Shankar Prasad
После смерти отца маленького Кришну Шривастава дядя выставил на улицу. Постепенно дядя заставляет семью Кришны поверить в смерть мальчика. Тем временем Кришна находит убежище у Деви Сарасвати, школьной учительницы. Она растит его вместе со своими детьми, сыном и дочерью. Кришна Шривастав — теперь юноша. Ему угрожает его двоюродный брат Рагху, преступник, которому помогает его отец, дядя Кришны. Дочь учительницы Деви была убита Рагху и двумя его сообщниками, а Сарасвати покалечена. Вместо ареста настоящих преступников, полиция во главе с инспектором Сураджом пытаются арестовать самого Кришну...
Семья Кумаров многочисленна: Рампрасад, его жена Дурга; их старший сын Виджай с женой Шадрой и дочерью Пинки; их дочь Канчан с мужем Бажранги и сыном Баблу; плюс их холостой безработный сын Амар. Все кроме Бажранги и Амара постоянно обижают Шадру и заставляют ее выполнять всю грязную работу по дому. Особенно стараются Канчан и Дурга. Амар нанимается на работу к богатому владельцу завода и влюбляется в его дочь Симу. По делам Амар на несколько дней уезжает в командировку, а по возвращении обнаружил, что Шарда и ее дочь Пинки исчезли из дома. Амар начинает поиски, но находит только их трупы.
В особняке, который двадцать лет назад принадлежал Тхакуру, начинают происходить загадочные убийства. Очередному владельцу особняка не удается продать его из-за того, что ему мешает это сделать цыганка Ниша — она жестоко расправляется с ним. Начальник полиции обращается за помощью в расследовании убийств к инспектору, который когда-то служил в этих краях. Тот рассказывает историю любви цыган Ниши и Сураджа, трагически оборвавшуюся двадцать лет назад.
Rehmat Khan (Raaj Kumar) is the wise leader of a tribe of frontiersmen. After the malevolent leader of a neighboring tribe (Amrish Puri) kidnaps the beautiful Shama (Hema Malini), the woman escapes and seeks refuge in Khan's camp. When Khan falls for her, their love threatens to spark a bloody tribal war in this drama from Prakash Mehra. The Kalyanji-Anandji soundtrack features "Allah Kare Maula Kare" and "Bahut Kat Chuka Hai."
Mr. Nath
A businessman faces challenges when he unknowingly permits his daughter to get engaged to the son of the man who betrayed him.
Индуистского священника незаслуженно обвиняют в растрате и изнасиловании. Его не только выгоняют из храма, но и сажают в тюрьму, оставив его семью в нищете. Выйдя на свободу, он ищет свою семью и строит планы мести обидчикам.
Фильм повествует о жизни молодой журналистки Гиты, которая любыми способами пытается бороться с преступниками. Она разоблачает торговца испорченным вина Мангала и сажает его в тюрьму. После этого Гита пытается разоблачить торговцев наркотиками. Всё это, конечно же, не нравится бандитам и тогда они решают заткнуть ей рот раз и навсегда…
A pregnant woman is abandoned by her truck-driver lover.
Jagmohan, a prominent businessman with underworld dealings, approaches renowned advocate Kailash Nath, to represent his son who has been charged with murder and may face the death penalty. Kailash refuses to do so, and Jagmohan's son is hanged. Angered, Jagmohan kills Kailash's wife, Laxmi and child in front of him, and escapes. He is eventually arrested and brought to trial, but is found not guilty. Kailash decides to avenge this on his own, but Jagmohan has left the country. On his arrival back, Kailash carries out his vendetta against him, and Jagmohan is charged with killing a man, arrested, found guilty, and sentenced to die. Thus Kailash carries out his vengeance against Jagmohan. Now Kailash is faced with advocate Ajay Verma, who has molested his sister, Shilpa. Watch how Kailash's anger spotlights Ajay, and wreck havoc and chaos in his life. And there is no one on Earth who can possibly save Ajay from Kailash's wrath.
Мать Пинки сбежала из дома своего богатого отца с тем, кого любила больше жизни. Но ее возлюбленный оказался обыкновенным негодяем и вымогателем. Девочку воспитал дед, но для ее алчного отца она стала заветным ключом, открывающим сейфы с несметными сокровищами ее деда. Девочка выросла, достигла совершеннолетия и, кажется, отец больше не властен над ней, но, как всегда, случается неожиданное.
Ustad Mastram Pahelwan
Charandas, a young man in a village has no aim in life except to be a pehelwaan (wrestler). He takes an oath that he will not court or marry a girl until he hits the age of forty. But things changes when Charandas meets Chameli and falls in love with her. A hilarious take on the caste system of India, as both of them come from different castes and try hard to marry each other.
Dhurjan's victim
Bhoop Singh is a honest man who works for Lakhsmi Singh, and lives with his wife, Devi, and sister, Sundari. He saves his hard-earned money with Lakhsmi, and when the time comes for Sundari's marriage & dowry, he goes to take his money, only to be humiliated by Lakhsmi. Sundari's marriage gets canceled, she kills herself, and Bhoop in turn kills Lakhsmi, subsequently takes to a life of crime, amasses a huge fortune, gives birth to a daughter, Nisha, and ends up in jail after double-crossing his partner-in-crime, Vikram Singh. He instructs his wife to bring up Nisha, as a widow. In prison, Bhoop meets with a honest man, Jaswant Singh, who has come to the city to look for his estranged brother. Bhoop asks Jaswant to look after his wife and daughter - not realizing that he may have made another mistake as Jaswant has an alias - that of bandit Dhurjan Singh, and is also the brother of Vikram Singh.
The film revolves around the life of a rich man and his son, where the son lives happily with his wife, but after giving birth to a child his wife dies. The story takes a turn when he starts falling for another woman.
Mr. Saxena
Виджай, внук финансового воротилы, не желая жениться по расчету, сбегает в Кашмир, где влюбляется в Сону. На их пути встает насильник и убийца Шекхар. В результате разыгравшейся трагедии Сона ослепла и думает, что теперь не нужна Виджаю. А тут еще приезжает дед и сообщает, что день свадьбы уже назначен. Чем же все это закончится?
