Raffaella Baracchi

Raffaella Baracchi

Рождение : 1965-03-25, Turin, Piedmont, Italy


Raffaella Baracchi


BENE! Vita di Carmelo, la macchina attoriale
Hommelette for Hamlet, operetta inqualificabile (da J. Laforgue)
A TV movie variation on Shakespeare's Hamlet. The movie is a part of Carmelo Bene's multi-medial project on Hamlet, also including the theatrical movie "Un Amleto di meno", a stage drama and the experimental video "Amleto di Carmelo Bene (Da Shakespeare a Laforgue).
Women in Arms
Cora Cardinali
Закусочная Будапешт
Стареющий, отошедший от дел адвокат живет в свое удовольствие, но в какой-то момент и ему приходится платить по счетам. Для начала приходится класть в клинику опекаемую проститутку и пуститься на поиски денег. Так на горизонте появляется подозрительная личность по кличке «Молекула». Этот субъект скупил несколько обшарпанных отелей на побережье и собирается открыть в них игорную сеть. Адвокат ему нужен, конечно же, чтобы отмывать грязные делишки. За хорошее вознаграждение можно пойти на риск
Phantom of Death
Laura, prostituta veneziana
Police Comissioner Datti is investigating the murder of a female doctor whose murderer seems to be a thirty-fivish year old man. Soon another murder follows: Pianist Robert Dominici's girlfriend is found killed. The killer also challenges Datti on the phone and says he can't be caught since he has a secret which makes him invulnerable. In the meantime the clues seems to point in strange directions...
Raped girl
Mr. Rorret is the owner of a cinema called "The Peeping Tom" which shows a constant stream of horror films. Rorret dates women from the audience and then kills them, taking sadistic pleasure from their expressions of terror. This film is apparently a well-filmed homage to "Peeping Tom", with nods to "Psycho" and "Strangers on a Train".
cameriera del ristorante
Tom and Jerry two Italian two bit actors go to America because they hope to take part in a film starring Sylvester Stallone. However when they go to his villa in Beverly Hills, Stallone gets murdered and the two are suspected of the murder. Hunted by the CIA and the FBI they flee across the USA disguised as women and end up working in a restaurant as showgirls. Here Tom meets a Mafia boss who falls in love with him and goes to Mexico with him to escape the police hunt. Some years later the two friends meet again: Tom has married the boss's ex girlfriend even if he still dresses as a woman.
В древние времена из одного племени украли двух новорожденных близнецов. Они выросли весьма здоровыми мордоворотами, поняли, что служат не тому делу, и встали на путь истинный, отправившись спасать свою королеву.
Il volatore di aquiloni
Urca (Renato Pozzetto), a young man living in the mountains of Lombardy, takes off with his hang glider to go to finally see the sea. During the voyage flying over Milan, but just as he was admiring the city from an attack of coughing and is forced to crash-land in the San Siro stadium. He discovers the city that his elderly mother had recommended to avoid at all costs, falling in love also noting its strengths and its shortcomings.
Il tenente dei carabinieri
Girl at Gas Station