Yoko Maki

Yoko Maki

Рождение : 1982-10-15, Inzai, Chiba Prefecture, Japan


Maki Yoko, born October 15, 1982 in Inzai, Chiba, Japan, is a Japanese actress. Maki has appeared in several films including 2003 film Infection and the 2004 American remake The Grudge. Maki made her film debut at the age of 19 in 2001 film Drug. Her film career sprung when receiving a role as Aya in the highly modernized remake of the Japanese vengeance film Lady Snowblood (later re-titled as The Princess Blade). Maki later began performing on stage in the 2002 play Cross. In November 2008, Maki announced that she had married a 26-year old man not in the Japanese entertainment industry.


Yoko Maki
Yoko Maki
Yoko Maki


Kanae Sekiguchi
Kanae's husband disappeared without a trace while on a union trip. Though usually headstrong and independent, the woman becomes plagued with worry over what happened to him, and is unable to move on with her life. Thus, Kanae decides to hire a private investigator, and keeps running the public bathhouse to the best of her abilities. As he tries to figure out the truth about her husband, Kanae must deal with the stress from a work-intensive job, meddlesome neighbors, and recurring nightmares in which she is drowning.
A Man
After divorcing, Rie has found happiness with her second husband Daisuke and formed a new family. But when Daisuke dies in a tragic accident, she discovers her new husband was not the man she thought he was. Rie calls on the attorney Kido to help her find the truth about the identity of the man she loved. A quest that will open larger questions about the nature of identity itself, and what makes a person real at all.
The Confidence Man JP - Episode of the Hero -
Dako, Boku-chan and Richard commit their next con on Malta Island.
The Cursed Sanctuary X
Kaname Azuma is sick of her marriage life with her husband and she decides to divorce him. She leaves Japan and travels to South Korea. There, she visits her brother Teruo's villa. Teruo is surprised by Kaname's sudden visit, but after he hears of her marriage life, he lets her to stay with him. Somehow, Teruo and Kaname happen to enter The Cursed Sanctuary X.
Namonaihi: A Day with No Name
A human drama about the strange fate of the three brothers, played by Masatoshi Nagase, Joe Odagiri, and Nobuaki Kaneko, set in Nagoya.
В огонь и в воду
Mika Oe
Рэй помогает женщине, в которую она давно влюблена, спастись от жестокого мужа. В бегах между героинями вспыхивают чувства.
Hakutaka Shirataka Amane no Investigation File
Shirataka Amane
A corpse of a clown is found in a park. Detective Shirataka Amane of Musashino Higashi Police Station begins investigating with rookie detective Uzuka Shinsaku. They find a picture of the victim holding a balloon with the number 1 and the letters TTX on social media which indicates pufferfish poisoning. Shirataka intuitively suspects that this is an incriminating statement done by a serial killer, but Chief Investigator Fukukawa Saeko denies her. Detective Kusano Seiya and other personnel of MPD First Investigative Division join the investigation, then a second murder occurs. Shirataka recalls an unsolved kidnapping and murder case from two years ago that she still regrets.
First Love
Yuki Makabe
A university student kills her father with no apparent motive. But is her claim that she is a liar simply another lie? A psychologist burdened with her own scars seeks to uncover the truth. There, she discovers a fabricated past and the screams of a soul violated by those she loved. Based on the novel by Shimamoto Rio.
Yakiniku Dragon
Jung Hwa (Shizuka)
Set in the 1970's in the Kansai region of Japan.. Yong-Gil is Korean, but he moved to Japan and settled down. He runs a small restaurant named Yakiniku Dragon. He is married and has three daughters: oldest daughter Jung-Hwa, middle daughter Yi-Hwa and youngest daughter Mi-Hwa. Oldest daughter Jung-Hwa is dating Tetsuo, but they break up. Middle daughter Yi-Hwa loves Tetsuo and marries him, but Tetsuo still loves her older sister and they divorce. Youngest daughter Mi-Hwa wants to become a singer, but she is in love with a married man.
Кровь волка-одиночки
Rikako Takagi
Хиросима, 1988 год, до принятия закона о борьбе с организованной преступностью. Если верить слухам, детектив Сёго Огами как-то связан с якудза. Вместе с другим детективом, Сюити Хиокой, он расследует дело о пропавшем без вести сотруднике финансовой компании. Это расследование обостряет и без того серьёзный конфликт между двумя враждующими группировками якудза.
