Wojciech Wysocki

Wojciech Wysocki

Рождение : 1953-01-16, Szczecin, Polska


Wojciech Wysocki


Белая опасность
Марк впервые возвращается в свой родной альпийский город Фент, который покинул после смерти брата девять лет назад. В городке осталась и его девушка Анна. После встречи с Марком Анна находится в смятении: она так и не сказала ему, что маленький мальчик Нико на самом деле его сын. Тем временем Фент готовится к открытию горнолыжного сезона, но по мере приближения радостного события усиливается метель
Ranczo Wilkowyje
doktor Mieczysław Wezół
We're All Christs
dziekan kulturoznawstwa
Adaś Miauczyński, a Polish intelectual, has severe alcohol problems which affect his relationship with his son Sylwek.
Last Mission
Andre, an assassin working on behalf of French government goes to Poland to kill Polish businessman Muran.
Nothing Funny
aktor grający w filmie Adama
One day, hospital orderlies, watching corpse in the morgue, recognize film director. Man, even though he died, he begins to remember his life. He made a career making movies, had numerous mistresses, but never realized their dreams. His life was interspersed with many setbacks that enfeebled him from the inside. Although he made a career in film, he was not happy with his life.
Polski Crash
Daniel Bury, prywatny detektyw szukający skradzionych samochodów
Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia.
Po własnym pogrzebie
doktor Leśniak, członek AK
The film is a continuation of the 1984 film I died to live. Leopold Wójcik, faking his own death, returns to the underground. Unlike the previous part, the fate of the heroes is a fiction - a variant of events that could have taken place. The film had a sequel: Born for the Third Time (1989).
Panny i wdowy
Edward Borski
Дежа Вю
Franco De Niro, gangster z Chicago
20-е годы. В Америке сухой закон. Подпольные торговцы спиртным, которые понесли убытки из-за предательства некоего Мика Нича - Микиты Ничипорука, решают ему отомстить. В поисках своей жертвы наемный убийца прибывает в Одессу, где Ничипорук организовал самогонный бизнес. И тут у киллера возникают непредвиденные трудности. Одесса - это вам не Америка!..
The Death of John L.
Zbiginiew Gasior
Zbigniew Gasior, a thirty year old singer, is a youth idol. Despite fame, money and success with the ladys, he can't neglect the emptiness in his life. The shattered dreams of his friends are not really a help, to ease his existential pains.
Inner Life
Michal Miauczynski
The life of a grumpy 40-year-old man living with his wife in a high-rise block. Every day is like the other - quarrel over dinner, garbage, neighbours, elevators, lost socks. He hates everybody, especially his wife. Not even sexual fantasies are an escape from the hell, he imposes on himself.
Write and Fight
A young journalist is arrested for freethinking ideas. Goes into the cell with the famous safe-breaker and religious Szpicbródką Sixtus, a murderer husband of his mistress.
Боденское озеро
В центре сюжета ряд встреч поляков, которые когда-то были заключенными в концлагере на берегу озера недалеко от немецко-швейцарской границы. Один из выживших в концлагере возвращается на это место и вспоминает свое прошлое и это время в истории.
I Died So I Could Live
doctor Leśniak
Warsaw 1941. Gestapo captures a Home Army soldier who knows the code needed to read the list of agents working in Reich. Tortured Wójcik asks the doctors for poison.
Two old friends meet at a mountain shelter and remember their teenage years. Midroń and Świdrycki are mature, intelligent men, experiencing a crisis of faith in the meaning of life, in their abilities, as well as fear of death. The next day, their wives join them. Although they have not had the opportunity to get to know each other so far, they become friends very quickly.
The Faithful River
Kapitan Wiesnicyn
Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor with an old servant.
Строго по приказу
Действие фильма происходит в 1943 году в оккупированной Польше. Подпольная организация выносит смертный приговор кровавому палачу оберштурмбанфюреру СС Форстеру. Привести его в исполнение должны члены сопротивления Смуглый и Нурек. Смуглый знакомится с любовницей Форстера певицей Кристиной Мюллер и влюбляется в неё, не подозревая, что очаровательная девушка, ответившая ему взаимностью, — давний агент гестапо… Знаете ли Вы, что... : Перевод оригинального названия — "Смертный приговор".
Point of View
In 1974 a group of students declares what they plan to be in 1980, and the series follows their lives during those six years.
The Conductor
Kwiatkowski, skrzypek w orkiestrze
A violinist in a provincial Polish orchestra, whose husband is the director of the ensemble, on a visit to the US ties up with the world- renowned symphony conductor. As it turns out he was once in love with violinist's mother. The conductor, a slightly unstable hypochondriac, returns to Poland to lead the provincial orchestra. He also tries to revive old love affair using the violinist as a surrogate of her mother. Her husband is resentful of the conductor for both personal and professional reasons.
Мертвые бросают тень
Воспоминание участника польского Сопротивления о борьбе с фашистскими спецслужбами. Он чудом остался в живых после предательства начальника штаба подпольщиков — штатного осведомителя гестапо. Возмездие настигает предателя, по вине которого погибло много достойных бойцов, уже после войны, в одной из экзотических стран, где он чувствовал себя в полной безопасности.
Godzina W
Without Anesthesia
Student Michałowskiego
A famous Polish journalist presents a problem for the powers-that-be when he displays his full political skill and knowledge on a television show featuring questions and answers on a world conference by a panel of journalists. His enemies take away his privileges when he is away. The shock of being "unwanted" parallels a deeper disappointment in his private life: his wife has an affair with a jealous young rival, and after 15 years of marriage and two daughters wants a divorce. She offers no explanations as he tries to untie these problems himself. All the moves he makes are the wrong ones. He takes on drinking heavily with students eager to attend his seminar after discovering the class has been canceled. The journalist, once suave and commanding is reduced to silence.
Con Amore
Andrzej and Grzegorz are students of Warsaw Conservatory and preparing for the International Piano Competition. Eva - a beautiful Grzegorz's girlfriend is seriously ill, the doctors suspect she has brain cancer. Even for the sake of health and life of his beloved Grzegorz disagrees to miss even a single day of preparation for the contest. Andrzej has a girlfriend Zosia (the daughter of a professor of music), but the young pianist falls in love with Grzegorz's girlfriend and takes care of the sick Eve.