Christian Berger

Christian Berger

Рождение : 1945-01-13, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria


Christian Berger


Klassik unterm Hakenkreuz: Der Maestro und die Cellistin von Auschwitz
The stories of Jewish cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, who survived Auschwitz, and of star conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, who worked with the Nazis, provide insight. The film centers around two people who represent musical culture during the Third Reich - albeit in very different ways. Wilhelm Furtwängler was a star conductor; Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, the cellist of the infamous Women’s Orchestra of Auschwitz. Both shared a love for the classical German music.
Director of Photography
Это история о людях, стоящих на перепутье. История о Йонне, инструкторе по вождению, о её сыне Петере, художнике, пытавшимся покончить с собой за два месяца до собственной свадьбы, о Катрине, вынужденной делать уборку в домах чужих людей, чтобы заработать…
Night of a 1000 Hours
Director of Photography
When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.
Лазурный берег
Director of Photography
Франция. Середина 1970-х. Ванесса, бывшая танцовщица, и ее муж Роланд, американский писатель, путешествуют вместе по стране. Понемногу они начинают отдаляться друг от друга, но все меняется, когда они задерживаются в одном тихом приморском городке…
D.U.D.A! Werner Pirchner
He's known as "Tyrol's Zappa" and a "real anarchist." Whether folk music, jazz or what's known as serious music, Werner "Preisegott" Pirchner has in a creative way greatly expanded upon the limited acoustic range of his homeland, enriching it with some unfamiliar sounds from around the globe. Whoever comes into contact with him, such as Josef Hader and Tobias Moretti, can sense the power of his music, lets it carry them away, and embraces it wholeheartedly.
Mission Mozart
Толстая тетрадь
Director of Photography
История о том, как война отражается на детях. В конце Второй мировой люди в крупных городах Восточной Европы живут в постоянном страхе воздушных налетов и голодной смерти. Отчаявшаяся молодая мать отвозит своих 13-летних близнецов в деревню к бабушке, известной своей жесткостью и пристрастием к алкоголю. Местные жители считают ее ведьмой и подозревают в том, что когда-то она отравила своего мужа. Избалованные близнецы учатся выживать в новых условиях и приходят к выводу, что единственный способ справиться с абсурдом и бесчеловечностью взрослого мира — стать абсолютно бесчувственными и беспощадными.
Людвиг Баварский
Director of Photography
Баварский король Людвиг II стал легендой еще при жизни. Тонкий любитель искусства, знаток музыки и архитектуры, возвышенный юноша… Да, трудно представить себе менее подходящую кандидатуру на баварский престол — особенно в век расцвета воинствующих империй. Красавец Людвиг, более увлеченный оперой, чем пополнением казны, и сам сомневался в том, что оправдает надежды отца и станет достойным преемником. Между тем, почувствовав вкус политической игры, Людвиг становится ключевой фигурой баварской истории.
Schumann at Pier2
Schumann at Pier2 is not a usual concert film, it shows the 4 Symphonies of Schumann from a new perspective. Stars of the film are the conductor Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and it´s filmed at „Pier2“, a former dockyard in the harbour of Bremen. Symphony No. 1, Spring, Op. 38 Symphony No. 2, Op. 61 Symphony No. 3 Rhenish, Op. 97 Symphony No. 4, Op. 120
Director of Photography
В доме, затерянном в горах, женщина с грубо остриженными волосами, синевой вокруг глаз и скулами, обострившимися от месяцев скудной жизни и тяжелого физического труда, ведёт дневник — на оборотной стороне истлевших, потерявших смысл календарей, под надсадное карканье ноябрьских ворон. Не ради удовольствия от письма — чтобы выжить и спастись от безумия. С ней случилось невероятное — она приехала в этот горный дом с друзьями, пожилой парой, в солнечный майский день, чтобы на следующее утро, обеспокоившись исчезновением ушедших на прогулку стариков, обнаружить, что покинуть вершину горы уже невозможно: весь прочий мир отделен от неё невидимой, но непроницаемой стеной. Так женщина осталась одна, в компании домашнего пса, приблудной коровы и пушистых котят, таких неуместных на лоне дикой природы. Она осознала, что недостаточно юна и безрассудна для самоубийства, значит, придётся выживать, чего бы это ни стоило…
Белая лента
Director of Photography
Деревня в протестантской северной Германии. 1913—1914 года. Канун первой мировой войны. История о детях и подростках церковного хора, поддерживаемого деревенским школьным учителем и их семьями: бароном, управляющим, пастором, доктором, акушеркой, землевладельцами. Происшедший загадочный несчастный случай постепенно принимает характер карательного ритуала. Кто стоит за этим всем?
Director of Photography
A political drama centered around Israel's pullout from the occupied Gaza strip, in which a French woman of Israeli origin comes to the Gaza Strip to find her long ago abandoned daughter.
