Robert Müller has wanted to be a comedian since he was a kid, but he's only made it as a car salesman so far. This is about to change when he takes part in an open-mic show. He puts the program together with his imaginary friend, the stone-age Caveman. Then his girlfriend Claudia breaks up with him...
Olaf tries to make his dreams reality and thereby always gets into trouble with his surroundings. He meets his biggest obstacle yet when his father pressures him into having a child. Finding a woman becomes difficult when Olaf realizes that they have something he doesn't have: feelings.
Der 37-jährige Bamberger Brauerei-Marketingmanager Pitschi Greulich will weder mit seiner Freundin Sabine Kinder kriegen noch das von den Eltern geforderte Eigenheim bauen und schon gar nicht zum elften Mal in Folge mit seinen Kumpels in den Mallorca-Urlaub düsen. Also disponiert Pitschi am Flughafen kurzfristig um und landet mit einem Mal in Argentinien, wo er gedenkt, ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Doch in der Ferne merkt der krisengebeutelte Thirtysomething, dass all das, was er eigentlich sucht, längst zu Hause auf ihn wartet.
Lukas Maler is a butcher. Albeit more out of necessity than out of passion: As the “Karajan with the scalpel”, his vocation was always forensic medicine. When he accidently destroyed all evidence against the “24-hour-killer”, his career as a coroner was done for. And not far from it was his marriage with his great love Diana, whom he could not offer anything anymore as a broken man. But Lukas gets a second chance when once again a serial killer terrifies the city because the murders resemble those of the “24-hour-killer”. Diana – who has ascended to head of the forensic institute in the meantime – knows that only the best one can solve the case. But he is not available. And so, she gets the second-best one: the most over-qualified butcher in town…
Весёлая комедия о том, как непросто лишиться девственности в 29 лет. Журналистка Виктория устраивается на работу в молодёжный журнал, где ей поручают вести раздел писем от подростков, задающих вопросы о сексе. Виктории довольно трудно справиться с этим — ведь она… ещё девственница! Нужно срочно решить эту проблему! И лучший кандидат — главный редактор журнала, красавчик Ник. Но как сказать ему, что он будет у неё первым? Смешная комедия положений о любви и сексе!