Boris Kralj

Boris Kralj


Boris Kralj


The Windhunter
The reconstruction of creation of an influential avantguarde movement called "Novo Mesto Spring" that arrived on Slovenian cultural scene during 1920s. Within this movement worked significant local artists such as composer Mario Kogoj, painter Rihard Jakopic, poet Danijel Bohoric and many others.
A Summer in a Sea Shell 2
Three years later, Tomaz meets Milena in Ljubljana where she practices dancing. In order to spend more time with her, Tomaz enrolls at the dance club where he finds many new friends. As the club is faced with close-down, the members decide to save it by setting up a dance show for the urban elite.
Long Live Freedom
Old man Repovz recalls experiences of the WWII in an entertaining, comic way rather than tragic. A man breaks his arm to avoid being drafted; the other man shoots fire to scare enemy soldiers; love stories, as well as troubles with forced collectivization took place there. A partisan hero finds out that he lost her fiancee, but somewhat cheers up when his white horse comes back to him...
Blanka Kolak's Love
In the wild times of the Second World War, Blanka marries political grandee Pavle, who is shortly afterwards sent to Goli Otok as a political prisoner. Blanka has enthusiasm for photography, becomes independent and opens a studio of photography with Laco. But soon she realizes that her business partner is an impostor. Pavle returns from prison, but their relationship, despite awareness of the political interference in their intimate sphere, imbues the bitter chill and misunderstanding. Blanka tries to drown her endless problems in alcohol and seduce her only male friend, but her last rescue, the thread of love, is being interrupted as well. Is every love of Blanka Kolak sentenced to death, is love possible at all, is worth living without it?
The Istrian Way
An insight into multi-layered relations between natives and newcomers in the town of Pula following WWII and departure of Angloamerican forces.
The Red and the Black
Tone Blažina
This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
A Summer in a Sea Shell
Young Tomaž has many problems. Not only is he quite lonely, but he also has to leave his hometown and move to the city with his family because of his father's new job. In these difficult times, his only help is his computer Vedi. Even disputes between local gangs can not solve any problems, at least not until both gangs get a common enemy - motorcyclists who steal shells.
Angel's Bite
The lighthouse keeper
A lighthouse keeper lives on an isolated island together with his wife, ailing father and retarded sister. News of a serial killer stalking the isolated lighthouses makes him leave in order to hunt him down. In the meantime, the wife meets a mysterious and seductive stranger.
The Tenth Brother
Based on the novel by Josip Jurcic and set in rural Yugoslavia in the 1840's. The tenth brother of a family returns to the family home to take revenge on his father who had abandoned him as a child.
Оккупация в 26 эпизодах
"Оккупация в 26 картинах" — анатомия безумия, реваншизма, ненависти и отсуствия моральных принципов в обличии фашизма. Веселая жизнь троих друзей — итальянца, хорвата и еврея — в сказочном довоенном Дубровнике внезапно прервана шумом боевых самолетов. Неминуемость выбора приводит к конфликту естественных ценностей, противопоставляя семью интимным чувствам, делая греховным даже зачатие на фоне торжествующей смерти — ибо носителем смерти оно порождено. Вчерашние друзья оказываются по разные стороны баррикад, и уже не важны отношения, социальный статус и образование участников конфликта, каждый решает, за он или против, по совести или по ее отсуствию. Идиллия беззаботного существования обеспеченной молодежи превращается в выстрел, приносящий на жертвенный алтарь истории отношения, эпоху и, в конце концов, жизнь.
Operation Stadium
Profesor Mraović
This movie tells a true story about events in Zagreb in 1941. Nazis and their collaborators organized the great gathering of students on Dubrava stadium. The intention was to publicly separate Jews from them which would lead to future pogrom. The event, however, took an unexpected turn.
The Idealist
