Carmen Martín


Esto sí se hace
Makeup Artist
Fabian and Casimiro are two respectable married men, who have their little adventures every now and then, like any good husband. The problem begins to Fabian when his wife Adela, accompanied by her friend Martirio, discover him with another woman. After this, and as revenge Adela decides to return the ball to Fabian, with his best friend. Aware of the plan, Fabian looks for someone to solve thesituation and finds Casimiro, which is suitable, precisely because he lacks "it".
El donante
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Tato Montini (Andrés Pajares), a popular radio show host and ladies man, agrees to donate his penis for a transplant after his death. He dies, goes to Heaven and discovers that even in afterlife he would have still needed his penis.
El recomendado
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La vendedora de ropa interior
Makeup Artist
A story of a family whose father tries by all means to maintain the strictest ethics and morality ... or at least appear so. His beautiful young daughter tries to emancipate hereself and looks for a job, but the chance is that the first thing that comes out is underwear seller. She starts to work and problems start for all.
Tres mujeres de hoy
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A Man Called Autumn Flower
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Lluis de Serracant leads a double life. By day he's a young lawyer, scion of a Catalan bourgeois family. At night he's a transvestite performer known to his fans as "Flower of Autumn".
Satan's Blood
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After a chance encounter with a mysterious couple claiming to be old friends, Andrés and Ana are invited to spend the evening at a beautiful, secluded old villa. As the night winds down, they begin to sense that there are some rather strange things going on around them and, after agreeing to sleep over, find themselves unwittingly pulled into a series of bizarre sexual encounters which they slowly discover are part of a horrifying Satanic ritual designed to make them slaves to the Prince of Darkness!
La Corea
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Toni is a seventeen year old young man who comes to Madrid from a little village in search of work. A friend from the same village of Toni puts him in touch with Charo, "La Corea", a mature woman dedicated to facilitating contacts and boys to American men at the military base of Torrejón.
Долгие каникулы 36-го
Makeup Artist
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
Imposible para una solterona
Makeup Artist
Gina is a single woman with a good job. From very attractive features, its beauty shines it should not because of their excess weight. Her boyfriend decides to leave her and from that moment her life is shrouded in sadness and monotony. Everything changes when he bursts into her life a very handsome young man called Luis. But it's intentions are not clear, Gina must discover the reasons that really move her wooer ...
Blanca's Weddings
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A divorced woman is abandoned by her betrothed on the eve of her second marriage, and resigns herself to a humdrum life with her first husband.
Ready, Aim, Fire!
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Madrid, in the forties. In the post-war period, Paca, a chorus girl who aspires to enter the Celia Gámez Company, returns to Madrid after a provincial tour. In the same train travels Luis, undocumented young person to whom Paca allows him to spend the night in the room where she lives with her sick father. Paca's relationship with Julio, a mogul without remorse, offers her financial support, but Luis gives her the tenderness and love she does not have with Julio.
El mejor regalo
Key Makeup Artist
The day of his wedding, Carlos recibes the most unexpected present he coud receive, a son. Carlitos, makes the weadding a complete disaster and fails to place. Carlos to solve the misunderstanding, decides to follow the boy home to meet his mother and to find out what is going on. This will bring him more than one surprise.
Makeup Artist
A rich emigrant returns to Madrid where he meets the beautiful Amparo . The girl, however, lives a secret affair with a priest
Una mujer prohibida
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Mi hijo no es lo que parece
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Love, music and entanglements: a showgirl tries luck in tragedy, but she will be surprised by the arrival of her son from Bombay, with ideas very different from those of Spain; while the successor of this one - and neighbor - gains a plus doing "favors" to the gentle admirers.
Las señoritas de mala compañía
Makeup Artist
La descarriada
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Nati has no choice but to work as a prostitute to support her siblings. Unfortunately she has not had much success; it's difficult to get customers and she also owes money to her "protector", Florencio. But one day a kind of Prince Charming shows up...
Makeup Artist
Starring Elisa Laguna, Paquita Ferrera, Rosa María Carmona, Leila Lakhoua, Fernando Hilbeck and Fernando Rey, «Chicas de club» is 1970 Drama film directed by Jorge Grau, and written by Mario Camus, Jorge Grau, and Claudio Rodríguez.
Los días de Cabirio
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La graduada
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Убийства на улице Морг
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Конец 19-го века. 12 лет тому назад в одном из парижских театров, во время выступления, произошёл несчастный случай, когда один из актёров получил страшные ожоги лица и умер. В настоящие дни в том же самом театре, славящемся своими экстремальными и смелыми постановками, начинают происходить убийства людей (поначалу – девушек), которым неизвестный, всё время появляющийся со зловещим карликом, плескает в лицо кислоту. Инспектор полиции начинает расследование и приходит к заключению, что эти смерти связаны с тем давнишним несчастным случаем и что убийца испытывает излишнюю тягу к молодой начинающей актрисе…
La orilla
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Si Fulano fuese Mengano
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Raúl Arévalo and Miguel García seem like a drop of water to another, but there the similarity ends. Raul is a famous singer, womanizer, despotic, cruel and millionaire. Instead Michael is an honest worker, cheerful and loving who enjoys the simple things forward. Fate will know them and life will never be the same for either.
El gran crucero
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Sin un adiós
Makeup Artist
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
Lola la Piconera
Makeup Artist
During the Napoleonic era, when Napoleon's army tried to complete the conquest of Spain and headed towards Cádiz, they met a cantaora from Cádiz (Rocío Jurado) in the streets. However, her outward joy is deceptive since the man she is in love with is the French captain Gustavo Lefevre (Germán Cobos), who has come to conquer Spain. This film made for television stars the singer Rocío Jurado ("En Andalucía nació el amor") and directed by Fernando García de la Vega ("Cinco minutos nada menos").
Life Goes On
Makeup Artist
A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.
Дом, который кричит
Makeup Artist
Мадам Фурно владеет школой для трудновоспитуемых девушек во Франции. В школе царит строгая дисциплина, порядок, которые вызваны суровыми наказаниями, издевательствами и пытками учениц. У мадам Фурно есть юный сын Луис, которого она старается держать подальше от девушек. Тем временем в школе начинают происходить странные исчезновения учениц...
Cristina Guzmán
Makeup Artist
A Devil Under the Pillow
Makeup Artist
Anselmo is a young anthropologist who is tormented by jealousy, and although his wife Camilla does not give reasons, keeps a close eye on her. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor says the problem is him and not his wife. So he plots to verify, once and for all, if his suspicions are true. By chance he meets an old friend, Lotario, who seems the ideal person to carry out his plans. What Anselmo does not know is that his friend is a real womanizer who ends seducing his wife.
Amor en el aire
Makeup Artist
An Argentine travels to Spain to begin his studies. During the flight, he causes so much troubles to a flight attendant that she is fired. At home, the ex flight attendant discovers some dresses that belonged to her grandmother and decides to try her luck with an artist representative. There she will find the guy who caused his dismissal. Both fail to act in Barcelona, ​​but the boy's father attended the performance, being surprised, because he believed his son was studying in Madrid.
Los chicos con las chicas
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The musical group Los Bravos is enjoying a short holidays. It's in a mountain hut, near a girls' school, eager to see and hear.
Operation Delilah
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A couple try to help the residents of a small Caribbean island overthrow a dictator.
Nuevo en esta plaza
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Film that tells the biography of the great bullfighter Sebastian Palomo Linares Linares, with the very skilled actor who plays the character. Palomo Linares belongs to a poor family but with great human values​​. He, like many others of his age, has a dream: to be a bullfighter. He works as an apprentice shoemaker fights secretly at night in the meadows. After a career of suffering and obstacles, the boy never lost hope, typical of his strong Christian convictions, and became a teacher, finally achieving success in the sand. The film shows with particular clarity the great Spanish tradition, as is the art of bullfighting.
Balearic Caper
Makeup Artist
A scepter is stolen, and it's hunted for by various groups of international robbers and spies, for various reasons - in a parody of 007 movies.
Makeup Artist
Eduvigis is an Eldery Lady who lives in Madrid, and visits bad luck on everyone that she looks at through glasses that her late husband gave her, which were made from crystals from an Egyptian Tomb. To arrange the sale of an inherited house, she must travel to the Canary Islands, and so puts an advert in a newspaper asking for a maid to accompany her, and a chauffeur to drive her car. Mercedes, a girl who works in a Museum in Madrid, and Tony, a student whose college has just started Summer vacation, answer the advert. Neither of them gets along with the other at all, but both are hired to make the trip with Eduvigis. Arriving in Tenerife, Mercedes and Tony discover that the house is worth much more than it appears, and much more than what is being offered.
Crack in the World
Makeup Artist
Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the Earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.
The Big Family
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Vuelve San Valentín
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As there are still a lot of problems in the relationships of the Spanish couples Saint Valentine returns to earth and especially to Madrid in order to fix these problems.
El balcón de la Luna
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Pecado de amor
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Nun Belen works as a spiritual guide in a women's prison. Is a very understanding woman, possibly due to her past. At the past she was Magda, the star of the cabaret "The Mill of Twenty." She was attractive, young and admired by the public, she had it all, but three very different men end up marking her destination. A fate that is inexorably opposed to her happiness.
