Boris Vian

Boris Vian

Рождение : 1920-03-10, Ville-d'Avray, Hauts-de-Seine, France

Смерть : 1959-06-29


Boris Vian (10 March 1920 – 23 June 1959) was a French polymath: writer, poet, musician, singer, translator, critic, actor, inventor and engineer. He is best remembered today for his novels. Those published under the pseudonym Vernon Sullivan were bizarre parodies of criminal fiction, highly controversial at the time of their release. Vian's other fiction, published under his real name, featured a highly individual writing style with numerous made-up words, subtle wordplay and surrealistic plots. L'Écume des jours (Froth on the Daydream) is the best known of these works, and one of the few translated into English. Vian was also an important influence on the French jazz scene. He served as liaison for Hoagy Carmichael, Duke Ellington and Miles Davis in Paris, wrote for several French jazz-reviews (Le Jazz Hot, Paris Jazz) and published numerous articles dealing with jazz both in the United States and in France. His own music and songs enjoyed popularity during his lifetime, particularly the anti-war song "Le Déserteur" (The Deserter). 


Boris Vian


Rage, Sex, and Jazz: I Spit on Your Graves by Vernon Sullivan
Self - Writer (archive footage)
In 1946, the controversial French writer Boris Vian writes his novel I Spit on Your Graves under the pseudonym of Vernon Sullivan, supposedly a mysterious African-American writer; a work against racism and Anglo-Saxon puritanism whose publication causes a great scandal.
El Amor es Ciego
Original Story
Boris Vian, un cœur qui battait trop fort
Self (archive footage)
Vadim Mister Cool
Self (archive footage)
As a poster boy for hedonism, his whole life was one big party. A journalist, filmmaker, director, producer, actor, novelist, ladies' man and prolific father... Roger Vladimir Plémiannikov, a.k.a. Roger Vadim, tried everything until his death in 2000. Portrait of a man at the cutting edge of fashion and trends.
Hôtel La Louisiane
Self (archive footage)
Hôtel La Louisiane is, at its core, a film about freedom and dignity. Freedom for those who wish to live in a place where they are able to feel inspired. Dignity for the hotel owner to stand by his promise to his father and keep their mission alive: to provide an affordable sanctuary for artists and students in search of fulfilling employment, which they certainly won’t find at other hotels. Freedom, too, to be in an environment of tolerance and rid of prejudice. This film is not just a story about a mythical setting in Paris; it portrays the microcosm of a lifestyle in which collective values reign supreme. A film where what’s real and true is placed above national borders or cultural barriers.
Conte de fées à l'usage des moyennes personnes
Original Story
Traumatised by a painfull breakup, Joseph decides on stepping out of his house, and finding some sugar in order to remove bitterness from his life.
Ladies Of The Night’s Street
Gaston Lampion is an employee in a big insurance company. Extremely skilled for all sorts of calculations, he is nonetheless restrained by his lack of charisma and difficulty for speaking. The erotic commerce of “the ladies of the night” will give him the chance to push himself further.
The Cowboy of Normandy
Jim loves Dany. Accompanied by Billy, an orphan kid, he has to go to his own wedding, but nothing happens like planned since he decided to live like a cowboy.
Our Faust
One of the misfortunes of Boris Vian - and a misfortune for those who love him - is to be born and especially to be dead a bit too soon to have known the new wave. We saw him actor in "A pocket love" and "The Bel Age", Pierre Kast, in "Dangerous Liaisons 1960", Roger Vadim, where he held the role of Prévan, which was like a glove . His friend Prévert had designed him the cardinal's role in "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Delannoy. But never did Boris dare to put on the stage what he had written for the screen: he believed the thing impossible. An episode from the tv-mini-series "Collection rue des ravissantes: Boris Vian fait son cinéma."
Mind Your Own Business
Dumped by Juliette, Marcel decides to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. Philippe, a passer-by, stops him and proposes him a deal. Marcel finds himself obliged to follow his saviour to his huge house, to serve him and give help in many ways... Will the saved rescue the saviour?
The Hitchhiker
A couple runs over a cyclist with their car, but a hitchhiker appears before they can get rid of the lifeless body. They allow the hitchhiker to join them, not knowing what he saw. Doubts overtake them. Playing on the ambiguity of the situation, the hitchhiker will not let the couple come out of this intact.
Пена дней
История любви, разворачивающаяся в фантастическом мире, где влюбленные летают на свидания в розовых тучках и танцуют на потолке, где в коридоре обычной квартиры живет солнце, а мыши-домоправители ведут беседы с кошками, где цветы прорастают внутри людей и тепло человеческого сердца способно уничтожить самое опасное оружие.
