Christoph Kanter

Рождение : 1955-01-01,


Andrea Gets a Divorce
Set Designer
Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
Andrea Gets a Divorce
Production Designer
Rural policewoman Andrea wants to end her marriage and become a detective inspector in the city. After a birthday party, her drunken soon-to-be ex-husband runs out in front of her car. In a state of shock, Andrea commits a hit-and-run.
The Magic Flute
Production Design
17-year-old Tim Walker travels from London to the Austrian Alps to attend the legendary Mozart boarding school. There, he discovers a centuries-old forgotten passageway into the fantastic world of Mozart's "The Magic Flute."
Нянька на рождество
Production Design
По нелепой случайности воришка Денис оказывается в роли сиделки у прикованного к инвалидному креслу. Он вынужден ухаживать за богатым бизнесменом и его внучкой, которая приехала навестить деда. Рэймонд с радостью избавился бы от непрошенного гостя, но снежная буря вынуждает их оставаться в одном доме.
Ловушка для привидения
Production Design
История 11-летнего одинокого Тома. После встречи с очаровательным упитанным привидением Хьюго в подвале своего дома жизнь мальчика изменится самым удивительным образом. Ему придется проявить истинную храбрость и на пару с охотницей за привидениями Хэтти помочь Хьюго вернуться к себе домой. Для этого героям нужно пройти через массу препятствий, чтобы уничтожить Древний Дух Льда, который живет в доме Хьюго, и грозит повергнуть весь город в вечную мерзлоту. Но для того, чтобы совершить подвиги, Тому и Хэтти нужно будет заглянуть к себе в сердце.
Белая лента
Production Design
Деревня в протестантской северной Германии. 1913—1914 года. Канун первой мировой войны. История о детях и подростках церковного хора, поддерживаемого деревенским школьным учителем и их семьями: бароном, управляющим, пастором, доктором, акушеркой, землевладельцами. Происшедший загадочный несчастный случай постепенно принимает характер карательного ритуала. Кто стоит за этим всем?
For a Moment, Freedom
Production Design
Centers on a group of weary Middle Eastern refugees who have made their way to Turkey to apply for European visas.
Production Design
Литературный критик Джордж получает по почте коробку. Он раскрывает ее и обнаруживает видеопленки, где записаны фрагменты жизни его самого и его семьи. Постепенно эти кадры наводят Джорджа на мысль, что отправитель странной посылки неплохо его знает. Он начинает тревожиться. Но полиция отказывается действовать, пока Джорджу ничто не угрожает. Кто отправитель посылки и какую цель он преследует?
Production Design
Австрия, 1520 год. Кровные братья Георг, набожный аббат, и Мартин, бесстрашный воин, встречаются вновь после долгой разлуки. Ради своей семьи Мартин вынужден стать палачом, изгоем для всех, кроме Георга. Когда из монастыря похищают бесценную реликвию и инквизиция начинает искать злодеев, под подозрение попадают многие невинные люди, в том числе — семья Мартина. Сможет ли Георг защитить своего верного друга в час, когда запылают костры и головы покатятся по плахе? Сумеет ли палач Мартин спасти свою семью от палачей инквизиции? Какую цену заплатят братья за свою роковую дружбу?
Время волков
Production Design
Когда Анна и ее семья приезжают в свой загородный дом, они обнаруживают, что там поселились чужаки. Муж получает пулю в лоб, а Анна с двумя детьми скитается по окрестностям, пока не набредает на заброшенную железнодорожную станцию. Здесь нашли прибежище множество беспомощных людей, таких же беженцев из ниоткуда в никуда, которые вынуждены сражаться с миром и друг с другом за кусок хлеба и глоток воды. Они охвачены отчаянием и алчностью, но время от времени все еще способны проявлять какие-то человеческие чувства. Цивилизации больше не существует, но люди продолжают надеяться на то, что кто-то окажет им помощь.
Production Design
Главная героиня Эрика — профессор Венской консерватории. Она учит молодежь дивной музыке Шуберта, сама же, будучи монстром современной цивилизации, страшно далека от гармонии небесных сфер. Она по-детски делит ложе со старой мегерой-мамашей, лишена всякого подобия личной жизни, после занятий тайно посещает порномагазины и под кроватью держит набор садомазохистских инструментов. Когда же в нее влюбляется один из ее учеников, она шокирует и его, и зрителя совершенно дикими реакциями на юношеское чувство.