Салим – довольно известный в узких кругах архитектор. Однажды он знакомится с прекрасной Салмой. Они впервые встречаются на поэтическом вечере, и с этого момента молодой человек начинает писать стихи. Постепенно Салим становится достаточно знаменитым поэтом. Но, возможно, им не суждено быть вместе? Во всяком случае, отец девушки сделает все, лишь бы его дочь не встречалась с Салимом.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a peg of brandy instead of a glass milk, Vicky Kapoor, the only son of multi-millionaire industrialist, Amarnath, grows up to be an alcoholic, albeit with a good heart. Amarnath has detached himself completely from Vicky s life, and provides him money in lieu of affection and care, living this to be taken care off by Munshi Phoolchand. Vicky is very resentful of being ignored by his dad in this manner, and leaves no stone unturned to mock and belittle him at every available opportunity. Amarnath hopes to get his son married, but Vicky loves the daughter of a poor blind man, Meena, which is not acceptable to Amarnath. One day Amarnath decides he has had enough and decides to turn Vicky out of his house. He has him sign waivers, and asks him to get out, which Vicky does so. While Vicky is relieved of being freed from his dad s control, the question remains that with no skills at making a living, how is Vicky to survive in a cold-hearted world
Sardar Zuberi
Во дворце подавлено восстание... Новорожденный сын махарджи похищен Джалал Ханом, который пытаясь спасти принца от расправы, отдает его цыганскому барону.... Махарани, обезумевшая от горя, и боясь за жизнь махараджи, просит своего названного брата Арджуна Сингха отдать ей своего сына и выдать его за принца. Но хитрый примьер-министр задумал свой коварный план по захвату трона..
Jagirdar Bishambharnath
Инспектор Амар Нэт арестовывает известного гангстера, которого приговаривают к тюремному заключению. Женившись против воли отца на бедной Шиле Шарме, он вынужден был покинуть родительский дом и переехать в другой город. Вскоре у них рождается дочь Джоти, которую они еще в детстве обручили с Дипаком Кумаром. Через несколько лет ганстер бежал из тюрьмы и, выследив Амара и его жену, убивает их. Их шофёру удаётся спасти девочку, которую он привозит к её деду. Несколько лет спустя Дипак и Джоти выросли. В то время как Джоти живет со своим богатым дедушкой, Дипак, потеряв отца, живет вместе со своей матерью в бедности. Когда мать Дипака просит подтвердить брак детей, Джоти оскорбляет ее и выгоняет из дома.
Vinayak Rao
Teenage love story of a Catholic girl from Goa and a Hindu boy.
Сирота Девдхар и дочь богатого помещика Манорама дружат с детства. Постепенно, сам того не замечая, Девдхар полюбил девушку, но так и не решился признаться ей в любви. Тем временем Манораму выдают замуж, но сразу же после свадьбы ее муж погибает в автокатастрофе. По законам индуизма жена должна быть верна мужу и после его смерти. Теперь, чтобы отстоять свое право на любовь, Девдхару и Манораме придется бросить вызов всему обществу.
Asha's Father
Ананд не знал другой семьи, кроме своего друга Виджея и его матери, которая воспитала обоих. Виджей и Ананд работают в одной фирме, а секретарь Шила втайне любит одного из друзей. Она вдова, но это известно лишь её близкой подруге. Ананд влюблен в студентку Ашу, и она также отдала свое сердце Ананду. Однажды, грозовой ночью, случай приводит Ананда в дом Шилы.
Dashrath Singh / Daddu
Бим Сингх работает в качестве телохранителя бизнесмена Сета раджа, неоднократно спасая его от многочисленных попыток покушения. Однажды Раджа назначает жену Бима Савити опекуном своего сына — Раджа Кумара. В этот же день Радж старший и его телохранитель погибают. Савитри вынуждена сбежать с маленьким Кумаром в деревню, чтобы спасти ребенка от смерти. Спустя годы Кумар, которого теперь зовут Арджун вырастает и едет в город, где устраивается на работу посыльным в шикарный отель, который когда-то принадлежал его отцу.
When Bhavani (Raaj Kumar) kidnaps the son of Harnam (Satyen Kappu), he expects to collect his ransom and be on his merry way. But when the boy ends up dead, a curse is placed on Bhavani and his family. Soon, devastating floods separate Bhavani from his children, and bereft, he turns himself in to the authorities. Years later, he returns to the village, not knowing that his sons have turned to crime and his daughter has been adopted by Harnam.
Ek Aur Ek Gyarah is an action thriller, released in the year 1981. The film was directed by Ashok Rao and produced by Ram Pratap Sharma. The lyrics were written by Majrooh Sultanpuri. The cast includes Shashi Kapoor, Neetu Singh, Raza Murad, Vinod Khanna, Zarina Wahab, Prem Chopra and Omprakash.
Dr. Goel
У Ранвира и его девушки Видайи скоро будет ребёнок. Но молодой человек не хочет ребёнка и пытается уговорить девушку на аборт. Она не соглашается пойти на этот шаг и, родив мальчика, умирает. Теперь у ребёнка Ранвира нет матери и отца. Он растет круглым сиротой, не имеющим шанса на фамилию и хорошее образование. Но однажды Ранвир, сам не зная того, случайно сталкивается со своим сыном. Они много времени проводят вместе и становятся хорошими друзьями. И когда Ранвир узнает, что это его сын, он не может решиться на то, чтобы принять мальчика в свою семью.
Ramprasad is appointed as a house-keeper for Bhavani Shankar Bajpai's ancestral home, won after a hard-fought legal battle. Ramprasad wants to marry Kusum but cannot as he doesn't earn enough or has a decent place to live. Circumstances change and Kusum and her father come and live in the Bhavani Shankar's ancestral home. Bhavani Shankar, his brother and Bhavani Shankar's manager come one by one to evict the trespassers and are infatuated by Kusum. Ramprasad somehow manages to deal with all of them and marries Kusum after assurances to better pay and a nice place to live.