Le cinéma de Boris Vian
Self (archives)
On June 23, 1959, Boris Vian died of a heart attack while watching the film "I Spit Οn Your Graves", a frivolous adaptation of his novel of the same name, which he released under the pseudonym Vernon Sullivan. Taking as a starting point this fateful date for Vian's relationship with cinema, the documentary looks back at his cinematic experiences, his appearances in several films, his friendship with director Pierre Cast and his many unrealized screenplays. From the post-war period to the dawn of the 1960s, from the cellars of Saint-Germain-des-Prés to his apartment in Place Blanche, it is about the portrait of a diverse author who loved cinema with passion.
Bulles de Vian
"Vian Bubbles" - On June 23, 2009, fifty years to the day after the death of Boris Vian, a supernatural phenomenon crosses all of France: in the streets, one sings everywhere his songs and one expresses oneself only in the language of the poet. In Paris, Antoine de Caunes wakes up to discover the strange "vianic" epidemic, which also affects radio waves and the small screen. A boss of channel proposes to him to organize, for the same evening, a show dedicated to the songs of Boris Vian. Jean-Pierre Marielle tells us the story of this phenomenon, as supernatural as inexplicable. A tribute in songs to the glowing cast.
Boris Vian, la vie jazz
У молодой красавицы Хлои никак не проходит кашель. Рентген показал, что в легком девушки зреет лилия. После мучительной операции в легком Хлои завелся ещё один цветок. Похоже, ей суждено умереть. Возлюбленный пытается скрасить её последние дни и наполнить каждый миг существования неземной красотой.
The Mortal Fortune
On the basis of the hardy perennial "boss-assistant" relation, "The Mortal Fortune" depicts the passion of worldly existence. The anonymous hero of the story, to which the spectator is introduced, attempts at freeing himself from his enslaved life. He finally has to realize the transience of the creature man and whithdraws from the constraints of worldly existence.
L'herbe rouge
Telefilm directed by Pierre Kast broadcast in 1985, based on the eponymous novel by Boris Vian.
Пена дней
История о жизни и любви молодых людей в неком фантазийном мире. Чик влюбился в Алису из-за общей страсти к писателю Жану-Солю Партру, который постепенно поглотил их отношения. Вскоре после этого главный герой Колин тоже влюбляется в молодую девушку Хлою, но после их свадьбы она вскоре страдает от странной болезни: в ее легких растет кувшинка.
Le Bel Âge
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
Опасные связи
Жюльетта и Вальмон — супружеская пара со сложными отношениями. Они ищут в жизни острых ощущений и волнений, поэтому отношения на стороне для супругов обычное дело, а приобретенным сексуальным опытом они делятся друг с другом. У них лишь одно табу: никогда не влюбляться в объекты сексуальных опытов! Но однажды Вальмон нарушает правило, влюбившись по уши в девушку, встреченную на лыжном курорте...
И приду плюнуть на ваши могилы
Это история жестокой мести «белого негра» (то есть метиса с ярко выраженными чертами белого человека), Джо Гранта, за линчевание и убийство его младшего брата с темной кожей.
И приду плюнуть на ваши могилы
Это история жестокой мести «белого негра» (то есть метиса с ярко выраженными чертами белого человека), Джо Гранта, за линчевание и убийство его младшего брата с темной кожей.
La Joconde: Histoire d'une obsession
Mona Lisa's professor of smiles (uncredited)
This is the story of an obsession. Mona Lisa keeps smiling quizzically while our poor hero is pursued by her representation in all its forms, in all places. She smiles at him in a museum, at a bookseller along the banks of the Seine, in the streets, at a café. Enough to drive him up the wall!
Обнажённая у него в кармане
Le gérant des bains
Некий профессор проводит эксперименты в области приостановления жизненных функций. Внезапно, в результате экспериментов, он уменьшает свою собаку, а затем свою лаборантку, которая выпивает жидкость, чтобы не быть «застуканной» женой профессора. Девушка уменьшается в росте до 3-х дюймов. Профессор вынужден держать обнаженную девушку в своем кармане. Процедура уменьшения оказалась очень удобной для тайных свиданий. Все бы ничего, но жена профессора начинает подозревать неладное...
Собор Парижской Богоматери
The Cardinal
Цыганка Эсмеральда своей красотой сводит с ума мужчин. В неё тайно влюблён Клод Фроло, суровый священник из Собора Парижской Богоматери. Воспитанник святого отца, горбун Квазимодо, также очарован смуглой плясуньей. А девушка хранит верность аристократу по прозвищу Феб. Одурманенный ревностью священник ранит его. В преступлении обвиняют Эсмеральду и судьи приговаривают девушку к смерти через повешение. Феб не делает ничего ради её спасения, но на помощь любимой приходит горбун Квазимодо...
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances
La chasse à l'homme
Variations on the cultural and intellectual explosion in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district in 1946.