Natacha Régnier

Natacha Régnier

Рождение : 1974-04-11, Ixelles (Belgique)


Nathalie "Natacha" Régnier (born 11 April 1974) is a Belgian actress. She received a Cannes Film Festival Award, a European Film Award, and a César Award for her role in the 1998 film The Dreamlife of Angels. Régnier is the first Belgian actress to win a César Award.


Natacha Régnier


The Benefit of the Doubt
David has a woman he loves, two lovely young children, a band of friends with whom they go on holiday. But on his return from a stay in the Vosges, he is interrogated by the police in connection with an investigation into a murder. Quickly, it is established that David, under irreproachable looks, does not have a life as smooth as what he claims. Despite the support of his best friend, Noël, and his lawyer, Marco, the doubt spreads.
Véronique Pirotte
Фильм рассказывает о высокопоставленных грабителях, отлично замаскировавшихся под министров и политиков, которые решают обвинить в убийстве судьи местных преступников.
Little Spirou
Mère Petit Spirou
Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.
Сын Иосифа
15-летний Венсан не желает мучить крыс с одноклассниками и продавать сперму в интернете. Он живет с матерью и жаждет найти своего отца. А находит издателя со скверным характером.
Жёлтый ирис
Девочка-подросток была найдена задушенной на берегу Сены. Комиссар Руссо передает это дело своему заместителю, Мариэлле Де Люка. Он хочет снова заняться поисками своего сына, исчезнувшего 5 лет назад. В это время убийца находит новых жертв...
Domestic Life
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
Пена дней
La marchande de remède
История любви, разворачивающаяся в фантастическом мире, где влюбленные летают на свидания в розовых тучках и танцуют на потолке, где в коридоре обычной квартиры живет солнце, а мыши-домоправители ведут беседы с кошками, где цветы прорастают внутри людей и тепло человеческого сердца способно уничтожить самое опасное оружие.
Я убил ради тебя
Isabelle Fayet
Женщина, придя на прием к врачу, проникается к нему чувствами и решает во что бы то ни стало ввести мужчину в свою жизнь. Она прибегает к отчаянной лжи, и отношения, на ней построенные, становятся по-настоящему запретными.
Morning Star
A small circus arrives in a coastal area of the North Sea: the place looks rather eerie and the audience is quite scarce. But despite all of this, the life of the performers is animated by feelings born under the circus tent, and which are often lived out in the secret of their trailers. The ballerina Angèle has an affair with Elliot, the company's clown who is tormented by his conscience; but she is also courted by Heroy, the circus director; he is a cruel and potentially dangerous man who is willing to win her over by resorting to the powers of the magician Zephyr.
Diane Tourneuil
История невероятного взлета верного слуги капитала, ставшего его абсолютным хозяином. Заполучив пост генерального директора крупнейшего европейского банка, он озвучивает на совете директоров свое кредо: «Я - Робин Гуд новой формации! Мы продолжим грабить бедных и раздавать деньги богатым».
One Night
In the harbor city of Le Havre, France, a woman is stabbed during the night, just below the windows of her neighborhood. Pierre (Yvan Attal) has witnessed the murder, and heard the wails of the women crying for help. So have the neighbors, certainly. But at the end, nobody called the police. Nevertheless, sorrows are too heavy for Pierre, which feel the needs to tell everything to his wife (Sophie Quinton), and to the police. During the investigation, it appears that 38 people witnessed the murdering, and none reacted...
Executive Orders
Hélène Morange
Christine Maurel
Франк Адриан мотает срок за ограбление банка, как тут в камеру к нему подсаживают невинно обвинённого человека. На новичка наезжают уголовники, но Адриан впрягается за него. Теперь Франку предстоит опасаться братвы, да ещё и подельник наезжает, требуя слить инфу о тайнике с награбленным.
The Impasse of Desire
Carole Block
When the distinguished psychiatrist Robert Block discovers that his young wife Carole has betrayed him, he is thrown completely off balance. His jealousy hinders him from caring for his patients as responsibly as he should, until Léo Debond , a psychotic and depressive single, seeks his help. Robert sees him with a mixture of compassion and secret contempt. After Carole wants to leave him for good, he takes advantage of Léo’s trust and dependence and makes him an accomplice in a secret plan aiming to end his own pain.
