sensu
I Have Lived Seventeen Times
The main character of "Żyłem siedemnaście razy" reflects on his childhood in Gwoździec and tells a story about the beginning of his career as a filmmaker.