Seema's Father
Сима, привлекательная и популярная актриса, влюблена в Аруна, наследовавшего богатое имение. Однако она убита горем, когда узнает, что Арун, так любивший летать, разбился в авиакатастрофе. С того момента неудачи слово преследуют Симу. Отец покидает ее. Она лишается работы в театре, нужда вынуждает ее определить младшего брата в общежитие. Она остается одна, без какой-либо определенности в будущем. Симу насилуют, она вынуждена работать в дешевых ночных барах. И вдруг, словно как подарок судьбы, она встречает Аруна. Сможет ли она, наконец, обрести любовь и счастье или судьба вновь готовит ей неприятности?.
Фермер Чандан Сингх счасливо жил со своей женой Мальти, детишками Мунной и Мунни в деревушке Рамгарх. Однажды на Мальти напали и застрелили преступники. В результате трагедии отец и дети были разлучены на долгие годы. Мунну усыновил мусульманин Абба, назвав Шерой, а Мунни удочерили индуисты, дав имя Гита. Спустя годы судьба снова соединила разлученную семью…
Retired Colonel Bhagwant Singh
Четан Пракаш и красавица Паял полюбили друг друга и хотели пожениться. Но отец девушки – отставной полковник Бхагвант Сингх не желает выдать замуж свою дочь за сына картежника Даулатрама. Поэтому молодым людям приходится бежать в Бомбей и устроиться на работу. Бхагвант Сингх подал объявление в газету, предложив щедрое вознаграждение за возвращение дочери. Четану и Паял приходиться скрываться в религиозной секте под названием «Приют любви»…
Kishan's Dad
Кишан, богатый и испорченный сын богача, изучает медицину в колледже. Его сокурсница Мадху преподает ему урок смирения. Кишан влюбляется в Мадху, и они собираются пожениться. Но их мечты разрушает Капил Кумар, он убивает Мадху. Кишан едет в маленькую деревню работать врачом. Там он встречается с Чанчал, сестрой близнецом Мадху. Какие еще испытания судьба приготовила Кишану?.
Hindu Priest
Фильм-легенда о противоборстве старого Абдуллы-отшельника и благородного вождя мусульманского племени, храброго шейха Мохаммеда аль Камаля с жестоким Кхалилом, главарем банды, бесчинствующей среди мирного населения.
Senior Police Officer (uncredited)
Рам и его сестра Рата, сироты. Они живут в Бомбее и будущее их весьма туманно. Однако старый друг их семьи подкидывает молодым людям веселую работенку. Много забавных приключений придется пережить героям, пока они не смогут добиться желаемого богатства и почета...
Братья Бирджу и Раму, живущие в деревне, становятся на защиту крестьян, притесняемых местным помещиком. Из-за вражды с ним Раму вынужден завербоваться солдатом к армии. А его брата помещик обвинил в злодеяниях, которых тот не совершал и в итоге Бирджу вынужден бежать из деревни и стать разбойником...
The entire plot is woven around Indian family values, enterprise and meteoric rise in business.
Advocate Triloki Prasad
Алок Прасад приходится сыном одному очень уважаемому в городе юристу. Его отец пользуется большим авторитетом среди широкого круга своих знакомых и друзей. Сестра главного героя Гита постоянно помогала своему брату в учебе, в результате чего он отлично закончил музыкальный колледж. Однако вскоре Алоку все-таки приходится вернуться к изучению юриспруденции, ведь так хочет его отец.
A heartwarming drama revolving around a young boy whose destiny brings him from the comforts of his home and loving parents in Beirut to a life of destitution and loneliness.
Dy. Collector Hare Murari
In a small town, situated in a picturesque Indian valley, lives a corrupt Deputy collector, Hare Murari, an equally corrupt Police Superintendent, Pasupathi; a doctor; a Judge; and Professor Rampyare. These officials always ensure that no one gets anything done without their permission, thus ensuring that their palms are adequately greased. When a young man named Prem Pratap seeks a license for conducting a song and dance sequence, he too is asked to bribe them, which he does. Subsequently, Hare Murari finds out that Prem Pratap may be a Government Official who has come incognito to investigate and expose them. Hare Murari's and the others worst fears are realized when they find out that Prem has been speaking long distance with none other than the President of India. What follows is hilarious chaos as the officials come together to try and portray themselves as honest and law-abiding citizens.
«Король джунглей» успешно отлавливает различных животных по заказам различных зоопарков и цирков мира. В своей повседневной жизни ему приходится вступать в схватку не только с хитроумными и жестокими животными, но и с подобными «представителями» мира людей. И только в одной схватке наш «Король джунглей» терпит поражение. Это происходит в тот момент, когда он отнимает маленького слоненка у мамаши-слонихи…
A kingpin smuggler kills a police officer and succeeds in separating his teen-aged sons. The elder son who had vowed to take revenge, accidentally meets his younger brother. The two join forces to bust the smugglers gang.
Raghavendra Sharma / Jijaji
Действие фильма разворачивается вокруг Паримала Трипати и его жены Сулехи. Паримал — большой шутник, обожающий розыгрыши, что забавляет Сулеху. Шутки скрашивают их семейную жизнь. Жертвой розыгрышей Паримала и Сулехи становится ее старый приятель Сукумар Синх — серьезный и скучный лектор, профессор литературы, полная противоположность Паримала.