The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative environment. Due to his progressive ideas, he is transferred to a small town. The village environment is even more depressing than his former surroundings were, as the influence of both the secular and the Church authorities is even greater in the country. Even though Martin meets Tončka and the two of them get married, he gradually becomes a disillusioned and embittered man. In time, when society's strictures become somewhat milder, Martin is transferred to a more friendly environment, but all the injustices he has experienced have already bitten too deep. Unlike his wife, Martin finds it very difficult to accept changes. When his son dies, it seems as though he has lost all his elan and the will to live. Will he be able to go on bringing the light of knowledge to the ignorant masses, or will his ideals be buried forever like a man in a snowdrift?
Spring Wind
A platonic romance between art student and nude model goes through many complications in which they both try to make one another jealous before revealing their true feelings.
The Fugitive
WWII - Slovenia under Italian fascist occupation. Two friends separated by a woman they both loved, and then by war as well: one of them joins partisans, the other Italian occupying forces.
In the Gorge
Trials and tribulations of a woman in prewar Yugoslavia who after being seduced by a rich man, marries a poor one and struggles on. Based on a novel by Ivan Cankar.
The film is based on a novel by Ivan Tavcar and was adapted for the screen by Andrej Hieng. It is set at the end of the 17th century in the area that is now Slovenia at a time of religious intolerance with Amandus, a Catholic priest, determined to persecute local Protestants.
We'll Meet Tonight
A student of music education comes to the music festival where organizers mix him up with the conductor. He accepts the role which creates lots of comic situations.
Collision at the Paralels
Suspicious husband follows his wife and her male boss on their business trip.
Кусочек голубого неба
В небольшом дворе собираются очень разные люди. У каждого из них свои горести, радости и переживания. Нередко здесь вспыхивают ссоры и словесные перепалки вот-вот кажется перейдут в драку, но вовремя сказанное слово всех примиряет. И всех радует кусочек голубого неба, который сверкает над ними, стоит лишь поднять глаза.
Five Minutes of Paradise
Two concentration camp prisoners are taken by Nazis to disable un exploded bombs in German towns. When they work on the ruins, with their guards safely away, they enjoy a few precious moments of freedom.
Don't Whisper
A young girl, Vesna, goes on a skiing vacation to Slovenian Alps, where she is being looked after by her aunt. Her family gets worried when they meet Vesna's boyfriend, and try to marry the couple, thinking that she may be pregnant with him.
Valley of Peace
When the planes bombed a Slovene town, a Slovene boy and a German girl set on a journey towards the valley, in which there is no war. On their way a black American pilot, who jumped of a shoot-down plane, joins them. Although American planes have killed the boy's parents, he accepts the pilot with enthusiasm. The children communicate with him in German and the valley of peace seems like the last paradise place of refuge. The Slovene boy, the German girl, and the American pilot represent a symbolic triangle of peace in this adventure happening in the middle of the War of Liberation.
The Beginning Was Sin
Rosalie is young and pretty maid on the farm of the winemaker Jacob. She becomes pregnant with the servant Marko, who disappears with a gypsy singer, leaving Rosalie alone in her awkward situation.
Конечно, самый страшный экзамен — по математике. Тут на подсказку надежда плохая. Пришлось готовиться, зубрить теоремы, формулы. А ведь как всё было хитро задумано: друзья посылают письмо дочке преподавателя ненавистного предмета, добиваются свидания, а затем она помогает им миновать экзаменационную опасность. И надо же было этому случиться: друзья по ошибке приняли за дочку учителя какую-то постороннюю толстушку в очках, а письмо, полное юношеского вдохновения и поэзии, живой непосредственности и пылкости, попало в руки совсем другой — Яне, которая с волнением и радостью готовится к встрече с незнакомцем. Сано, придя на свидание, потрясён возникшим перед ним прекрасным видением. Яня нравится ему. Да и не удивительно: она грациозна, умна, лукава и кокетлива. Зато друзья Сано вне себя: рухнули сладкие надежды на «лёгкую жизнь»! А если говорить начистоту, они испытывают и зависть, наблюдая расцветающую на их глазах любовь двух молодых людей…