Beverly Murray


Sleeping Dogs Lie
Insane Woman
In 1919 theatre owner Ambrose Small sold his business and vanished. but who , if anyone, was responsible for his disappearance?
Spike of Love
An innocent businessman gets in over his head during a night of lust in this horror-comedy from director Steve DiMarco.
Still Life
Performance Space Lady
The alleys of downtown Manhattan become a modern killing field when corpses begin turning up, disfigured and gruesomely posed to appear as pieces of art.In the frightening climate of the "Art Killer", Peter Sherwood, a struggling musician, is hired to compose for a patron of the arts, and thinks his dreams are coming true. But as the body count continues to rise, the clues surrounding the murders oddly begin to lead police closer and closer to Peter and his new job. Suddenly, all eyes are on Peter and he must scramble to find the real killer - before he becomes his next masterpiece.
The Carpenter
Crazy Woman
A carpenter, who was executed in the electric chair, comes back to finish his dream house, now inhabited by a young married couple.
Eve: Group Montparno
Ник Харт — американский художник, старающийся добиться успеха и живущий среди иностранцев в Париже 1920-х годов. Он проводит большую часть своего времени, выпивая и общаясь с посетителями местного кафе и галерейщицей Либби, чтобы продать свои картины. Он участвует в сделке с богатой покровительницей искусств Натали де Виль. Это приводит к нескольким столкновениям с американским магнатом Бертрамом Стоуном, который женат на бывшей супруге Харта Рэйчел.
The Last Straw
This hilarious Canadian comedy frankly and with surprising taste, chronicles the travails of Alex, the 'Most Potent Man in the World." Alex earns this title while visiting a sperm bank. There it is discovered that he has a sperm motility rate of 99.5. What that means is that women he comes in contact with, directly or through artificial insemination, stand a terrific chance of becoming pregnant. Alex is naturally proud of his gift, but unfortunately, because he is only average looking, few of the sperm bank patrons are enticed to have his babies. In order to let them known what they are missing, he hires himself a manager and appears on a radio talk show. The ploy works and he suddenly finds himself surround by women desperate to get pregnant one way or another.
Уличный парень
Джонатан Фишер в опасности: он может вот-вот потерять место репортера в журнале. Его последнее задание, которое может сохранить за ним место: текст о проституции. Но в процессе поиска и проверки фактов у Джонатана возникли проблемы: он в очередной раз попал в очень неприятную историю. Полиция, убийство, история сутенера - во всем нужно разобраться, уложить все в материал в заданные сроки и не сильно запачкать свою репутацию.
Breaking All the Rules
Debbie's Mother
Three robbers hide a stolen jewel inside a stuffed animal at one of the midway games in an amusement park. When Jack—a teen with a part-time summer job in the park—his best friend David and two girls hang out at the park, they get mixed up in the robbers' scheme to take back their jewel.
Cathy's Curse
Vivian Gimble
A young girl is possessed by the spirit of her dead aunt, who died in a car accident. Soon members of her family begin to mysteriously die off.
East End Hustle
Group of prostitutes who rely on each other to revolt against their sinister pimps. Their bid for freedom turns much more dangerous than they ever imagined.
Сладкий фильм
Мамаша мультимиллионера выбирает на телеконкурсе идеальную девственницу для своего сыночка, не составившую, однако, счастья ни ему, ни себе. В то же время по водам символизма плывет задрипанный буксир с головой Маркса на носу и с опьяненной революционной борьбой хиппующей девицей на борту, к которой вскоре присоединяется сексуально озабоченный матрос с «Потемкина»…