Madan Joshi


Приятные воспоминания
Monishka's Father
Радж уже много лет живёт в Лондоне вместе с женой и тремя дочерьми. После трагической гибели жены он не может забыть свое счастливое прошлое и решает вернуться в Индию. Радж с трудом находит общий язык с повзрослевшими дочерьми. У каждой из них свой характер, свой взгляд на мир. Вскоре две дочери выходят замуж, а третья, строптивая и независимая Иша, не верит в любовь, не подозревая о том, что друг детства Ронит и есть ее судьба.
Ajay and Dev are two small-time crooks. One day they accidentally killed a man named Mohan Tripathi. With a good and pleasant mind they find out the address of the decreased and pays a visit to his village. Only to see the young man's family eagerly waiting for his return from abroad, seeing the family's plight they decides to lie about the young man and told the family that he is alive but was delayed because of some urgent work. Days and months passed and Mohan did not showed up towards his family and both young men continues to lie to them. The question remain what will be the outcome of Ajay and Dev when the family learns that there son is no longer alive and that both are his killers?
Judge Somnath lives with his wife, three sons, and a daughter. Two of his sons, Vikram and Mohan are married, while his daughter, Kaamna, and youngest son, Ravi, are of marriageable age. Somnath had wanted his sons to be a doctor, police officer, and a Judge. While Vikram is a surgeon, Mohan's a Police Inspector, & Ravi is now studying law and on his way to become a lawyer and then a Judge like his dad. This family does have a dark secret. Ravi is prone to losing his temper, so much so that he gets out of control, and has killed someone in his childhood. When Kaamna gets raped, the family are reluctant to tell Ravi. When they do they do convince him to control himself, while Mohan gets an arrest warrant for Vinod, Kaamna's molester. Things do not go smoothly in court as the matter is put off for several months and then Somnath and Kaamna are killed in a bomb explosion. Now Mohan and Vikram handcuff Ravi on their balcony while they finalize the funeral arrangements...
Prem Yog
Maharaj Chatrapal Singh and his wife the Maharani are delighted when they become proud parents of a son - the heir to the thrown of Ramgad. Their delight is short-lived when the Palace Astrologer predicts that Chatrapal will be the last of the Maharajas for Ramgad, and no throne is destined for his son, Raju.
Любовная сила
Однажды двое влюбленных решили убежать из дома, так как родители не желали их свадьбы. Спрятавшись в пещере, они стали свидетелями конфликта доброго Змея-волшебника и злого колдуна. Помогая Змею, парень навлек на себя гнев колдуна, который превратил девушку в статую. От горя парень умирает. Проходит 20 лет. Герой возродился из мертвых и стал художником. Ожила и его возлюбленная, но она может говорить и двигаться только наедине с любимым и не может рассказать ему об их прошлой жизни. Добрый Змей изо всех сил помогает влюбленным, но и колдун не дремлет. И вновь продолжается противостояние, начатое 20 лет назад...
Much to his disapproval, a wealthy man finds history repeating itself when his daughter falls in love with a poor boy, who also happens to be the son of a past enemy.
Lieutenant Suraj Dutt has been in the Indian army for years. It is now time for him to take a leave of absence so that he can meet his father, Retired Colonel Yashpal Dutt, and sister, Minni. He travels home, and on the way rescues some school children held hostage by a group of armed men. The media portrays him as a hero, and it is here that he meets with a young woman named Alka, and both fall in love with each other. Alka and Suraj get the approval of their respective families' and get married. Minni also gets married to a young man named Vijay Ghai. Shortly after the marriage, Suraj leaves his pregnant wife and re-joins duty at the border. His father is the first one to get the news that he is missing, believed dead. He decides to keep his news from Alka and Minni. What Yashpal does not know that both Minni and Alka have already received this devastating news - and both have decided to keep a brave front and also hide it from each other...
Сводные братья
Перед смертью отец рассказывает своему сыну, что у него есть сводный брат от женщины, с которой он расстался много лет назад, и просит искупить свою вину, отыскать брата и его мать и поделить с ними наследство.