Morris (Julie's father)
Julie is an anglo-Indian girl with a loving, but alcoholic father and a domineering mother, a younger brother and sister. She falls in love with her best friend's brother Shashi Bhattacharya, a Hindu boy, and she has a passionate encounter with him, which leaves her pregnant. He goes away to college, not knowing about her condition. Her mother is distraught when Julie tells her about the pregnancy. They don't tell the rest of the family. Her mother thinks about getting Julie an abortion, but a devout Christian talks her out of it. Julie is sent away to have her baby in secret. The rest of the family is told that Julie got a job. When she comes back home, she runs into her Hindu boyfriend and tells him everything. He agrees to marry her, but his mother objects to the mixed marriage, not knowing about the baby born in secret. Julie's mother doesn't want the marriage either, as she and the rest of the family want to go to England
Lallu Lalji
Перед дочерью политика Арти была открыта дорога на политический Олимп, но она вышла замуж за Джей Кея и карьера отошла на второй план, но только на несколько дней. Исполненная амбиций, она оставляет мужа и дом и становится виртуозным политиком. Год спустя, во время очередной компании, она снимает номер в отеле только чтобы встретиться с мужем, к которому снова испытала чувства. Ее политические оппоненты используют эту возможность и раздувают скандал. Полная смущения она признается, что это ее муж. Она уже готова отступить, но будет ли этого достаточно?…
1975 film from India
Мангал совешает побег из тюрьмы, где ему грозит смертная казнь через повешение. Во время побега в поезде он случайно убивает человека, опознавшего его как беглеца. Мангал скрывается в горном районе, где он надеется скрыться от преследования полиции. Свое убежище он находит у пожилой пары. Но и здесь Мангала поджидает еще одно испытание судьбы: он просто шокирован, когда узнает, что человек, которого он случайно убил в поезде — сын этой пожилой пары...
Havaldar Rao
Superintendent of Police, Rajesh, is asked to take charge of a police station in Goa, and manage it. Rajesh is aware that his friend, Shekar, also lives there, and he is anxious to see him. Upon arrival in Goa, Rajesh and Shekar are delighted to see each other. Shekar is in love with Seema, and Seema too loves him. However, Seema's mom, Lajwanti, does not approve of Shekar, and would like Seema to marry Rajesh. When Shekar comes to know about this, he steps away, so that Rajesh and Seema can marry each other. When Rajesh finds out about Shekar's sacrifice, he decides to let Seema marry Rajesh, and shortly thereafter the marriage takes place. While Shekar and Seema go off on their honeymoon, Rajesh commences his investigation into smuggling activities off the coast of Goa, and his investigations lead him to a suspect by the name of Tiger. Little does Rajesh know, that Tiger is none other an alias for Shekar, who will do anything to protect himself from Rajesh and the police.
Sushma believes that she is too young to get married, but her father, Lalla Banarsilal insists, and she runs away. Her adventures take her to a lonely wealthy widower with a cute daughter named Guddi; a drunken lout in a brothel; Dr. Kruparam, a psychiatrist, who admits her in his mental hospital; a dreaded bandit who has killed his tormentor, cut him into pieces and fed them to birds, and who still on a killing spree; Pandit Gorakhnath who lives a double life - as a priest and as a smuggler; a leper Dhanraj, who once was a very wealthy man, but is now shunned by everyone; a transvestite stage actor; and a hunter who saves Sushma's life by shooting dead a man-eating lion. As things spiral out of control for Sushma, there is yet one more male she has to meet, and it is this meeting that will change her life even more.
Preeti, a wealthy woman, is in an intimate relationship with Prem, but her father disapproves and devises a plan that leads to their breakup. Years later, Preeti is reunited with Prem in a completely different situation.
Dr. M.K. Effendi
Shanta Dhamle lives a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay along with her dad, Shamrao, and mom, Ansuya. She incurs their displeasure when she falls in love and gets married to a poor and overly sensitive writer, Gopal, who moves in with them, and continues to suffer verbal abuse at Shamrao's hands. On the occasion of Holi, while his book 'Agla Kadam' is being published and marketed, he puts some color on a pregnant Shanta's expensive Saree, which upsets her, she humiliates him, and he walks out. He starts writing under the pen name of Santosh, and when Shanta finds out, he changes his name to Vivek, and again to Chitrangh, and does not communicate with her. Four years later, a day before Holi, he has accumulated enough wealth, hundreds of expensive and colorful Sarees, a doll for his daughter,
Dancer / Singer
Gurmeet Kaur is a kind-hearted, compassionate and devout Sikh woman who lives with her widowed father, and teaches children in a make-shift outdoor school. Her life changes drastically when two men abduct her and take her to the hideout of the region's most feared bandit, Sardar Bakhel Singh. Her freedom curtailed, forced to live in a dark cave, watched day and night by male bandits, some of who would like to get more than physically intimate with her, she will soon find out the real reason behind her abduction.
De Silva
Герой фильма — молодой полицейский Виджай Кханна. Когда ему было всего пять лет, бандиты убили его родителей. Чудом уцелевший мальчик на всю жизнь запомнил браслет с белым конем на руке убийцы. Однажды Виджай получает информацию о перевозке незаконных грузов. Едва не погибнув от рук наемных убийц, Виджай попадает на подпольный склад, а потом и в логово главаря банды Теджи. Оставшись с Теджи один на один, Виджай замечает на его руке тот самый браслет с белым конем...
Главный герой фильма Ранджит привык играть роль очаровательного плейбоя, которого «золотая молодежь» города знает под кличкой «Бездельник». Но для Ранджита это настоящее прикрытие его недобрых дел, которые постоянно вступают в противоречие с законом. На самом деле Ранджит - первоклассный вор, который охотится и крадет очень дорогие украшения и предметы антиквариата. Теневая деятельность Ранджита является причиной появления у него целой кучи врагов и завистников. А самые серьезные враги Ранджита устраивают за ним профессиональную слежку... В жизнь Рэнджита входит очаровательная Анджу, которую молодой человек хочет представить всем как самого близкого друга. Но на самом деле Анджу является шпионом в стане Ранджита.
The rich Kalpana marries Rajesh, a poor painter, much to her parents' disapproval. She brags about his wealth to them but gets in trouble when they come to visit.
Под личиной добродетельного и набожного человека скрывается безжалостный негодяй, который подчинил себе всех людей в деревне. Они верят ему и не подозревают о его истинном лице. Разоблачить его берется молодой городской учитель. В этом ему помогает, влюбленная в него деревенская красавица.
The loving relationship between a small boy Nandu and a Nautch girl Pushpa. Pushpa is seperated from her Husband and is brought to Calcutta to work as a Nautch girl. Here she meets Anand Babu and thus begins the journey of Pushpa where love enters and leaves her life in different form.
A wealthy and educated wife gets physically abused by her husband, but must agree to live with him for 15 days in order to get a divorce.