Director of Photography
Литературный критик Джордж получает по почте коробку. Он раскрывает ее и обнаруживает видеопленки, где записаны фрагменты жизни его самого и его семьи. Постепенно эти кадры наводят Джорджа на мысль, что отправитель странной посылки неплохо его знает. Он начинает тревожиться. Но полиция отказывается действовать, пока Джорджу ничто не угрожает. Кто отправитель посылки и какую цель он преследует?
Don't Do That!
Director of Photography
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
Seenomaden - Leben mit dem Wind
Der Gläserne Blick
Director of Photography
A policeman lunching with his daughter is present when a dead body washes up on shore. He investigates, leading him down a twisted and muddled path of nefarious connections reflecting, somewhat, his own life.
Director of Photography
Главная героиня Эрика — профессор Венской консерватории. Она учит молодежь дивной музыке Шуберта, сама же, будучи монстром современной цивилизации, страшно далека от гармонии небесных сфер. Она по-детски делит ложе со старой мегерой-мамашей, лишена всякого подобия личной жизни, после занятий тайно посещает порномагазины и под кроватью держит набор садомазохистских инструментов. Когда же в нее влюбляется один из ее учеников, она шокирует и его, и зрителя совершенно дикими реакциями на юношеское чувство.
Ethnische Idyllen
After the war in Croatia. Everyday life and the way things were during this civil war. A war which was started by the Others, a war no one wanted an which is not really over, although the fighting has stopped. The breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the birth of a new nation is the backdrop in front of which people live their lives.
Ethnische Idyllen
Director of Photography
After the war in Croatia. Everyday life and the way things were during this civil war. A war which was started by the Others, a war no one wanted an which is not really over, although the fighting has stopped. The breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the birth of a new nation is the backdrop in front of which people live their lives.
Ethnische Idyllen
After the war in Croatia. Everyday life and the way things were during this civil war. A war which was started by the Others, a war no one wanted an which is not really over, although the fighting has stopped. The breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the birth of a new nation is the backdrop in front of which people live their lives.
Ethnische Idyllen
After the war in Croatia. Everyday life and the way things were during this civil war. A war which was started by the Others, a war no one wanted an which is not really over, although the fighting has stopped. The breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the birth of a new nation is the backdrop in front of which people live their lives.
Es war doch Liebe
Director of Photography
Jan, a freelance journalist, and Sabine, the mother of his two children and a textile designer, have no money. Sabine is abandoned by her husband and then gets caught up in the bureaucracy. A sober psychogram of a woman who is fighting and hoping for her life and everyday life.
71 фрагмент хронологии случайностей
Director of Photography
Финальная картина «трилогии замораживания» трансформирует в 71 разобщенную сцену реальную историю об австрийском студенте, который в один прекрасный день вдруг в ярости набрасывается на первых встречных. 71 фрагмент выделяется отходом от расширенного исследования отдельной семьи, как это было в первых двух частях трилогии. Вместо этого, вспышка жестокости контекстуально помещается в некий срез общества: одинокий отец, пара с расстроенными взаимоотношениями, женщина, которая хочет усыновить ребенка, румынский иммигрант…
Images and sounds of Anpass in Tyrol, shot between 1970 and 1973.
Images and sounds of Anpass in Tyrol, shot between 1970 and 1973.
Director of Photography
Images and sounds of Anpass in Tyrol, shot between 1970 and 1973.
Images and sounds of Anpass in Tyrol, shot between 1970 and 1973.
Images and sounds of Anpass in Tyrol, shot between 1970 and 1973.
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.
Director of Photography
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.
Das Auge des Taifun
Director of Photography
Performance conceived by Erich Wonder & Heiner Müller for the 300th anniversary of the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna. The band, Einstürzende Neubauten, is located on a glass palace/stage on wheels (accompanied by the slavish trotting of huskies) which is slowly moving on the nightly ring road of Vienna.
Видео Бенни
Director of Photography
Главный герой фильма — юноша Бенни. Комната Бенни оборудована не хуже телевизионной студии, в ней ютятся дисплеи мониторов, телевизор, видеомагнитофон, видеокамеры. У подростка существует лишь одна страсть — бесконечный просмотр второсортных американских ужастиков и любительских съёмок.
Director of Photography
Andreas, who is ten, has been brought up by his grandmother. When she dies, he removes a putto from the crucifix placed upon her, puts it in his mouth and does not speak again. The attempts by adults to make a normal child out of him only cause him to flee deeper into his fantasy world - a village of snow. At its center is a snowman with whom Andreas converses.
Hanna Monster, Darling
Hanna and Leo are expecting a child. They live near Innsbruck where the mountains touch the sky and where absolute bliss seems to reign. But things turn out quite differently.
Hanna Monster, Darling
Director of Photography
Hanna and Leo are expecting a child. They live near Innsbruck where the mountains touch the sky and where absolute bliss seems to reign. But things turn out quite differently.
Hanna Monster, Darling
Hanna and Leo are expecting a child. They live near Innsbruck where the mountains touch the sky and where absolute bliss seems to reign. But things turn out quite differently.