Mixed Doubles
Hanako Tomita
To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend and to help revive her late mother's tennis table club, a table tennis prodigy decides to take part in a mixed doubles table tennis tournament.
My Uncle
Eri Inaba
Yukio Haruyama (Riku Ohnishi) is an elementary school student. He has an uncle (Ryuhei Matsuda) that teaches philosophy part-time at an university. His uncle leeches off his family. The uncle then goes on a blind date and falls in love with beautiful Eri Inaba. She is a fourth generation Japanese living in Hawaii. Sometime later, Eri goes back to Hawaii to take over a coffee farm left behind by her recently deceased grandmother. Yukio and his uncle travel to Hawaii to see Eri.
После бури
Kyoko Shiraishi
Когда-то Рёта был известным писателем, но судьба сыграла с ним злую шутку – сейчас он незаметный частный сыщик, распутывающий мелкие будничные дела. Он многое потерял: похоронил отца, расстался с женой, забравшей при разводе сына. Но если его пожилая мать и красавица-бывшая как-то справились с этими трагедиями и живут дальше, то Рёта словно застрял в прошлом. Всё немногое, что он зарабатывает сыском, Рёта проигрывает, так что ему нечем даже платить алименты, не говоря уже о том, чтобы быть настоящим отцом для сына-школьника. Однако одна дождливая ночь может в корне изменить всю жизнь.
Bitter Honey
Yuriko Tamura
Akako, a shape-shifting goldfish in the form of a coquettish nymphet clad in diaphanous red dresses, naively plays the role of erotic muse and adoring pet for an aging writer seeking greatness. Things quickly get complicated for the odd couple, however, when the writer's deceased former student/lover enters the picture as a ghost and helps Akako realize her own desires, activating her agency and frustrating the one-sided male fantasy the writer is so keen to continue.
Хищник: фильм
Miki Akeboshi
Прошло полгода с тех пор, как упрямый инспектор Кураки докопался до правды, скрытой за смертью его жены.
Отравленный мозг
Ichiko Sakurai
У каждого из нас в голове живут пять личностей: Оптимизм, Пессимизм, Память, Эмоции и Голос разума. Именно благодаря им мы становимся такими, какие мы есть. Давайте заглянем в голову тридцатилетней Сакурай Итико. Девушка влюбляется в молодого парня, но не может понять, получится ли у них быть вместе. В это же время на горизонте появляется влюблённый в неё мужчина, более подходящий ей по возрасту. А пока личности Итико голосуют и спорят, пытаясь прийти к общему решению, у неё в голове появляется шестая личность - загадочная властная женщина, меняющая ситуацию так, что остальные оказываются в панике.
Лев, который идет против ветра
Takako Akishima
Врач Коитиро Симада оставляет благополучную Японию и едет в Кению, чтобы спасать людей, страдающих от бедности и войн.
Set within the fictional city of Mahoro, Keisuke Tada runs a "benriya" - a general problem solver for hire. His assistant is his former high school classmate Haruhiko Gyoten. A big crisis then occurs for them.
Buddha 2: The Endless Journey
Prince Ruri
2500 years ago, in India, Siddhartha was born as a prince of the Shakya clan, but he gives up his position as a prince to see the world. He meets a strange boy named Assaji, who can predict the future, a monk with only one eye and Depa. Siddhartha continues traveling. Siddhartha is overwhelmed by the sufferings he witnesses around him. Meanwhile, Prince Ruri of Kosara begins his attack on the Shakya clan. Second Buddha movie from Tezuka Productions.
Saikō no Rikon: Special
Геном опасности
Зайдя домой, Исигами находит в комнате с зажженными свечами труп своей жены. А следом в квартиру вламывается двое неизвестных, но Исигами удается сбежать. Находясь в бегах, он встречает корейского репортера Кан Джи Вон, проявившую интерес к его тяжелому положению и предложившую свою помощь. Мужчина крайне удивлен тем, что свободно говорит по-корейски, ведь он уверен, что не знает языка, да и воспоминания какие-то смутные о прошлой жизни. Кто же он на самом деле? Считая себя обычным японским служащим, мужчина вскоре узнает, что на самом деле он кореец по имени О Джин У, участвовавший в разработке нового фармацевтического препарата...