Udharchand Shikarpuri is a homeless man who lives in Bombay albeit under the roof of multi-millionaire Seth Kalidas, who six months away in his palatial house in Mussoorie. For the 4th time in his life, Udharchand 'moves' into Kalidas's Mansion along with his dog, Chicko. He meets and befriends two other homeless men, Raju and Vijay, and invites them to live with him. Shortly thereafter, one night the trio find that a female thief has broken into the mansion, they confront her, find out her name is Roopa, feel sorry for her, and invite her to also live with them. Subsequently, Raju's wife, Kiran, his son, and sister, Rita also move.
Amba Prasad 'Annadata'
After the passing away of her father, a local physician, Aarti takes it upon herself to dispense medicine, as well as sew clothes, and looks after a child named Kundan who has lost his legs to paralysis. She has a admirer in Arun, who secretly loves her, would like to marry her, but knows that he is poor and will be unable to afford a family, as he is a mere painter. Then an elderly man enters Aarti's life, he is ill, she offers to look after him until he gets better and leaves, but he does not leave, as he has nowhere to go, and she allows him to stay. Then good luck smiles on them as Arun sells one of his paintings, and he is able to get artificial legs for the child. What Arun and Aarti do not know is that the elderly male is really a very wealthy man named Ambarprasad, who had run away from his home when he was accused of having sex with his protégé, a young woman, who he had brought up. The question is what is Ambarprasad up to now?
Ashok Varma
Kumar Sen is an artist of eminence, a talented painter, and a renowned sculptor; and like the majority of his clan, he has a sensitive introvert. But no artist can achieve any degree of brilliance in his work. Miss Asha Varma is the only niece of a retired, jovial old pensioner, Ashok Varma, and she is truly the light of Kumar's life. One stormy night, Kumar tries to hold Ashok Varma to his unsaid promise of giving him asha's hand in marriage. But the interview ends in unpleasantness for both of them, as angrily the old man ordered Kumar never to darken his doorstep again. Soon after Ashok Varma is strangled to death. Asha's beau Rajesh is arrested for Ashok's murder. The whole drama unfolds in court and truth prevails, who really murdered Ashok Varma and whether Rajesh is innocent or guilty.
Girdharilal Sharma
Two unemployed slackers, Bhola and Ajay come across a newspaper advertisement about a missing elderly gentleman, whose estate is worth millions. They come across this male in the Hanging Garden Park in Bombay, and decide to make him their paternal uncle and take him to live with them in a rented apartment, which they cannot afford. This elderly man, Girdharilal takes an unusual interest in Ajay's girlfriend, Deepa. While Bhola and Ajay try to find ways and means of getting rich by turning Girdharilal in, a number of horrific homicides are committed, all against former business associates of Girdharilal, and the clues all point toward the hapless duo.
A teenage girl will not accept her family's attempt to arrange a marriage for her, as her heart is currently too full of love for the movies and heartthrob actor "Dharmendra."
Circus Surgeon
Клоун Раджу дает последнее представление, потому что предчувствует близкую смерть. Он приглашает на спектакль всех, кто ему был дорог, кого он когда-то любил. Перед нами проходит вся его жизнь: жизнь клоуна - человека, который танцует и поет.
Unorthodox, honest, simple-minded, and unemployed Gopi is blamed for a theft he did not commit, and gets thrown out of his home by his elder step-brother.
Bharat is a patriotic Indian who's father was an Independence fighter. He goes to London and is disappointed to see that the NRI's staying there criticized everything Indian and were wasting their life away. Prithi (Siara Banu) is one such NRI who falls in love with Bharat but refuses to go back to India with him.
Sapna sets out on a journey to meet her dream man, a poet called Ujjwala, when she comes across Sunil.
Driver Baalam
Hesitant to marry dancer Rajni, Ashok initially refuses but slowly falls in love with her. However, when Ashok and Rajni are about to get married, they find themselves embroiled in a murder.
Production Assistant
Three criminals, Jagoo, Bansi and Ajit, escape from jail. However, Ajit is murdered and just before dying he mentions the name Pinto. Jagoo and Bansi decide to avenge the death of their friend.
When soldier Deepak learns that his uncle Thakur has snatched his property, he threatens him to return his ancestral estate. However, things change when the former is accused of the latter's murder.
Dr. O.P. Chibber
When Ajay (Sunil Dutt) meets Asha (Asha Parekh), he mistakenly believes she's wealthy. The fact that she's not, however, doesn't prevent him from becoming smitten, and the couple soon marries with the full blessings of Ajay's family. Poverty is one thing, though, and childlessness quite another -- which Asha finds out the hard way. When she fails to produce an heir for the clan posthaste, her mother-in-law begins a search for her replacement.
Mama Ji / Choudhry Sahab
Deepali is the only daughter of a wealthy but deceased industrialist, Lakhanpal. While on a holiday in Northern India, she meets with and gets friendly with Pritam. Unknown to her, Pritam has fallen head over heels in love with her, and wants to marry her. After Deepali returns home, Pritam follows her, meets with her maternal uncle, Choudhary, and creates a very good impression of himself. As a result, Choudhary is convinced that Pritam will make a good husband for Deepali. When Deepali finds out, she is enraged, as she has seen Pritam only as a friend, and her true love is another eligible young man by the name of Ajit, who Deepali has decided to make her life-partner, regardless of any and all consequences.
Bollywood family drama from director Narendra Suri and featuring music from Ravi.
Amar lives a middle-class life in India with his oft-critical dad, Basantlal and his mom, a housewife. When Basantlal decides to get Amar married to Ramprasad's daughter, Amar accepts this. However, on the day of the wedding, Ramprasad is arrested by the police for embezzling Rs.20,000/- from his employer, he is tried in court and sentenced to a long prison term. Then Amar meets with a lovely young woman named Asha and both of them fall in love with each other. They would like to get married and want each other to meet their respective families. Before that could happen, a shocked Amar sees Asha holding hands and being intimate with his U.S.-returned friend, Prem Kumar. Looks like Amar's heart is going to get broken, and by the looks of things, marriage may not be in his fate after all.