Der Überfall
Art Direction
Looking around for a suitable place to hold up, Andreas stumbles into a tailor's shop. What was supposed to last only a few minutes ends up being a bizarre afternoon for three men: the tragicomic of the less-than-expert robber, the cranky tailor and a customer - a know-it-all who drives the other two crazy. The mood constantly shifts, and the tables keep turning among the threesome. A black comedy with a twist.
Kaliber Deluxe
Art Direction
Tells the story of a group of gangsters hiding out in a vacation-bungalow who get more than they bargained for.
Hunters in the Snow
Art Direction
The protagonist, Franz, copies the paintings of old masters. He slowly loses his sense of reality, resulting in angst-ridden fantasies and a desire for self-destruction. Franz has an uphill battle with the loss of values and spread of capitalism around him. He rejects advertising to the point of destroying its manifestations.
Girls under investigation
Art Direction
Two young women are hitchhiking when they get picked up by a man who proceeds to sexually assault them. He disappears after that. The suspicion that the „girls" - having a reputation of being "loose" when it comes to sex - killed him, begins to grow.
Suzie Washington
Art Direction
Nana Iaschwili, a teacher from East Europe, wants to emigrate to America to start a new life. After landing in Vienna, the authorities notice her falsified visa and arrest her. Nana, threatened with deportation, would prefer anything except being sent back and escapes. She must keep on the move constantly. The police are hot on her trail. Together with other illegal aliens, Nana, alias "Suzie Washington", flees to the so-called "green border", the no-man's-land between East and West. The police, cows and lonely men keep getting in her way.
The Unfish
Art Direction
Sophie "inherits" her uncle's preserved whale and finds out that whoever sleeps in the whale's belly with her will be granted one wish, causing chaos and hatred in the village.
Забавные игры
Production Design
В свой загородный дом на живописном озере приезжает муж, жена и 10-летний сын. К ним приходят два молодых парня, представившимися гостями соседей. У обоих на руках белые перчатки. Молодые люди решили позабавиться. Они убили собаку… и предложили хозяевам пари…
Production Design
Господин Землемер приглашен Замком для ведения соответствующих работ. Прибыв в Деревню, он с удивлением обнаруживает, что здесь его никто не ждет. Попытки доказать свои права наталкивается на стену непонимания. Желание проникнуть в загадочный Замок все сильнее овладевает героем…
71 фрагмент хронологии случайностей
Production Design
Финальная картина «трилогии замораживания» трансформирует в 71 разобщенную сцену реальную историю об австрийском студенте, который в один прекрасный день вдруг в ярости набрасывается на первых встречных. 71 фрагмент выделяется отходом от расширенного исследования отдельной семьи, как это было в первых двух частях трилогии. Вместо этого, вспышка жестокости контекстуально помещается в некий срез общества: одинокий отец, пара с расстроенными взаимоотношениями, женщина, которая хочет усыновить ребенка, румынский иммигрант…
Ant Street
Art Direction
Set within a Viennese apartment block, this affectionate Austrian comedy makes fun of the strange habits of the famed city's residents. The building is located in a middle-class area and has residents from many age groups and walks of life. Many of the tenants are much older, but there are also a few children about. In one apartment lives a large group of Polish construction workers, while a Yugoslavian woman and her huge family attempt to survive in their tiny flat. The episodic story of the lives of these and other tenants is framed by a visit from a civil servant from the Office of Statistics.
Art Direction
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.
The Rebellion
Production Design
The disabled ex-soldier Andreas Pum lost a leg for emperor and father land. After leaving the army he receives a license and a drehorgel. One day he gets into a controversy with a welldressed gentleman, disturbs the public order, and hits a policeman. Andreas Pum goes to jail, loses his license and becomes toilet guard in the Cafe Halali after his release. Only at the moment of death he recognizes that he was always too decent and too obedient.
Видео Бенни
Production Design
Главный герой фильма — юноша Бенни. Комната Бенни оборудована не хуже телевизионной студии, в ней ютятся дисплеи мониторов, телевизор, видеомагнитофон, видеокамеры. У подростка существует лишь одна страсть — бесконечный просмотр второсортных американских ужастиков и любительских съёмок.