Долина прощаний
Полиция находит труп маленького ребёнка. Несколько часов спустя детективы арестовывают его мать и сообщают прессе , что у женщины был адюльтер с соседом, а ребёнок сильно этому мешал. Репортер Ватанабэ, решив взяться за это простое бытовое преступление, узнает несколько странных и шокирующих фактов.
Сын в отца
Yukari Saiki
Одержимый мечтой об успешной карьере архитектор Риоата, его молодая жена и 6-летний сын кажутся идеальной семьей. Но герой теряет все жизненные ориентиры в тот день, когда узнает, что в роддоме, где родился его сын, подменили двух младенцев. Мальчик, которого Риоата с женой воспитывали, им не родной, а их собственный ребенок растет в семье со скромным достатком…
Sue, Mai & Sawa: Righting the Girl Ship
Su-chan, Mai-chan, Sawako-san follows the lives of three women who are former co-workers. 34-year-old Su-chan works at a coffee shop and has feelings for the manager there. 34-year-old Mai-chan works at an OA machine maker. She is in a relationship with a married man. 39-year-old Sawako works as a web designer and also takes care of her grandmother. -san and her mother take care of her grandmother.
Before the Vigil
Momoko Ikeda
Matsuoi and his wife Tsuya moved to Oshima City because of her unpredictable character. Even though Tsuya continues to have affairs, Matsuoi loves her and is a devoted husband. Tsuya is then diagnosed with a cancer and later goes into a coma. Matsuoi then thinks of his wife's lovers. Matsui goes to those men and informs them of Tatsuya's condition. The other women in the lives of those men are shocked and begin to re-examine their views of their men.
Black Dawn
Kaori Okuda
In 2011, top-secret data on nuclear power is stolen from a university facility. At the same time, leaked information comes in about enriched uranium from the Korean peninsula. Sumimoto of the external affairs fourth division suspects that a conspiracy has been hatched to rock Japan-Korean relations.
The Tale of Genji: A Thousand Year Enigma
"Genji Monogatari" focuses on the love and hate relationships surrounding Genji Hakaru. Lady Fujitsubo is Genji's first love. Ryokuzono Miyasutokoro is obsessed with Genji and eventually becomes a spirit. Yu Kao, who is from the lower class, give comfort to Genji's emotional wounds. Writer Murasaki Shikibu is jealous of Genji and is eventually ordered by Seime Abe to write a work ...
Looking for a True Fiancée
Wakako Suzuki
A three-timing 29 year-old man loses part of his memory after taking a nasty fall at a skating rink. The man, who works as pharmaceutical salesman, then discovers an engagement ring in his briefcase. Later, he comes across three different women who all claim to be his girlfriend. To figure out which of the women he planned to marry, he sets up dates with each of them.
Hard Romanticker
Writer-director Gu Su-yeon's new film draws on his own semiautobiographical account of growing up as a delinquent zainichi Korean (Japanese-born, but of Korean ancestry) in the seaside city of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture, a working-class hellhole overflowing with sex and fury. Day after day, (fictional) Gu finds fresh foes and makes the local hoodlums want to kick his ass. While working multiple dead-end part-time jobs, he cruises around town on his scooter in search of gangland trouble: leaping across rooftops with irate hordes of punks in hot pursuit, running off with a fetching belle in a sailor suit, rescuing a schoolgirl from being gang-raped at a glue-sniffing orgy…
Love Strikes!
Set one year after the drama series "Moteki." 31-year-old Yukiyo Fujimoto (Mirai Moriyama) doesn't have money, dreams or a girlfriend. He has left his job at a staffing firm and is attempting to start a new life by working as a writer for a news site. Suddenly, Yukiyo experiences "moteki" - a period when a man becomes suddenly popular with woman. Cute magazine editor Miyuki (Masami Nagasawa), pure and naive office worker Rumiko (Kumiko Aso), beautiful shop assistant Ai (Riisa Naka) and beautiful, but tough co-worker named Motoko (Yoko Maki) all become interested in Yukiyo. He tries to calm down, but is shaken by the interests of these women.
SP: The Motion Picture II
Eri Sasamoto
After the attack on the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the next duty of the fourth office will be to guard the National Assembly building. In the midst of security, Ogata keeps Inoue away from the main conference hall and puts his well-thought-out plan into action, and the parliament building is controlled by SPs and terrorists who support the revolution. Inoue notices something strange and starts to fight against the terrorists to stop Ogata.
SP: The Motion Picture
Eri Sasamoto
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.
