Ronald McCall

Ronald McCall


Ronald McCall


Ключ от всех дверей
Papa Justify
25-летняя Кэролайн Эллис устраивается работать сиделкой к пожилому инвалиду Бену Деверо, владельцу огромного особняка неподалеку от Луизианы. Его жена Вайолет вручает девушке универсальный ключ от всех дверей в доме. Однажды Кэролайн обнаруживает секретную комнату, расположенную на чердаке с массой мистических предметов. Хозяйка утверждает, что вещи принадлежат бывшим владельцам, которые занимались черной магией. Вскоре Кэролайн становится свидетельницей довольно странных и необъяснимых событий и решает, во что бы то ни стало, разгадать секрет таинственной комнаты…
Mutant Species
McCall (A-Team)
A rocket containing bio-hazardous material to be disposed of by launching into space crashes in a remote wooded area. An army team is sent to recover it. One of the men is infected and mutates into a monster, killing most of the rest of the team. One man escapes with the help of a brother & sister who live in the woods. He then tries to stop his former buddy, while also fighting against another army team sent in to destroy everything. The bio-material was supposed to create a super-soldier, was banned, and the crash of the rocket appears to have been deliberate so the experiment could proceed. But who is behind it all? And will others be infected?
In the Line of Duty: Street War
In this gritty cops-and-crooks drama, two detectives hunt a gang leader suspected of murdering a New York cop. The detectives enlist the help of the dead cop's partner, who is also the brother of the gangster. There's nothing civil about this war that has two brothers squaring off against each other. The strong cast includes Mario Van Peebles, Ray Sharkey and Peter Boyle.
Smokey and the Judge
Tommy Saunders
Three bad girls go good in this Southern-fried treat from 1980. When Margo (Gwen Owens), Carol (Cathy Carson) and Maria (Juanita Curiel) get released from prison, they set their sights on R&B stardom, starting with a gig at a roadhouse bar in a rough-and-tumble desert town. As long as they can stay clear of a sleazy sheriff (Gene Price), a dirty-minded judge and a troublemaking parole officer, the buxom trio may just make it after all.