The Arrival of Averill
Art Direction
In this highly symbolic political allegory, Averill is traveling through a troubled countryside amid rumors of war to visit his father. He reaches a train station in a city which is paralyzed by a transportation strike and is forced to take lodgings in a bizarre, unattractive town populated by seemingly malformed individuals. After a while, he begins to try to woo a much older woman, and symbolic images of entrapment, imprisonment and erotic enticement mark his adventures in this regard.
Time of Vengeance
Art Direction
Orhan, who is ten years old, comes to Vienna from a small Village in Anatolia. Armed with his grandfather's revolver, he intends to avenge his father, who was a "guest worker" and was killed in a car accident. On his quest for "vengeance", Orhan meets friends and enemies and finds himself in a totally strange world. Finally he realizes the absurdity of his plan and returns to his village.
Art Direction
Despite its South-of-the-Border title, Caracas is an Austrian love triangle. Gas-station owner Gerhard Zehmann is saddled with cheating wife Regina Bill. The man would like to escape to Venezuela, but he can't unload his wife. Then he meets a woman who is the exact double of his wife (also played by Regina Bill, of course). Falling in love with this clone, the husband hatches a plan. He'll murder his wife, then leave for Venezuela with her look-alike so as not to arouse suspicion. Are foolproof plans like these ever really foolproof?
Off Season
Art Direction
The time of great festivities, of noble health-resort idyll are long gone. A place torn by modern functional buildings and decaying, once fashionable hotel palaces. In this scenery, Lenz, a masseur, is struggling for his survival, barely keeping a day-to-day routine. He has become estranged from his wife and child. When he meets the dancer Nurit his life is thrown completely out of balance.
The Diary of Dr. Döblinger
Art Direction
Based on the many observations made during his extremely interesting and far from dull life, Dr. Döblinger relates four episodes in which he wants to give us a picture of the loneliness and incomprehensibility of mankind.
Art Direction
In this well-photographed and sometimes confusing wartime drama, an Austrian village experiences the tragedy of war on several different levels. Within one family, the younger son is jealous of the praise his father gives to a Polish POW who is working for them under very difficult conditions. Within the village as a whole, the French, Polish, and Russian POWs are kept under guard by Nazi soldiers, creating a tense situation all around. But more importantly, the village has conspired to hide an Austrian deserter in a cave up in the mountains. This act of rebellion on the part of the deserter and the village hangs in a precarious balance that could be upset by a single traitorous comment to the Gestapo.
Art Direction
Chris, a young man from the country, dreams of a big career as an escape-artist. He wants to become famous like his idol, Harry Houdini. He meets Mischa, an expert in the art of living, who feels himself called upon to support Chris in attaining fame and an international career. Chris is very much attracted to Nada. Mischa's sister wants to break away from the Yugoslav workers' milieu. A spectacular performance is planned by Mischa and his friends to draw the medias' attention to Chris. Tied up in his strait-jacket, Chris wants to jump into the Danube and free himself under water. But neither newspaper journalists nor the TV turn up. Nevertheless Chris jumps into the water and frees himself. He wins Nada's love and restores his self-confidence. Malambo is a comedy, which portrays the dream world of an endearing community of friends, who are building 'castles of air' for themselves, in search for a better life.
Ich oder du
Art Direction
For the first time two antagonists meet in a countryside disco: one is a farmer's son, the other a drug addict singer from Vienna. And then there is her. The fight between the two men for the girl begins in in the city.
Art Direction
Judit is up to her neck in art studies and the elitist art community but chucks it all to pursue a successful career as a billiard professional -- not exactly a likely alternative in real life, but certainly more lucrative. Just as she is finally at the apex of her chosen second field, Judit encounters male jealously and/or aggression in the form of intentional snubs from this different class of snobs, or in the worse instances, rape. Director Kitty Kino portrays many of the male figures in this film as weak, or drunk, or simply offensive, and because of the emphasis on those traits, the film will raise objections from some viewers. On the other hand, many women might see this film and feel that at least it brings up the difficulties women can face in getting ahead in a male-dominated arena, instead of side-stepping or ignoring the role of male prejudice.