Die wilden Kinder
Off Season
Director of Photography
The time of great festivities, of noble health-resort idyll are long gone. A place torn by modern functional buildings and decaying, once fashionable hotel palaces. In this scenery, Lenz, a masseur, is struggling for his survival, barely keeping a day-to-day routine. He has become estranged from his wife and child. When he meets the dancer Nurit his life is thrown completely out of balance.
On February 20th, 1810, French and Bavarian forces killed the Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer in Mantua, at that time a part of Austria. Hofer had led the Tyroleans in their fight for independence from Bavaria and was betrayed by an insignificant farmer, the betrayal and its effect on the farmer is the subject of this historically-based drama. Director Christian Berger has shot the story emphasizing visual poetics, as well as close-ups to reveal the nuances of subtle emotions as they play across the human face. Whatever the farmer Raffl's motivation -- he is clearly an underdog, overworked, with his labor unrecognized -- he receives no expected reward for his betrayal of Hofer's hiding place, and he has to quickly leave for the city to escape his fellow villagers' wrath. Once in the city and working hard in a factory, Raffl must come to grips with the fact that his identity has changed, and he may have betrayed himself as well as Hofer.
Director of Photography
On February 20th, 1810, French and Bavarian forces killed the Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer in Mantua, at that time a part of Austria. Hofer had led the Tyroleans in their fight for independence from Bavaria and was betrayed by an insignificant farmer, the betrayal and its effect on the farmer is the subject of this historically-based drama. Director Christian Berger has shot the story emphasizing visual poetics, as well as close-ups to reveal the nuances of subtle emotions as they play across the human face. Whatever the farmer Raffl's motivation -- he is clearly an underdog, overworked, with his labor unrecognized -- he receives no expected reward for his betrayal of Hofer's hiding place, and he has to quickly leave for the city to escape his fellow villagers' wrath. Once in the city and working hard in a factory, Raffl must come to grips with the fact that his identity has changed, and he may have betrayed himself as well as Hofer.
On February 20th, 1810, French and Bavarian forces killed the Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer in Mantua, at that time a part of Austria. Hofer had led the Tyroleans in their fight for independence from Bavaria and was betrayed by an insignificant farmer, the betrayal and its effect on the farmer is the subject of this historically-based drama. Director Christian Berger has shot the story emphasizing visual poetics, as well as close-ups to reveal the nuances of subtle emotions as they play across the human face. Whatever the farmer Raffl's motivation -- he is clearly an underdog, overworked, with his labor unrecognized -- he receives no expected reward for his betrayal of Hofer's hiding place, and he has to quickly leave for the city to escape his fellow villagers' wrath. Once in the city and working hard in a factory, Raffl must come to grips with the fact that his identity has changed, and he may have betrayed himself as well as Hofer.
On February 20th, 1810, French and Bavarian forces killed the Tyrolean rebel leader Andreas Hofer in Mantua, at that time a part of Austria. Hofer had led the Tyroleans in their fight for independence from Bavaria and was betrayed by an insignificant farmer, the betrayal and its effect on the farmer is the subject of this historically-based drama. Director Christian Berger has shot the story emphasizing visual poetics, as well as close-ups to reveal the nuances of subtle emotions as they play across the human face. Whatever the farmer Raffl's motivation -- he is clearly an underdog, overworked, with his labor unrecognized -- he receives no expected reward for his betrayal of Hofer's hiding place, and he has to quickly leave for the city to escape his fellow villagers' wrath. Once in the city and working hard in a factory, Raffl must come to grips with the fact that his identity has changed, and he may have betrayed himself as well as Hofer.
Director of Photography
Vienna in the early eighties: After a suicide attempt, Tina, who comes from a middle-class family, is hospitalized in a psychiatric ward. There she gets to know Gerhard, an apprentice plumber, who also wanted to do away with himself. He comes from a working class family. They fall for each other. A modern love story which is set inside the real life circumstances of the closing of the alternative Youth Center "Gassergasse" in Vienna.
Der Untergang des Alpenlandes Part One
"The Lord created the world and in it’s centre he set the Alpenland (alpine country), the paradise on earth." – The Tyrolean version of the history of creation begins roughly like that, in which Pirchner is entrusted with keeping the alpine Garden of Eden clean. If he isn’t up to the task, a deadly leap into a mountain lake awaits him… DER UNTERGANG DES ALPENLANDES is an Austrian short film and a satire on the „Heimatfilm“-genre films which has gained cult-status. The same is true of Pirchner’s music which plays an important role in the film.
Der Untergang des Alpenlandes Part One
"The Lord created the world and in it’s centre he set the Alpenland (alpine country), the paradise on earth." – The Tyrolean version of the history of creation begins roughly like that, in which Pirchner is entrusted with keeping the alpine Garden of Eden clean. If he isn’t up to the task, a deadly leap into a mountain lake awaits him… DER UNTERGANG DES ALPENLANDES is an Austrian short film and a satire on the „Heimatfilm“-genre films which has gained cult-status. The same is true of Pirchner’s music which plays an important role in the film.