Nick Gregory

Nick Gregory


Nick Gregory is an actor and director.


Nick Gregory


Good Bones
Rich Husband One
Good Bones is a comedic coming-of-age story set in the cutthroat world of Hamptons Real Estate. Danny O'Brien, 22, dedicates one last summer to his family's failing real estate agency, and to his father Joe's seemingly obsolete values: poetry, integrity, and community. The O'Briens are challenged - endangered - by heartless capitalist modernism, as practiced by the liars and cheaters at Superlative Properties, realtors to the Ultra-Wealthy and Fabulous. Danny complicates the game by falling in love with Clare, a beautiful and suspiciously sophisticated Superlative summer intern. All is framed by the mad swirl of "summer people" who party, sleep around and generally amuse themselves as they indulge in the excesses of "The Season." And key players chase the grand prize: the open auction, on Labor Day, of Tilden Point - the last great parcel of virgin land on the East Coast.
A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a relationship with a dangerous monster.
Love & Everything in Between
Michael Smythe
Several families meet and become intertwined in love relationships in the Hamptons. Their choices are put to the test, when a summer party ends badly causing the relationships to implode. What unravels is "Love & Everything in Between."
Эмма со своей семьёй переезжают в новый дом, но особой радости новоселье не доставляет, напротив, самочувствие родителей и детей начинает резко ухудшаться, появляется депрессия, раздражительность. В довершение всего, поднявшись однажды на чердак, Эмма обнаруживает там… своего двойника.
Ночной слушатель
Flight Attendant
Главный герой фильма — ведущий популярного радиошоу Гэбриел Нун. Однажды он получает от своего друга, издателя Эша, рукопись 14-летнего Пита Логанда, в которой рассказывается о том, как этот мальчик подвергался насилию со стороны его родителей-садистов. Будучи страстным поклонником программы Нуна, Пит вскоре сам устанавливает контакт с радиоведущим, и они начинают активно общаться по телефону. В их беседы вклинивается приемная мать паренька Донна, сообщающая об ухудшении состояния здоровья Пита, зараженного СПИДом. Когда же Гэбриел начинает подозревать, что Пит и Донна — это одно лицо, он высказывает свои опасения Эшу. Тот подтверждает, что на самом деле этого мальчика никто не видел. В итоге издательство отказывается публиковать книгу Пита; Гэбриел же, чувствующий, что он несет ответственность за происшедшее, отправляется на поиски Логанда в маленький городишко штата Висконсин, чтобы докопаться до истины…
Heartbreak Hospital
Neely, an aspiring actress, gets a role on the popular soap opera "Heartbreak Hospital." Her neighbor, Lottie, a huge fan of the show, can't differentiate between fiction and reality, and her obsession and jealousy endanger Neely and the rest of the cast.
Motorcycle Salesman
A DEA agent and a local sheriff have to wrestle with their consciences as they start raids on local farmers, who have started growing marijuana simply to keep their farms operational. Story focuses on a young man, who accidentally discovers that his straight-laced parents are involved in the marijuana cultivation.
The Curse
"The Curse" stars Amy Laughlin ("Class of '02") as Frida, a shy, single New York City woman who suffers a mysterious dog bite during a lingerie sale. Soon after, Frida begins to change with the cycle of the moon, becoming more confident, assertive, beautiful...and dangerous. When she wakes up with her sheets soaked in blood, Frida assumes that she has been suffering from a wicked case of PMS. But when the men she dates start dying horrible deaths, Frida must face the possibility she's becoming...a werewolf! There's a reason they call it THE CURSE.
Last Summer in the Hamptons
Helena Mora, the head of an eccentric theatrical family, has decided to sell her large estate in the Hamptons because of her recent money troubles. Before she completes the sale, she wants to have one last gathering of family and friends, with dramatic performances. Bringing everyone together, though, creates rivalries and tension, especially for Oona, a temperamental but successful movie actress who seeks the approval of her creative peers.
Happy Hell Night
25 years ago at Winfield College, psycho-priest Zachary Malius murdered seven frat boys and was put away in the local asylum. Now, however, the same fraternity stages a prank from which Malius is inadvertently set free and returns to the house to repeat his crime...