Ilkka Villi
Рождение : 1975-08-04, Helsinki, Finland
Thomas Seine (Thomas Zane) / The Writer Veikko Alèn (Alan Wake)
Hard-boiled detective finds himself entangled with a strange cult and macabre rituals.
Thomas Seine (Thomas Zane) / The Writer Alén Veikko (Alan Wake)
Hard-boiled detective finds himself entagled with a strange cult and macabre rituals.
A fellow arrives to a quiet summer cottage with a list of things to do – only it turns out there’s one too many.
Tapio Rautavaara
The Singer is a film about the all-time favourite singer in Finland, Olavi Virta. A man who rose from poverty all the way to the top and became an artist who was dearly loved by the Finnish people. A man who loved beautiful women and was loved by beautiful women. A man who enjoyed speed, American cars, applause and alcohol and who finally lost everything but his unique voice.
Hanna is a 30 something single woman from Helsinki. She has a good job and great friends and has almost given up on finding the Mr. Right. One night, Hanna meets Markus, a dark stranger who sweeps her off her feet.
Never take a shady job - unless it pays well.
Mr. White / Theodore Whitman
Кто из нас в детстве не мечтал попасть в волшебную страну? В страну, где все возможно. Где исполняются самые несбыточные мечты, встречаются необыкновенные существа и происходит самое настоящее Волшебство. Теперь ваши мечты могут осуществиться! Не важно сколько вам лет. Не важно верите ли вы в говорящих снеговиков и в то, что люди могут летать. Просто приоткройте эту дверь и перед вами окажется Воображариум, где все возможно.
Julia's ex-husband
Julia is a young lawyer who has been in conflict with her father for a long time. Her mother seems a bit insane, and Julia thinks that he is partially responsible for this. She has also split with the father of her son and tries to escape all these concerns by working hard. On a new case, she is brought back to the house near the lake where she was raised to help a group of environmentalists to protect its natural beauty against the industrial project of a power company. But by doing so she has to fight the greed of the locals, and their trust in an evil spirit that is believed to be attached to the lake.
Mirccu has a dream job as the PR coordinator of a record company. When her boss, the music mogul Martin threatens to fire her, she is forced to find her own way to success. Together with her football-playing boyfriend Roba who is recovering from an ankle injury she has to reflect whether the good times are really over, and to what lengths they are willing to go to survive. She is given one last chance to prove herself by successfully launching the career of an obnoxious fifteen-year-old teenage star-to-be with the code name Dirty Bomb.
Jesus Maria Lobo
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life over the roofs. A revenge is brewing in his mind; the blood-thirsty killer prepares his escape. Vares gets a client who needs private investigations. Despite the beautiful wife, Vares smells a rat... In the middle of the summer night, a shot rings out. One life comes to an end and Vares finds changes in his assignment. The clues lead him to first-hand encounters and second-hand bookshops; a visit to the gym reveals a drug-smuggling route from Stockholm... Vares finds himself entangled in hot money and cool silk. In the background slithers a cunning garter snake.
Juhani goes to meet his new girlfriend. Juhani soon realizes that he is trapped in a woman's apartment, as her prisoner.
Alan Wake
After arriving in the small Pacific Northwestern town of Bright Falls, reporter Jake Fischer is plagued by blackouts and finds disturbing evidence of his activities. Tying this to a mysterious epidemic sweeping the town, he plans an escape. Prequel to the game Alan Wake.
Тридцатилетняя пара разводится. Они разлюбили друг друга, но по-прежнему без ума от собственного дома на берегу озера. Ни один из бывших супругов не хочет покидать общее жилище, и, чтобы облегчить совместное существование в новых условиях, они решают установить ряд правил, соблюдать которые обязаны оба. Например – никаких новых жильцов в доме. То есть новых любовников приводить нельзя. Однако, именно это правило и будет нарушено первым. Жена позвонит бывшему партнеру на одну ночь, который тут же примчится на спортивном самолете. А муж закажет девушку по вызову, из-за приезда которой все пойдет совсем кувырком
Korpraali Taponen, panssarivaunun ampuja
Этот фильм повествует о тяжёлых и упорных боях в районе Тали — Ихантала, о героических финских солдатах, защищавших одно из главных направлений от ударов доблестной Красной Армии, в период с 24 по 30 июня 1944 года.
Marko Korppi
Jenna and Joni, twins in their 30’s living in Helsinki, find out that they have a stepsister, Jóna, living in Iceland. Their first meeting in Reykjavik changes the lives of them all. Jenna becomes pregnant and moves to Iceland. Jóna tries to keep distance from her Finnish siblings but Jenna’s children and Joni’s falling ill connects her to the twins. The film starts from a situation where the siblings go through the events seven years later. They all remember things differently.