At the Paris airport Orly, a woman falls for a stranger, a family heads to a funeral, a couple lose touch, a wife reads her husband’s break-up letter. All wait for their planes. Absorbed in their immediate fates, they move through the impeccably structured space, unaware of a looming threat outside.
Pauline de Saché
Pauline, une riche héritière, a été mariée contre son gré par son père à un de ses employés, François, qui l'avait mise enceinte.Quand, quelques mois plus tard, son mari lui annonce qu'il veut la quitter, Pauline, furieuse, laisse sur le téléphone de ce dernier des menaces de mort.Alexis Target, un ouvrier qui travaille dans la maison de Pauline, entend la jeune femme proférer ces menaces.François meurt, le soir même, dans un accident de voiture.Le jour de l'enterrement, Alexis revient voir Pauline en affirmant qu'il a exaucé son souhait et a tué François.Alexis entre alors par effraction dans la vie de Pauline. Car lui aussi poursuit une vengeance...
Anna, 50 years old, moves into her new house. Rooms are full of boxes which contain a lot of things and plenty of memories. Anna has lived many lives and her past comes out of these boxes. Her parents surely, but also her children and their fathers, the living and the dead. In this breakneck period of her life, time is running faster and faster and Anna takes a run-up to face the past and try to go towards the future. And, maybe, to manage to still believe in love?
That Day
Jacob Berger’s film shows a day in the life of a family. People meet and leave, and wonder, will they find themselves again? At daybreak, Serge believes he has committed a crime. Pietra realises that she has been betrayed around midday. At one o’clock 8-year-old Vlad feels lovesick for the first time. The day is spent observing, looking, avoiding and meeting each other. One day, three different perspectives: the same evening twilight, the same loneliness. And there is always the stranger who crosses their path. How will Serge, Pietra and Vlad find each other?
Довод самого слабого
Льеж. Тихий бельгийский городок. Компания приятелей собирается каждый день в кафе, расположенном возле металлургического комбината, чьи славные деньки давно ушли в прошлое. Они общаются, играют в карты и с трудом пытаются скрыть своё отчаяние и безысходность собственного существования. Патрик никак не может найти работу, Робер и Жан-Пьер попали под сокращение, и всё что им остаётся — коротать время в баре за карточной игрой. В один прекрасный день у их столика появляется Марк, недавно вышедший из тюрьмы и пытающийся как-то организовать свою жизнь. После общения с ним Роберу приходит в голову одна очень интересная мысль...
Gaspard le bandit
Gaspard de Besse and his gang of highwaymen escaped the law for years in old monsieur de Morières's jurisdiction in rural, Ancient Régime France. When Gaspard is badly injured trough treason, he escapes after being seen in St.Anne's convent, where he hid, by de Morières's young, unwillingly arranged and unloving wife Anne. Gaspard makes a deal with the traitor to fake his demise. He recruits traveling actor Antoine and trains him like a son.
Сундук предков
Aïdar, a young Kyrgyz man returns home from his studies in France, with a beautiful French fiancée in tow. His fiancée is warmly welcomed by the village and captivated by the beauty of the region, but he stubbornly refuses to tell his family that the two are engaged.
Carmen, a bonobo female, flees from the research center in linguistics where she is being kept. She takes refuge at a young couple's place, Mercier and his pregnant wife Myriam. Mercier, beginning at a new job, is reluctant to welcome the ape. But Myriam makes friend with her.
The photographer and family man Matyas is married and has a happy life with his beloved wife Claire, who is pregnant and near the delivery, and his young son Pierre. Matyas was raised in an orphanage, and he believes his mother died when he was six. However, he receives a correspondence and discovers that his mother has just passed away and that he has a twin brother, Thomas. Matyas does not recall his childhood with his mother and brother and has problems with blood. When Thomas visits his family, Matyas becomes paranoid, believing that his sibling wishes to takeover his family.
The Bridge of Arts
