In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collision course with his new superior, Father Nostler. When Mohr organizes a church choir that includes outcasts from the local tavern and performs in German instead of Latin, Nostler threatens him with disciplinary action. Their relationship further deteriorates when Maria a regular tavern patron, surprisingly joins the performance of the all-male church choir. As Mohr's initial successes start to crumble and his efforts backfire on him, he loses all hope and faces a trial of faith. The night before Christmas, Mohr has to decide if he will accept defeat and leave Oberndorf or embrace the true significance of the Holy Night.
A man waking up in barren hills, surrounded by corpses, has forgotten who he is. A crippled woman seeks justice for the assassination of her husband. Two different posses hunt a man named McCanahaugh. A female bounty-hunter wants to reclaim her toddler from his foster-parents, the male of which molests his grown daughter. The Amnesiac takes her with him, but she knocks him down. Then the bounty hunter finds him and all the lines rope together.
В январе 1944 Роммель был назначен командующим группой армий «В» в Северной Франции. Он попытался сделать «Атлантический вал» серьёзным препятствием для противника. Однако из-за стратегических разногласий с командующим всей войсковой группировкой во Франции — фельдмаршалом Рундштедтом, единый план обороны западной границы рейха не был выработан, что и привело к неоперативности и несогласованности действий немецких войск во время высадки союзников в Нормандии 6 июня 1944 года.
An archaeologist discovers an ancient artifact and scroll which starts a series of events that kills her several times over in various time periods, past lives and locations. It seems that the artifact and scroll are linked to a gateway to hell. Various hellish creatures pour in throughout history, it looks like the gateway has been opened. The archaeologist teams up with warriors and guides from the past to try and close the gate.
Professor Stock
They don't come in peace.
Grzegorz Stajner
Deep in My Mind plays out as a psychological offering, heavy on visual stimulation and bizarre characters.
Ghost leader
Чтобы немного расслабиться и преодолеть эмоциональный шок от неприятных новостей навалившихся на неё в одночасье, Дженнифер решает принять ванну, и тут же засыпает в ней. Когда она просыпается, то с ужасом видит, что находится на полу в своей квартире, вся в крови и в окружении расчленённых человеческих тел…
The Forester
The Searcher, a guy who left his old life in search of the Sweet Fruits, sets out to travel into the world. In the very beginning he meets the forester, who seems to have the answer to all his questions. Unfortunately the Searcher doesn't understand anything the forester says, so he has to consult with the wise men of this world in the hope that they can give him the answers he is looking for. His Odyssey leads him on dangerous adventures around the globe until he can finally meet his destiny and uncover the secret of the Sweet Fruits.