Maurice Cammage


The Faceless Enemy
Professor Artus, a scientist specializing in artificial life, wants to try an experiment on an automaton; he is entrusted with a death row inmate. The professor is soon found murdered. It is Inspector Wens, helped by a journalist, who must solve the case. Franck Villard in the role of Wens succeeds Fresnay.
A Dog's Life
Mr. Gustave Bourdillon loves hopelessly the wife of the director of the institution where he is the only teacher. Soon a widow, the pretty wife of Mr. Calumet, agrees to marry the brave professor, but believes each onstant that her husband has returned in the form of his brave little dog Medor. After incredible situations and an immeasurable pursuit, Gustave Bourdillon and widow Émilie will live a deserved happiness.
The Italian Straw Hat
Fadinard is going through the woods on his horse en route to his wedding. Unfortunately, his horse eats the straw hat of a married woman who is having a secret rendezvous with her lover. In order to save the woman's honor, Fadinard must find the exact same type of hat to replace the one his horse ate and still be able to get to his wedding on time.
Monsieur Hector
In a palace in Nice, a modest valet is confused with his master, a viscount chased by a man-eater.
Maxim's Porter
The hunter at Maxim's, whose family is unaware of the profession, turns around and plans to marry his daughter to a marquis when he recognizes a regular in this nobility. Everyone meets at Maxim's where, unmasked, the hunter agrees to marry his daughter to the reveler but repentant Marquis.
The Five Cents of Lavarede
Some try to travel around the world with a time constraint, but Lavarède has to perform an even harder task than Phineas Fogg. His assignment is to go around the globe with a mere five cents coin. Worse, he can't even spend it or else he will not come into the money of his inheritance. To make sure Lavarède plays by the rules of the game, two supervisors stick to him like a shadow. Will the young man meet this unbelievable challenge?
Vacances payées
Prosper, the accountant of a fashion house, takes a vacation to Monte Carlo without his wife Sabine. And if he goes alone it is for a very good reason: he has a rendezvous with Olga, a beautiful woman. Once in Monte Carlo, he wins a large sum of money at the casino. Unfortunately for him he immediately becomes the prey of three gangsters who proceed to relieve him of his newly acquired fortune.
Une de la cavalerie
The merry Vigoulette wants to escape the yoke of his wife and asks to be recalled to a barracks regiment in Nice. Every night, he and his friend Poupardin have a great time. But one evening, he is missing. Fortunately his wife, who had arrived to spy on him, takes her place in the bedroom.
Bouquets from Nicholas
A florist in a nightclub in Montmartre, a good, naive man is manipulated by a gang of gangsters who use him to smuggle drugs.
Mon député et sa femme
An outgoing deputy, put on ballot, experiences many political and marital difficulties before regaining his seat. Ultimately and without suspecting it, he owes his victory obtained by a withdrawal at the last minute, to his young wife who did not hesitate to seduce the opponent.
The Beauty of Montparnasse
Mr. Pontbichot has long dreamed of cheating on his wife. To achieve his goals, he looks for a son-in-law who could help him, and finds him in the person of a young painter, who pleases his daughter.
Une femme qui se partage
Louis Cruciol, a married man, leads a double life: he maintains his mistress by taking the identity of one of his employees, Louis Cornette. A series of misunderstandings ensues.
Les maris de ma femme
A poor boy, having consented to play the role of the victim in a fake car accident story, is also invited to marry in the place of his crush who wishes to keep his freedom.
Prête-moi ta femme
Gontran is required to marry if he wants to benefit from his aunt's inheritance. To convince the latter in favor of a visit, he calls on the wife of a friend who will play the role of the future wife. This maneuver will cause many misunderstandings.
The Little Lady of the Sleeping Car
A somewhat naive young man, newly married to a well-to-do young lady, is harassed by a promiscuous woman he met on a train. Everything will end well.
La mariée du régiment
Private Mamert is the heir to five million dollars. All his comrades borrow his identity to seduce girls.
A Bombshell Night
A banker threatened by gangsters is replaced by a tramp who is his perfect double. The gangsters arrest the fake banker and take him for a madman.
La caserne en folie
Following a misunderstanding, a young servant is mistaken for the rich heir that the owner of a fashion house intended for his daughter. The servant is satisfied while the millionaire is in charge of washing the dishes.
Les bleus de la marine
Lafraise and Plumard, two rookies on the ship Le Victorieux, are on leave in the port of Toulon. At a time they get lost and in order to escape the Navy patrolmen, they disguise themselves and board a train. Now it happens that in the convoy a delegate of the government is on his way to Paris, with the mission to inaugurate a monument there. But the circumstances are such that our two friends are mistaken for the Minister and his secretary. Unabashed, the pair does the job, in other words, they deliver the expected speech, eat like horses, live it up - until they are recognized. Which eventually results in a prolonged stay in an unpleasant kind of hotel room named - the hold.
A Night of Madness
Jacqueline took one of her friends to a place where tourists, informants, girls, pimps and Apaches rub shoulders. Her husband, who watches over her, after having corrected Julot and Frize, is considered an ace at the Bal des Terreurs. He thus finds the love of his wife.
La terreur de la pampa
Billy Forster, a dishwasher, dreams of becoming a hero. One day, he leaves Hollywood for Texas, where he is soon hired as a ranch hand by Tom Spielman. What Billy does not know is that the rancher is also a highwayman who, with the help of his Negro henchman Sam, terrorizes and robs isolated travelers. But, assisted by Nelly, Spielman's adopted daughter, and Partridge Eye, an Indian, Billy manages to bring the two criminals to justice.
Le gros lot
Полковой петух
История о женатом лейтенанте по прозвищу «петух полка», который не пропускает ни одной юбки, и его друге, готовом вытащить того из любой щекотливой ситуации.
Полковой петух
История о женатом лейтенанте по прозвищу «петух полка», который не пропускает ни одной юбки, и его друге, готовом вытащить того из любой щекотливой ситуации.
L'ordonnance malgré lui
The colonel must marry the baroness of Flair, as soon as the girl this one will have found a match. A friend of the colonel proposes his nephew: a count with a degilded coat of arms. Private Leneveu presents himself to the baroness, who takes him for the suitor, whereas he is the colonel's driver. Gaffes and misunderstandings. The arrival of the true nephew restores the situation. Leneveu goes to the police station.
Vive la classe
By habit
Valentin Bourgeasse is an inveterate drunk. He takes the matter so far that one day he is evicted from his apartment. A few evenings later evening, as he has drunk too much (what else?), he forgets that he doesn't live there anymore so imagine his surprise when he finds a lady in "his" bed.