Когда демон убегает из сферы, которая его заточила, он овладевает телом Малкольма и направляется в Вегас, оставляя дух Мэла в ловушке, в доме своего давнего друга Генри. С помощью духовного наставника Генри выполняет заклинание, которое позволяет ему увидеть то, что он считает призраком Мэла. Поскольку хорошо известно, что духи, которые задерживаются, должны завершить какое-то «незаконченное дело», Мэл считает, что его задача - помочь Генри влюбиться.
Shane Revere
The story begins when Tyler O'Conner, a young gay author, visits a therapist and discovers that he suffers from an anxiety disorder commonly called "Analysis Paralysis" - an inability to take action without imagining the ways that each possible choice could go wrong. The problem is that, unchecked, the condition will lead Tyler into a state of complete inaction. To confront the disorder, Tyler decides to fight through his anxiety and ask his cute neighbor, Shane, out for coffee. Despite a flurry of imagined disasters, the date goes well, and Shane and Tyler ultimately become involved. Against all odds, the relationship moves forward, but not without every step of the way - sex, moving in together, and meeting Shane's parents - preceded by an avalanche of negative, albeit hilarious, fantasies.
Anthony Palmer
Anthony grapples with the depth and sincerity of his feelings for his partner Donovan, and starts to question the validity of the relationship. The question that plagues Anthony’s mind: Is Donovan the right one, or is he the one for right now? Lots of couples let the wedding jitters plague their mind, but very few will talk about it openly. The First 24 explores the relationship we with our partner, but also the relationships with the people we call “family” who are also an enormous part of our personal and social identity.
For years, Tony and Leo have been a happy couple. They had always talked about having a child... someday. So when a sickly infant is abandoned at a local hospital, Tony sees it as a sign. Suddenly, Leo is confronted with making good on his promise to start a family; he must face his deep-seeded fears of being a father, or risk losing Tony altogether.
Neighbor Shawn
Danny and his ex, Pip, enlist the help of a jaded private investigator to stop a crime spree sending shock waves through a Hollywood community.
Back in 1982, a Texas University student who is curious about the male sex fantasies he's been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus.