Marie Glory

Marie Glory

Рождение : 1905-03-04, Mortagne-au-Perche, France

Смерть : 2009-01-24


Marie Glory


The Cat Shows Her Claws
la concierge
Sinners of Paris
La patronne du café
Michel Piccoli plays a police inspector whose best friend is murdered on the orders of gang boss Charles Vanel. The inspector knows full well that Vanel is too crafty and well-connected to ever stand trial for his crime, so he carefully lays a subtle trap for his adversary. Unfortunately, both Piccoli and Vanel are thwarted by a pair of scheming females.
И Бог создал женщину
Mme. Tardieu
Юная прелестница Жюльетт служит в газетной лавке и имеет заслуженную репутацию дурно воспитанной, распутной девчонки. Жюльетт любит море, солнце, горячий песок, музыку, еду и — мужчин.Одним своим нескромным аппетитным видом эта очаровательная «кошечка» — бывшая воспитанница сиротского приюта — провоцирует мужчин городка на фривольные мысли и безрассудные поступки. Поэтому, когда перед малышкой возникает реальная угроза возвращения в ненавистный приют, ее богатому поклоннику Эрику приходит в голову циничная мысль немедленно выдать Жюльетт замуж, чтобы затем продолжать пользоваться ее благосклонностью.Нужен человек, который отказался бы от своей свободы, чтобы сохранить свободу девушке с «проблемной репутацией». Таким безумцем станет Мишель — парень скучноватый и честный, но тайно влюбленный в обворожительную и беспутную «принцессу» городка. Вот только, когда шокирующая свадьба состоится? Ещё не известно, кого из всех своих мужчин выберет непредсказуемая и чувственная героиня.
The Bachelor
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Gli uomini, che mascalzoni!
Бегство месье Перля
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
Adorable Creatures
Catherine's Mother
Andre Noblet, a 21-year-old French artist falls madly in love with Christine, the mother of two children. He tells Chistine he will tell all to her husband and demand her freedom. Christine learns that her husband has been carrying on a romance of his own and they have a meeting.
Dagli Appennini alle Ande
Una moglie in pericolo
Mary Arnold Verdier
Terra di fuoco
People Who Travel
Due to an accident at the Barlay Circus, animal trainer Flora finds Fernand, a former prison escapee, and refers him to manager, Edouard Barlay.
The Gateway Streak
A brave man accidentally gives some good tips to a client who immediately hires him as a secretary. But he is kidnapped by a rival bank and there is a queue to get his predictions. He finally understands that he makes everyone's fortune except his own. He opens a private pharmacy where he earns everything he wants and even love.
L'homme sans coeur
Sentenced to 20 years after killing a colleague for revealing that his wife was unfaithful, Sourdier escapes hoping to kill the woman as well.He learns she was true to him and has had a little girl who thinks the father is dead.
With a Smile
A tramp learns that even honesty won't help him overcome his struggles to prosper. After a man tells him that he needs to smile in order to succeed, he turns his attitude around and he becomes successful.
The Terrible Lovers
After a year of turbulent marriage Annette and Daniel get a divorce, and each marries again. However, they meet again on the French Riviera and are tempted to give in to their old passion...
The Fleeing Dead
Two second-rate, hammy actors, Hector Trignol and Achille Baluchet, come up with a fake murder story to draw attention to themselves. Baluchet is to kill Trignol, who will temporarily disappear then reappear, as if by magic, during the trial. But things don't go according to plan.
Votre sourire
Because Colin has a charming smile, he seduces his boss, a great decorator. And Colin, who ruined himself to approach the young woman, succeeds in becoming her partner and then her husband.
La dactylo se marie
A former typist at a bank ,having married her elegant young boss and gone on a honeymoon, needs to return to work when the bank runs into trouble, and is separated for a while from her new husband.
S. S. Tenacity
Bastien and Ségard decide to leave France for Canada. They buy tickets aboard a rickety craft, the Tenacity, that never quite seems able to leave port. While stuck there they both fall for the innkeeper's daughter, which causes them to rethink their Canadian notions.
An Ideal Woman
Grégoire Vachette is a bashful librarian, forced to listen to the daily boasting of his colleague Courgéan, a great seducer according to what he says. But when, while on holiday, Grégoire meets beautiful Madeleine, the shy young man becomes fired up. Back to his place of work, he can't help communicating his enthusiasm for Madeleine, so much so that he too is taken for a Don Juan. But Madeleine is not for him. Nevertheless, his unexpected change of attitude will have helped him to conquer the heart of Denise, a typist who loved him in secret.
Rose Val
After the sinking of their boat, seven passengers from a wealthy background find themselves on a desert island. The man who saves them from drowning then proposes to the sailor Charlemagne to become the king of the peninsula.
A Star Vanishes
Prisoner of my heart
Having fallen madly in love with the daughter of a prison guard, Guignolet climbs the wall to free her. He falls into this prison yard where he ends up being a prisoner in the heart of the delicious daughter of the guard.
Mr, Mrs and Bibi
When his wife storms out of a dinner planned for the American boss, because the dog isn't allowed to be at the table, an engineer substitutes his secretary and pretends she is the wife.
You Will Be a Duchess
Annette Poisson
"Tu seras duchesse!" ("You'll Be a Duchess!") With these words, self-made industrialist Poisson orders his daughter Lucie to marry a wealthy Duke. The duke's father objects to the union, whereupon Poisson arranges another marriage for his daughter, this time to an impoverished and sickly young marquis. Poisson's strategy runs something like this: the Marquis is expected to die soon, whereupon the widowed Lucie will become a marquess, and thus a worthy bride for the Duke. But the Marquis foils these plans by staging a miraculous recovery. The explanation? The Marquis and Lucie have been in love all along, and this was the only way that they could wed with Poisson's blessing. Darned clever, these Frenchmen!.
Amourous Adventure
When the husband of a rich lady is unfaithful, she plays the role of a chambermaid to a less prominent man.
My Crush
Simone finds work as a secretary in a bank whose chief of staff expects more than typed letters.
La folle aventure
Fred, a journalist, faces an international intrigue to protect the mysterious Nelly.
The Knights of the Mountain
as Mary
The two worlds
The King of Paris
Illegitimate Child
The illegitimate son of a music-hall star and an ambitious politician has grown up to become a journalist. He decides to get back at his father by using blackmail.
Vater und Sohn
Monte Cristo
Valentine de Villefort - la fille
This epic adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo was directed by Henri Fescourt, and stars Jean Angelo, Lil Dagover, Pierre Batcheff, the beautiful Marie Glory, and Bernhard Goetzke as the Abbé Faria.
Adapted from the novel L'Argent by Émile Zola, the film portrays the world of banking and the stock market in Paris in the 1920s.
Little Devil May Care
Petite voleuse
Ludivine, a lttle tomboy, takes on the too polite Delphin. Being caught, and punished, she wants him and his father to be dead. When the latter dies, she feels guilty and takes Delphin under her wing.
Les dévoyés