Настоящая любовь
История разворачивается вокруг Рохита и Радхики, которые выступают против неодобрения их отношений ее родителями.
Pati Parmeshwar
Dimple seduces a married Shekhar Suman in a damned sexy song.
Авинаш Капур работает преподавателем в колледже. Когда он отчитывает нескольких студентов за нарушение правил колледжа, то в ответ они похищают его слепую сестру Гиту. Авинаш находит их и избивает, за что его увольняют с работы и приговаривают к 6 суткам тюремного заключения за неуважение к суду. Выйдя из тюрьмы он не может найти работу. Вынужденный искать деньги на лечение матери, он поступает на работу к бандиту и контрабандисту Агнихотри.
Анил Капур играет младшего сына в семье, который увлечен своей страстью к футболу. Из-за этого его в семье считают ни на что не годным бездельником. Однако когда того требуют обстоятельства, он продает свою почку что бы оплатить свадьбу своей младшей сестры, жертвуя при этом своей футбольной карьерой.
Сокровища древнего храма
Драма, которая разыгралась в наши дни среди наследников огромного богатства Сингхов. Одного из них ослепляющая алчность толкнула на чудовищные преступления.
Gauri lives a poor lifestyle in a small town in India along with her maternal uncle, Pandey, and aunt, Parvati. Pandey is the peon for the District Forest Officer, and his wife and Gauri assist him in cooking, and cleaning the officer's living quarters. When Jain retires, he is replaced by a much younger officer, Vikas Kashyap, whose family, consisting of two married brothers, their wives, and his widowed mother, live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay. Vikas takes over the job, and a few days later his mother also comes to live there. Gauri falls in love with Vikas, and is convinced that he, too, is in love with her. She even undertakes the Karva Chauth Vrath - little realizing that Vikas is in love with London-based Sonia, and their marriage will soon be finalized.
Gauri lives a poor lifestyle in a small town in India along with her maternal uncle, Pandey, and aunt, Parvati. Pandey is the peon for the District Forest Officer, and his wife and Gauri assist him in cooking, and cleaning the officer's living quarters. When Jain retires, he is replaced by a much younger officer, Vikas Kashyap, whose family, consisting of two married brothers, their wives, and his widowed mother, live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay. Vikas takes over the job, and a few days later his mother also comes to live there. Gauri falls in love with Vikas, and is convinced that he, too, is in love with her. She even undertakes the Karva Chauth Vrath - little realizing that Vikas is in love with London-based Sonia, and their marriage will soon be finalized.
Gauri lives a poor lifestyle in a small town in India along with her maternal uncle, Pandey, and aunt, Parvati. Pandey is the peon for the District Forest Officer, and his wife and Gauri assist him in cooking, and cleaning the officer's living quarters. When Jain retires, he is replaced by a much younger officer, Vikas Kashyap, whose family, consisting of two married brothers, their wives, and his widowed mother, live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay. Vikas takes over the job, and a few days later his mother also comes to live there. Gauri falls in love with Vikas, and is convinced that he, too, is in love with her. She even undertakes the Karva Chauth Vrath - little realizing that Vikas is in love with London-based Sonia, and their marriage will soon be finalized.
Geetaa Mera Naam
The film tells the story of four children who are separated at a fair and unknowingly reunite years later when Geeta (Sadhana) meets Nita (also Sadhana) in prison. Nita has been wrongly accused of murder. Geeta is then caught up in a scheme to find the true killer which leads her to her brother Johnny's (Sunil Dutt) gang.
Mystery movie starring Jaya Bhaduri and Sanjeev Kumar with some very memorable songs.
Reeta Mehra gets a job at a department store to support her ailing mother. After she refuses sexual favours to an important business partner, her boss Sohanlal has her framed for shoplifting. When Reeta gets out of prison, her mother has died. She meets Heeralal, who has also been cheated by Sohanlal, and together they work out a plot for revenge. Reeta is to marry Sohanlal's son and then reveal her history, disgracing Sohanlal's name. Things quickly become more complicated than anticipated.