Kunwarji / Bhola's uncle
Простой деревенский мужик влюбляется в свою новую соседку. Он обращается за помощью к своим друзьям из музыкального театра, чтобы отвлечь прекрасную девушку из соседнего дома от ее учителя музыки.
Amar and Rekha fall in love, but their happiness is endangered when Rekha discovers that she was already married as a child.
Proud, wealthy, and haughty Kiran meets with down-to-earth middle-class fellow collegian, Shekhar, and after several clashes and misunderstandings, both fall in love and decide to get married. Shekhar meets with Kiran's dominating mom and mousy dad, and is told that he must successfully pass a test that will be put to him through Kiran's mom, to which he agrees.
After abandoning Gauri, his wife who is visually impaired, Sanjeev goes on a hunting trip and is presumed dead. He returns months later to find that his best friend Sunil has stolen his identity.
Dhand Malram
Сунил живёт в Дели со своей матерью и работает бухгалтером. Однажды он сталкивается с красавицей Анитой, позирующей художнику. Посчитав её бедной, он дарит ей 5 рупий. Вскоре молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга и собираются пожениться. Но однажды Сунил узнаёт, что Анита очень богата и всё время обманывала его. Ошеломленный обманом, он разрывает с Анитой все отношения. К тому же он узнаёт, что именно её отец убил его отца, а мать Аниты – продажная женщина…
Dr. Gautamdas (Rajinder Kumar) attains his qualifications in London, England, and with the blessings of Lord Bertrand Russell (himself), returns to his home country and his dad (Balraj Sahni). Much to the disappointment of his dad, Dr. Gautamdas decides to re-locate to Japan, which has been devastated by the explosion of atom bombs on two of it's cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There he meets with other doctors, and is given a tour of the patients and their families, and other survivors (Om Prakash, Chand Usmani, Baby Kavita). {Graphic scenes of the atrocities inflicted on innocent people} On a chance meeting with the beautiful Meloda (Saira Banu) he knows that they are destined to be one, and so does she. Meloda's dad is also a doctor (Chetan Anand). Meloda had studied in India and speaks Hindi fluently. Both fall in love amongst the splendour of Japan.
A man accompanies his uncle to Tokyo but finds himself in a dilemma when he must travel to Europe immediately, with only $8 at his disposal.
Gauri (Nanda) belongs to a woman's group, but does not welcome certain changes being imposed on the group by Lali (Shashikala). Lali has already influenced Sundari (Leela Mishra) and Kala (Mumtaz), much to the unhappiness of thier hapless husband and dad, Dhanprasad (Om Prakash). Gauri meets with Dhanprasad's nephew, Amar (Sanjeev Kumar), both fall in love, and get married. Amar gets involved in an accident and gets crippled. Gauri now gets to be the bread-winner when she gets with Gupta (Sujit Kumar), and both start getting friendsly. Meanwhile, Lali leads Sundari and Kala to more reckless independence. Amar starts suspecting Gauri and Gupta of having an intimate relationship, and their marriage bond is at breaking point.
Widower Ramlal lives a wealthy lifestyle near Poona, India along with two daughters and a son. His daughter, Malti, is a Science Graduate; Nirmala, a matriculate, and the son, Atma, who wants his dad to finance a Hindi film which he himself will produce under the banner of 'Wah Wah Productions'
Вижай, внук финансового воротилы, не желая жениться по расчету, сбегает в Кашмир, где влюбляется в Сону. На их пути встает насильник и убийца Шехар. В результате разыгравшейся трагедии, Сона ослепла и думает, что теперь не нужна Вижаю. А тут еще приезжает дед и сообщает, что день свадьбы уже назначен.
Ajoo Hajam / Nawab Ajmutullah Khan
Nishad, daughter of a noble family, has three suitors. However, after making her decision, it comes to light that the groom only gained noble status after his father won the lottery.
Jeevandas Ramswaroop Lal
An ancestral property is distributed between two brothers, then a couple of years later, bitterness divides their families. An outsider in the younger brother's family tries to kill the others, which is resisted in time, and they reunite.
After her return from abroad, Lali adjusts to life in India along with her devout Hindu mother, Laxmi; an easy-going father, Dinanath; two sisters, Kalpana and Geeta, and spends most of her time dancing along with her sisters and friends. On her way to the Mandir, she assumes a singer, Puranchan, is teasing her and she slaps him, but ends up apologizing when she is told that he is blind. Guilt-ridden, she makes arrangements for him to be taken to Bombay, has his vision restored, and both fall in love with each other. Dinanath takes a liking to Puranchan and not only gets him a job but also wants him to wed Lali. About to inform his parents, Purchan does not know that Dinanath has actually instructed Lali not to see him anymore as he is a Harijan (Lower-Caste).
Prince Bhanu Pratap returns from a decade in a foreign country, together with his friend Kapil. His father, the King (Raja)has married again after Bhanu Pratap's mother passed away, and has a son by his new wife Maharani (Queen) Kalavanti. The Queen's brother Narpat Singh has designs upon the throne and enrols his sister the Maharani in his plot, by promising to unseat Bhanu Pratap and install her son as the heir. Prince Bhanu Singh has been tipped off, so he starts to behave like a CLOWN prince, instead of acting as the CROWN prince, in an attempt to flush out the schemers. This is a complex story of Royalty in India, in the post Independence (from the British) era, before democracy took root. It is a story of love, Indian values and to some extent superstitions and the conflict between values, superstition and modern views of the world they lived in.
Mera Qasoor Kya Hai is a 1964 Hindi film starring Dharmendra, Nanda and Om Prakash. The film's music is by Chitragupta.
Sharda, a college student and the daughter of a wealthy educationist, marries Vijay, a college professor, against her father's wishes. Things take a turn when Vijay meets with an accident.
The relationship between two childhood friends is tested as they grow up and discoveries are made. Mirza Yusuf Changezi has known Jahan Ara since childhood, and both have been good friends. After they grow up, things are not quite the same, as Jahan Ara's dad is none other than Emperor Shah Jahan, and men are not permitted to meet with the princess under any circumstance. But Jahan and Mirza do meet secretly and promise to marry each other.
