Otto Sanchez

Otto Sanchez

Рождение : , Jackson Heights - Queens - New York City - New York - USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Otto Sanchez is an actor best known for playing Carmen Guerra in the HBO prison drama Oz. He also played the role of Otto in the short lived drama Kidnapped. He also appeared as a minor character in Bad Boys 2. He played the lead role of "Jorge" in the film "Push" which won awards at The Long Island Film Festival. He has also been seen in NBC's "Law & Order", "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit", "Law & Order: Criminal Intent", "Third Watch", "100 Centre Street" and "Burn Notice". Otto Sanchez recent film projects include The Moment I Died with Colleen Divincentis, directed and written by Vincent Zambrano.


Otto Sanchez


Терминатор: Генезис
Detective Timmons
Год 2029. Джон Коннор, лидер сопротивления, продолжает войну против машин. Во время обороны Лос-Анджелеса, страхи Джона перед неизвестным будущим усиливаются, когда шпионы ТЕХКОМА раскрывают новый план Скайнет, из которого становится ясно, что компьютер собирается атаковать сразу на двух фронтах: в прошлом и будущем. Это навсегда изменит ход войны.
Drugs, sex and the allure of fast money blur the boundaries between two very different societies in Miami. Joe and his two best friends, Kevin and Mickey, are struggling to get ahead, dissatisfied with their lives and current financial situation. When a package of ecstasy ends up in their possession at a nightclub, they are enticed by the prospect of scoring some fast cash. The three friends offer to distribute the drugs to their social, business and party contacts for a notorious neighborhood drug lord. Naive and encouraged by their initial success, the boys increase their distribution and quickly find themselves in over their heads with no way to turn back. As addictions take hold and their friendship begins to unravel, they find the lifestyle they have chosen may come at a very high price -- their lives.
Плохие парни 2
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Kill the Poor
When a marriage of convenience becomes the real thing, Joe moves his pregnant French wife to a tenement building on New York's Lower East Side. The street is like a war zone with none of the nostalgic appeal that Joe remembers from tales of his immigrant grandparents arriving in the same neighborhood with a new life. This is the urban frontier filled with comic mixture of gentrifies, homeboys, dealers and local residents simply bent on staying a float
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Намеренные искоренить преступность в Нью-Йорке, напарники Рэй Плуто и Джерри Каббинс не блещут успехами. К тому же, вместо пистолета у Плуто стреляет поясница. Причем, в самый ответственный момент. Кто знает, может и пришлось бы им сдавать свои жетоны, не будь среди бандитов навалом неудачников похлеще, чем они!
Overnight Sensation
Yucca Sanchez
About people making a movie to enter in the Sundance Film Festival.