How hard is it to kill an idiot? Just ask Kudo Kankuro! The acclaimed screenwriter brings his 2004 Kunio Kishida-winning stage play Donju (a.k.a. Dumb Animal) to the big screen in all its wacky tragicomedic glory. The one and only Asano Tadanobu sports a seriously nerdy bowl haircut to play the leading role of simple-minded novelist Dekogawa who has mysteriously disappeared. Dekogawa wrote an autobiography about his youth that reveals not only his past, but also some of his childhood friends’ best-forgotten secrets. In order to keep the skeletons in the closet, these buddies of yesteryear try to silence him permanently. But no matter how hard they try to kill Dekogawa, he just keeps coming back – because he’s simply too thickheaded to die!
You'll Die Six Hours Later
Harada Mio
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense but ever since her acquaintance was murdered a few days ago, she realises that she has also become a victim of a stalker. Half believing it, she decides to hang around with Keishi. Later, with the help of Sawaki, a detective she knows, the stalker is identified. She thinks the case is closed but a totally unexpected person attacks her...
Flying Rabbits
Chinatsu Kakiuchi
Yukari always wanted to become a flight attendant and has just been hired by Japan Airlines. However, due to an unexpected mistake, she has also been recruited to the company's basketball team (the JAL "Rabbits") despite being a lousy at basketball. Forced to divide her time between job training and playing basketball, Yukari makes an increasing amount of mistakes in both areas. Frustrated, she nearly gives up on her dream career, but somehow finds the strength to keep trying both in the skies and on the court.
Kosuke is 31, and tired of his hometown where nothing happens. On a whim, he departs for New York with dreams of making it big. 6 months later, he straggles home... defeated, and saddled with debt. Awaiting him are his old friends, a caring sister, a disgruntled father ...and a bowl of noodles. Namely, "udon" noodles. The town is built around udon, sustained by udon, nationally famous for udon.
Tokyo Friends: The Movie
Ryoko Fujiki
Rei Iwatsuki moved from her hometown Kōchi to Tokyo to pursue her dreams. On arrival, she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and met guitarist Ryuuji Shintani. Ryuuji liked her voice and invited her to join his band as the vocalist, The Survival Company (also known as Sabakan). The two started a relationship but then broke off when Rei wanted to write her own songs. Rei met other girls also working in the restaurant, Hirono, Ryoko and Maki, all in pursuit of their own dreams, and became good friends with all of them. One day, Rei receives news that Takashi was seen in New York and she decides to go look for him...
Chieko Kawabata
A psychologically thrilling portrait of the severe dysfunction behind a family clinging to decorum and pride.
Тройной форсаж: Токийский Дрифт
Woman at Boswell's Apt.
Шон Босуэлл — одинокий парень, который хочет казаться профи уличных гонок. Он бесшабашно гоняется по улицам города, пытаясь убежать от жизненных невзгод и наживая себе врагов среди местных властей. Когда Шону грозит тюрьма, его от греха подальше отсылают к отцу — профессиональному военному, который служит на военной базе в Японии.В незнакомой стране, живущей по своим законам, Шон чувствует себя еще большим изгоем. Однако вскоре его американский приятель Твинки знакомит его с миром подпольного дрифт-рейсинга. Раньше Шон просто тупо гонялся по улицам, а здесь перед ним открылся целый мир своеобразного искусства из металла и резины, дороги которого оказались невообразимо круты на поворотах…
The Vanished
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs.
Veronika Decides to Die
Towa lives in a peculiar sanatorium after committing suicide. Convalescing in sanatorium, she is informed that she has only 7 days to live. Isolated within their worlds, strange people live in this sanatorium and try to avoid making any contact with her. However, Kuroda a man who lost his power of speech feels sympathetic towards her and their every lovable things give true colors to the life and inspire Towa’s honest desire for the life…
Summer Time Machine Blues
Yui Ito
A light hearted comedy following a group of friends in a science-fiction club, who spend their summer holidays fooling around at their club house, have a mission to go back into time, using a time machine that appeared out of nowhere, in order to save their summer days from unbearable heat by retrieving the remote control for their air conditioner. But wouldn't changing the past have an effect on the future? Be prepared for a wild ride regarding time travel with a bunch of whacky characters and theories thrown into the mix.
In the Pool
A free-spirited psychiatrist exudes a magnetic attraction for patients with out-of-the-ordinary neuroses and odd conditions brought about by stress.
Паттиги: Удар головой
Киото. 1968 год. Между молодежью из местного клуба карате и школы, где учатся корейцы, идет постоянная вражда. Но сердцу не прикажешь – «каратист» Косукэ влюбился в сестру вожака корейцев Кён Чжи. Чтобы ей понравиться, парень начинает учиться корейскому языку и игре на гитаре, надеясь когда-нибудь сыграть любимую песню Кён Чжи о ее родине. Благодаря знакомству с девушкой, Косукэ находит друзей среди корейцев и понимает, что их и японцев многое разделяет…
Паттиги: Удар головой
Gang-ja Chun
Киото. 1968 год. Между молодежью из местного клуба карате и школы, где учатся корейцы, идет постоянная вражда. Но сердцу не прикажешь – «каратист» Косукэ влюбился в сестру вожака корейцев Кён Чжи. Чтобы ей понравиться, парень начинает учиться корейскому языку и игре на гитаре, надеясь когда-нибудь сыграть любимую песню Кён Чжи о ее родине. Благодаря знакомству с девушкой, Косукэ находит друзей среди корейцев и понимает, что их и японцев многое разделяет…
A Perfect Day for Love Letters
Yoko Sekine
Проклятие умерших обитает в местах, где они жили, поджидая новую жертву. Когда проклятие находит новую жертву — она умирает. А проклятие становится только сильнее. И так, убивая жертву за жертвой, однажды брошенное проклятие как вирус распространяется и плетет сеть ужаса…
Ночная смена в муниципальной больнице. Когда из-за нелепой ошибки один из пациентов неожиданно умирает, главврач принимает решение закрыть дело и поставить ложный диагноз. Все, кто дежурил в эту ночь, имели полное право считать, что этот инцидент - самое неприятное из того, что могло случиться.
Dark Tales of Japan
Akemi's classmate (story "Spiderwoman")
Dark Tales of Japan is a collection of five short horror films that are directed by five notable Japanese film directors, which are told by a mysterious old lady in kimono on a late-night bus traveling on a long isolated mountain road.
Renai Shousetsu
A love story starring Tamaki Hiroshi, Konishi Manami, Ikeuchi Hiroyuki, Hirayama Aya and Kamiki Ryunosuke. Hiroyuki, a fourth-year law student who has just broken up with his girlfriend Miwa, is approached by Satoshi, a student at the same university, on his way home from school and asked to do something strange. He wants to make a will for himself. Satoshi, who calls himself the "God of Death," begins to tell him about his mysterious past. He wants to get close to people but cannot. He says that everyone he was close to would die. So he has lived his life without befriending or loving anyone since he was a child. But when Satoshi meets a woman named Mizuki, he unexpectedly falls in love with her. And that was the beginning of a very sad love story...
Baby's Staff
Момоко спасется от провинциальной скуки, наряжаясь в розовые кукольные платьица. Однажды она встречает свою диаметральную противоположность — Итиго, разбитную деваху, красящую губы черной помадой и разъезжающую на мотоцикле. Несмотря на различия в характере, девочки становятся подругами. Момоко утешает Итиго, страдающую от любви к местному щеголю, и, будучи искусной вышивальщицей, украшает её рокерский наряд. В благодарность Итиго отводит подругу в бутик, где она сможет поработать у своего любимого дизайнера. Однако прежним дружкам Итиго не по душе её дружба с Момоко, назревает конфликт, сулящий большие неприятности.
Королевская битва 2
Maki Souda
Прошло три года после окончания «Королевской битвы». Мир все глубже погружается в пучину насилия. Сюя и Норико, которым удалось выжить в первой битве и бежать с острова, разыскиваются как опасные преступники. Сюя возглавляет террористическую группу «Дикая семерка», объявившую тотальную войну жестокому миру взрослых, заставляющих подростков убивать друг друга. Тем временем 42 выпускника средней школы, отправившись на курорт, просыпаются в электронных ошейниках со взрывчаткой. Учитель Рики объявляет, что их класс избран для проведения «Королевской битвы II». Если они смогут высадиться на отдаленный остров и за три дня найти и уничтожить группу террористов во главе с особо опасным преступником Сюя Нанахарой, то останутся жить. Если нет — все они умрут…
The Princess Blade
Raised by assassins, Yuki is the last of the Takemikazuchi royal bloodline. A deadly weapon in her own right, she learns the gruesome truth about the death of her beloved mother and joins forces with a mysterious rebel leader.