Stefan Arsenijević


As Far as I Can Walk
Strahinja and his wife Ababuo left Ghana with a dream of a better life in Europe. Instead of reaching the western part of the continent, they were deported back to Serbia. Strahinja has started to build himself a career, while Ababuo is unable to fulfil her ambitions and she feels increasingly frustrated. When she disappears one day, Strahinja sets out to find her… A crystal clear, humanistic story about the need to find one’s place in the world. It’s also a tale of love, the most profound testimony of which might also be the most painful.
As Far as I Can Walk
Strahinja and his wife Ababuo left Ghana with a dream of a better life in Europe. Instead of reaching the western part of the continent, they were deported back to Serbia. Strahinja has started to build himself a career, while Ababuo is unable to fulfil her ambitions and she feels increasingly frustrated. When she disappears one day, Strahinja sets out to find her… A crystal clear, humanistic story about the need to find one’s place in the world. It’s also a tale of love, the most profound testimony of which might also be the most painful.
Не забывай меня, Стамбул
В фильме рассказывается история о женщине, которая еще в молодости покинула свой родной город Стамбул и сейчас решила туда снова вернуться. Однако сможет ли ее принять город такой, какой она сейчас стала?
Путеводитель по Белграду с пением и плачем
Белград стремится стать деловой столицей Европы. Но никакой бизнес, экономические форумы, деловые встречи не смогут изменить статус города, в котором рождаются безумные чувства. Люди встречаются в современном Белграде и пытаются решать проблемы через любовь или секс, или как любовь и секс. Четыре романтические истории про четверых человек: известную французскую певицу, немецкого турка, хорватского полицейского и американского повара. Все они разные и любят по-разному. Но, приехав в Белград, каждый находит для себя любовное приключение — кто романтическую, а кто и опасную.
UNIVERSALOVE is a global love story. Six episodes in six different places of the world are told in a symbiosis of modern story-telling and popular music. UNIVERSALOVE is an experiment - a global love story. The interwoven storylines are located in Brooklyn, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Belgrade, Marseille and Luxembourg. The laconic narrative style captures moments that set the viewer on a journey around the globe and deep into the emotional worlds of very different characters affiliated with different cultural spheres and languages.
Love and Other Crimes
Anica lives in New Belgrade, a miserable district of tower blocks and concrete. She is mistress to Milutin, a wealthly local criminal who owns a solarium and runs a protection racket. Anica is determined not to grow old in this dump where neither love nor life seems to offer her a decent future. One grey winter’s day Anica has an idea to steal money from Milutin’s safe, get on a plane and leave the country forever.
Love and Other Crimes
Anica lives in New Belgrade, a miserable district of tower blocks and concrete. She is mistress to Milutin, a wealthly local criminal who owns a solarium and runs a protection racket. Anica is determined not to grow old in this dump where neither love nor life seems to offer her a decent future. One grey winter’s day Anica has an idea to steal money from Milutin’s safe, get on a plane and leave the country forever.
Lost and Found
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
Lost and Found
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
(A) Torsion is a 2002 Bosnian short film directed by Stefan Arsenijevic. A singing group, trying to escape war-torn Sarajevo, has to wait for a tunnel to clear. While they wait, a cow has difficulty giving birth because of the "torsion" affecting its calf (i.e., it's in a twisted position inside). Fortunately, one of the choir members has some veterinary training, and with help from the chorus to drown out the sounds of war, the cow gives birth. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.