Sarah Dacruon
The film is a love story which tells the impossible tale of two youths who have never before met. The action unrolls in Paris between 1979 and 1980.
Le silence
A man on holiday in Corsica witnesses the robbery and the killing of a gas station / grocery owner by somebody he knew. He flees the place without saying anything to anyone about what happened, and then feels deeply guilty.
Don't Do That!
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
Tomorrow We Move
la femme enceinte
When her mother moves in, the life of a writer gets crowded.
Green Paradise
Lucas, a young sociologist, finds in his home village two friends, Isabelle and Simon. Discovering that they almost got married ten years earlier, he sets out to bring them together again. However, Isabelle is in fact falling in love with Lucas. Written by
La fille de son père
A man decides to pose as his friend and claim to be the father of a child that isn't his.
How I Killed My Father
When his long-time disappeared father is entering his life again, Jean-Luc, a successful doctor, has no option but to face his own life story. Will he ever be able to forget and forgive?
Everything's Fine, We're Leaving
Three French sisters have their lives interrupted and their relationship called into question when their father returns to visit 15 years after having abandoned them and their now-deceased mother. Each responds differently to his return according to how her character evolved from her relation with him and his unexpected departure. They eventually realize, though, that the somewhat elderly father is quickly losing his memory and his ability to function, and the youngest daughter's decision to accept him again while she can ends up permanently changing her family ties with her sisters.
Криминальные любовники
Симпатичные ребята Алиса и Люк убивают приятеля и закапывают труп в лесу. Но им не везет. Их замечает житель лесного домика, и он не прочь с ними поразвлечься. Лесник закрывает узников в подвале, где любовники, к своему «удовольствию», находят труп недавно похороненного приятеля. И калейдоскоп развлечений начинается. В фильме можно заметить все озоновские художественные пристрастия: убийство, гомосексуализм, извращение, черный юмор.
Время для любви
Фильм-сборник из трех разных историй любви, действие которых происходит в трех разных эпохах и в трех разных местах. Общим элементом является тема: любовь причиняет много боли.
Воображаемая жизнь ангелов
Marie Thomas
Одна из героинь фильма находит в ящике стола дневник, заполненный неровным детским почерком. Школьница, писавшая его, лежит в коме. Девушка часами сидит у постели больной, которую даже не знает, читая ей дневник почти без надежды быть услышанной. А перевернув последнюю страницу, начинает писать сама, так монолог становится диалогом.
Love Reinvented
Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of ten short vignettes encompassing a broad look at AIDS and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man.
The Seagull
After agonizing for weeks, Valéria finally comes to terms with being in love with another woman and confesses her love for her best friend, Laurence. Short film from the series "L'@mour est à réinventer: dix histoires d'amour au temps du SIDA" ("Love Reinvented: Ten Love Stories in the Age of AIDS").
Petite sœur
Véronique Botelli
The story of a young gymnast who has a serious accident during a competition and who will fight to be able to live again from her passion.
The mid-life crisis of a middle-aged, depressive college professor/author provides the center of this French character study. Abel Vichac has really let himself go. Though a successful writer, and supposedly working on a book about 'regret,' he is barely functioning. He can't sleep at night. During the day he is easily distracted, irresponsible and moody. He also ignores his patient live-in lover Aliette who has stuck by him for 10 years. As he mopes through another day, he gets into several awkward occasions. One of his students, Florence tells him off in a café. A young woman, Catherine hears this and afterward introduces herself as a fan. Later he decides to find her address and visit her apartment. There Abel meets Catherine's roommate Aurore and the former's jealous boyfriend Bruno for a tense scene. He is returning home when Abel encounters his brother's former lover Olga and this creates more awkwardness.
Tu ne tueras point