Vilayti Ram
A family drama with a special focus on two generations of the Chopra family. Dinanath Chopra lives in a small tenement with his wife, and two sons Baldev, and Chandramohan. Dinanath re-finances his house in order to get Baldev to study further and be a doctor, and also gets him married with Rekha who comes from a very wealthy family. Chandramohan studies in college, and has a sweetheart in the form of the gorgeous Asha. Asha lives with her mom, and dad, a sort of quack. Differences in the Baldev emerge and multiply. Baldev and Rekha move to their palatial house. The birth of a baby boy to Rekha does lighten things up a bit, but not for long. Dinanath loses his eyesight in an accident and becomes blind.
Ramdas is a trusting individual, and trusts everybody around him. When times turn bad for him, he entrusts the life of his son, Bansi, to his trusted employee, Ronaklal, and departs. He regularly sends money to Ronaklal to provide for the upkeep of his son, but Ronaklal uses this money to educate his son, Deepak, keeps Bansi uneducated, and makes him do a lot of manual work. Years pass by, Ronaklal is now crippled, and is dependent on Bansi, as Deepak has left him, got married to a wealthy girl, and lives with his in-laws. Ronaklal is unable to show his face to Ramdas, and avoids him, and Bansi has grown up without knowing who his real father is. Will Ronaklal be able to tell Ramdas the truth when he returns, or will be just let Deepak be the sole heir to all the estate and the property?
Lala Jagannath
Rakesh, a successful architect, falls in love with a girl: Sujata whose father happens to be his own father's business rival. Sujata's father unwittingly assigns Rakesh the contract for building his house. This sets the stage for an entertaining story about the love between two individuals and their efforts to reconcile their families.
Rajesh is the son of a rich father, Kuver Saheb. Rajesh falls in love with Savita a daughter of a teacher Ramdas, who Rajesh got sacked and humiliated when he was younger.
Seth. Jamna Das
A modern reformist professor helps a courtesan in her endeavour to achieve high academic level and respectability. They face open opposition and hostility by society but do not relent.
A Bollywood film.
The life of an impoverished male undergoes drastic changes after he gets his siblings married.
Vaidraj Churandas 'Jari-Bhuti' Chaturvedi
A man is devastated when his beloved is seemingly killed in a train crash, so his colleagues suggest he goes for a picnic to cheer himself up.
Wayward, brash, and disobedient Mohan (Shammi Kapoor) is sent by his angry dad Diwan Badriprasad (Ulhas) to a retired army captain Dayaram (Om Prakash) to learn some discipline and respect. But Mohan asks his friend Anokhe (Mehmood) to switch places with him, and Anokhe agrees to do so. Mohan meets with Meena (Mala Sinha), who lives with her blind dad (Manmohan Krishan). Anokhe is welcomed as Mohan by Captain Dayaram and his daughter Malti (Shubha Khote) in their household. Eventually both Malti and Anokhe fall in love. Things start to get even more muddled when Captain Dayaram finds out that Anokhe is married to another woman, and that Anokhe drives a rickshaw. The police are notified and they are asked to arrest Mohan - they arrest 3 Mohans. Who is the real Mohan?
Hotel manager
After winning a lottery, Asha and Bela round up a holiday to find suitable husbands. But they end up being framed for stealing a precious necklace.
A lawyer holds the eyewitness evidence to catch a killer, but the identified criminal is the lawyer's own mentor, prospective father-in-law, and also the judge who presides over the case.
Ram Pershad
In India, girls from their very birth are taken for a liability upon their parents; thus the mothers of the nation are looked down on in their own homes. Kamala represents such afflicted Indian girlhood. She is the daughter of Judge Ram Pershad who is illiterate and has orthodox views about girls. She stands first in the Matriculation Examination and has an ardent desire for studying in college in order to become a doctor. Judge Ram Pershad is totally against college education for girls. It is his faith that any money spent on the sons alone is money well-spent merely because they are sons and will stand by him in his old age. Kamala is determined not to bow before injustice, but to secure her rightful place in society. She makes an all-out bid to join college with the contrivance of Dr. Ratanlal, a close friend of her father. In college, she comes across Shyam, who helps her in many difficult situations.
High-minded and hardworking Inspector Dinesh Kumar (Dev Anand) is assigned to crack the case of a notorious band of counterfeiters. Risking life and limb in pursuit of the criminals, he goes undercover to infiltrate the gang and bring them to justice. Along the way, he finds romance with a beautiful journalist (Madhubala) and makes a shocking discovery that resonates with personal meaning.
A rich girl marries a doctor. Differences crop up between the two and starts to snowball wherein she returns to her father's house. Months later she returns only to find he is in love with a nurse.
Shanno falls for the flautist Kanhaiya, believing him to be Lord Krishna, and decides to marry him. However, she is shocked after realising that he is, in fact, the village drunkard.
Shanno falls for the flautist Kanhaiya, believing him to be Lord Krishna, and decides to marry him. However, she is shocked after realising that he is, in fact, the village drunkard.
Shanno falls for the flautist Kanhaiya, believing him to be Lord Krishna, and decides to marry him. However, she is shocked after realising that he is, in fact, the village drunkard.
Ijjat Beg comes to India with his caravan and settles in a town in Gujrat. Here, he falls in love with Sohni, who owns a shop of metal pots.
A Roman military commander falls in love with Ranjana, a devout Christian. The Roman Empire's atrocities toward the Christians prompt the commander to become a rebel soldier to protect the Christian community from the Roman Emperor.
A wealthy man is thrilled about becoming a parent and is pleased when his wife gives birth to a son. However, the son’s identification gets misplaced.
Ракеш вместе со своим братом и отцом живет в Рангуне. Однажды его брат Мадан принимает решение сбежать в Индию вместе с несколькими плохими парнями. Он уезжает в Индию вместе с ценной семейной реликвией. Но затем происходит трагедия, и Мадана убивают где-то в Калькутте. Ракеш решает разобраться с этим делом и понять, кто убил его родного брата. Также парень очень хочет вернуть в семью ценность, которая принадлежала его дедам.