Легенда о Голиафе
Makeup Artist
После долгих странствий царь Голиаф возвращается с победой на родину в Бейрут. Ему и его товарищам пришлось пережить множество приключений. Галера Голиафа подверглась нападению гигантского ящера и утонула, и только несколько человек во главе с Голиафом были выброшены волной на берег в страну Амазонок. Голиаф с товарищами попадает в плен, откуда выбраться ему помогает девушка амазонка Дэйна. Чтобы вернуться на Родину друзьям предстоит пройти пустыню и горы, сразиться с дикими племенами, одержать победу в гладиаторских боях и в схватке со львами. Но не ласково встречает их Родина. Во время его отсутствия страну захватил коварный узурпатор Бокан, который, желая оставить власть в своих руках, убивает всех, кто сочувствует Голиафу. И чтобы покончить с тираном, и вернуть власть в своем царстве, Голиафу предстоит последняя битва с врагами. Он победит, ведь народ на его стороне…
El indulto
Key Makeup Artist
Spain, 1906: in a small village and pregnant after having been raped, Antonia is forced to marry the brutal Lucas to save her honor. But the mother of the girl pays Lucas 20,000 reales so that the man will never get any closer to Antonia or the child to be born. The man's bad temper will take him to jail and Antonia will try to remake his life with Pedro, Luca's brother. However, despite how far they may go, the couple are distressed at the prospect of Lucas being pardoned and seeking them after leaving prison.
Melancholy Autumn
Lucas is an orphan who lives with his mother Mary, a worker in a factory in Barcelona. One day they meet Captain Andres.
Makeup Artist
Хуан Диас возвращается в родную деревню после окончания тюремного срока за убийство, которого он не совершал. Его сестра Андреа убеждает его отомстить брату убитого Луису, показания которого отправили Хуана в тюрьму. В свою очередь, мать Луиса заставляет своего сына отомстить за смерть брата. Вынуждаемые к смертельной вражде молодые люди, тем не менее, вынуждены на время объединиться – ведь приближается время жатвы, дающей поденным рабочим возможность заработать. Однако в деревенской артели не хватает рабочих рук, и там очень надеются на помощь молодых и сильных Хуана и Луиса. Вместе с ними на заработки отправляется и Андреа…
Desert Warrior
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Omar Sultan's army has been defeated. However, Prince Said, son of the Sultan died, encourages people to form an army and fight again to Ibrahim. The town gets excited and running quickly, while crossing the desert, they encounter the enemy caravans and raid without knowing that one of them is Fatima, daughter of Ibrahim, who poses as a singer of the harem. Said, dazzled by the beauty of the girl, released. But soon after, Fatima, who also doesn´t know the origin of the robber, sees him again, and among them born a strong attraction.
Makeup Artist
A rich and famous painter dies leaving a secret that kept him apart from the woman he loved. Suspecting a family plot, she will try to unveil it keeping his death from the greedy relatives who are called in the middle of the night. She will try to find the truth before the dawn comes at last.
Susanna and Me
Makeup Artist
An expulsive star of a variety theatre cannot decide between the love of an honest archaeology professor and the love of an extravagant official who turns himself into a cabaret comedian in his sparetime.
Главная улица
Makeup Artist
Жизнь маленького провинциального городка, живущего в зависимости от традиций и привычных догм. Исабель, в свои неполные 35 лет, из-за своего незамужества одинока и подавлена. Хуан со своими дружками, которые разгоняют скуку порой грубыми и жестокими шутками, заставляют поверить Исабель во влюбленность Хуана. Исабель уже верит, что Хуан женится на ней. Но то, что началось как шутка, заводит шутников в тупик.
Новый дон Жуан
Makeup Artist
После очередного любовного приключения Дону Жуану грозит смертная казнь. Его слуга Сганарель вынужден выдать себя за своего господина, чтобы спасти ему жизнь. Сганарель становится настоящим героем-любовником! Но как не просто быть донжуаном, когда всю жизнь был всего лишь скромным слугой… Вместо своего хозяина неуклюжий Сганарель вынужден скрываться не только от разгневанных мужей, но и от сгораемых от любви почтенных синьор. Сердцеед приговорен к сожжению заживо. Но герои не горят, как не горят любовь и легенды…
La fierecilla domada
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Viento del norte
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A farm family moves into a city maybe at the end of the Spanish Civil War. They move in with the sister of the farmers wife. In the city everything is illegal or immoral or both.
Sin uniforme
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Любая женщина
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После смерти сына Ньевес Бланко разводится с мужем. Она хочет добиться успеха самостоятельно, но у нее есть большая проблема, женщина необычайно привлекательна и все мужчины видят в ней инструмент наслаждения. Проходит время, но она так и не смогла найти работу. В отчаянии, она решает выйти «на улицу» и продать себя. Она встречает Луиса, таинственного человека, который собирается втянуть Нтевес в большую передрягу, превратив её жизнь в лихорадочную полосу препятствий.