The happenings of one night. A young heiress, on the run from her murderous uncle, roams the streets of Bombay where she runs into a series of shady characters. To escape from them, she makes a rendezvous with all of them to meet her early next morning at the Gateway of India, which also happens to be the locale for some covert criminal activity involving her uncle, the idea being to nab the crooks red-handed.
After Shekhar (Raj Kapoor) falls for beautiful Sharada (Meena Kumari), he makes her promise that she'll wait for him while he goes abroad on a business trip. But when Shekhar's plane goes down in flames, Sharada finds comfort in the arms of another man, not knowing that he's Shekhar's widowed father (Raj Mehra). Trouble is, Shekhar survived the crash and soon returns home, only to discover that Sharada has become … his mother!
R.K. Raju, a private investigator is assigned the task of locating the missing daughter of a wealthy Hindu couple. His investigation take him to different locales, and he comes across Miss Mary, the girl closely resembling the one he is looking for.
Shanta agrees to marry a lesser educated man.
A good-hearted man is framed by his philandering cousin for murder.
A rich businessman, Dayashankar Kumar (Shivraj), who is a widow, lives with his two young sons Ashok and Raj. When he catches the younger boy Raj stealing money, he punishes him and threatens to cut off his fingers. A frightened Raj runs away from home. Years pass and the older brother Ashok (Ashok Kumar), becomes the owner of his father's business and property, running Superior Motors, which also extends to Bombay. Ashok is married to Lakshmi (Nirupa Roy) and is a caring and loving husband. They have a young son, Munna (Daisy Irani).
Brothel Patron
Meena, a wealthy, educated girl, has been promised in marriage to Sunder, a sheltered young man who has received an extremely traditional religious education. Displeased, Meena sets out to find a more suitable candidate, but is taken in by Manohar, a gold-digging conman. Finding Sunder to be clueless about the world, Manohar is soon manipulating him as well as Meena in his schemes to gain possession of Meena's fortune.
After her widower dad, Kedarnath, passes away, Shobha goes to live with his friend, Charandas, and his wife, Shanta, who had their son go missing as a child. Years later Shobha is now matured and Charandas scouts for a suitable groom. A wealthy man, Sunder, would like to marry Shobha, but the family detests him.
Uma's foster father
Classic Bollywood film about a young man whose poverty leads him to commit crimes which, in turn, lead him to harsher and harsher punishments.
After having their goods confiscated by the police a couple of smugglers come up with a plan to recuperate their losses
В тёмную ненастную ночь возле приюта появилась молодая женщина. Прижав в последний раз к груди своего ребёнка, она оставила его у дверей и исчезла так же незаметно, как и пришла. Лишь луна да звёзды были молчаливыми свидетелями её поступка, крика отчаявшейся души. «Мунна» по индийски значит «малыш». Так хозяин приюта назвал подкидыша. Шли годы. Однажды в приют явилась богатая бездетная чета, пожелавшая усыновить одного из мальчиков. Выбор их пал на Мунну. Однако, узнав о том, что мать ребёнка жива, они отказались от своего намерения и ушли, оставив на шее у мальчика золотой амулет. В эту ночь Мунна не мог уснуть: боль и тоска сдавили его маленькое сердце. Мальчик бежит из приюта и отправляется в Бомбей на поиски своей матери. Он решил найти её, где бы она ни была!
Sunder, a laid-back young man, cares nothing about responsibilities towards his own future or of his family's. At much persuasion by his widowed mother, Sunder leaves on a journey to find a suitable groom for his sister Laajo. Situations arises and Sunder ends up marrying Pilu, daughter of Mooley Shah from the neighboring village. Sunder's mother and maternal uncle Bishandas are happy for Sunder's marriage but are disappointed by Sunder's irresponsibility towards Laajo's marriage. This time Bishandas decides to accompany Sunder for a groom hunt. After a few attempts they find a boy for Laajo, Atmaram, a government employee. The marriage takes place, but Atmaram's father Lala Kedarnath asks for money as dowry. This puts Laajo's marriage in jeopardize. Finally, Bishandas manages to make Atmaram to disown his father and accept Laajo.
Yusuf Ustad
Circa the Mughal Rule in the Persian Gulf, a noble man asks his soldiers to bring a man trustworthy enough to commit a crime. The soldiers go to the Chor Bazar, where they find a beggar-cum-thief, Yusuf Ustad, and bring him before the noble man. The noble man asks Yusuf to abduct and kill the child, who will be the future king. Greedy Yusuf accepts the offer, but is unable to kill the cherubic child, and ends up abducting him, leaving evidence in blood to show that the child has been killed. The young prince is thus brought on to the streets of this Chor Bazar where he will grow up, and be destined to spend the rest of his life as a thief and beggar.
Wazirzada Nawaz
Bollywood 1953
After a seven year absence, Dr. Ram Singh returns to his village intending to sell his land and go back to the city. He finds that the peasants are being mistreated by the local landlord and the landlord's sister, Sushma.
Raja lives a wealthy lifestyle with his somewhat upper Caste Hindu, eccentric, woman-hating dad, Hazurdas, and mom. He is friendly with Kishore, and both are aspiring doctors. On their way to college, they meet with two young women, Rani Mehra and Kamini.
Shyam Sundar Laddan
Руп оказывается единственной наследницей очень большого состояния. Но вскоре она получает информацию о том, что где-то живет ее сестра-близнец Мохини. Живет она в настоящей нищете, не подозревая о существовании богатой сестры. Тогда Руп привозит сестру в свой дом и делит с ней все свои богатства. Но вскоре между девушками возникает соперничество за жениха Руп, Раджа.
Раджу вынужден жить на улице, так как в детстве его отец бросил мать, и они остались на улице. Он пытается убить отца, но терпит неудачу. И теперь должен предстать перед судом, а защищать его решается его подруга детства.
Seth Roopchand
Sargam is a 1950 Bollywood family drama film directed by P. L. Santoshi and starring Raj Kapoor.
1949 Hindi film starring Geeta Bali & Randhir.