Kirsten Zien

Kirsten Zien

Рождение : 1990-09-28, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Kirsten Zien (née Prout; born September 28, 1990) is a Canadian actress. Meeting with success at an early age, she worked locally in Vancouver, guest-starring on shows such as First Wave (1998), Stargate SG-1 (1997), Cold Squad (1998) and The Dead Zone (2002). Her first sizable break in film came in 2005, when she landed the part of "Abby Miller", a young martial arts prodigy, alongside Jennifer Garner, in Elektra (2005). Kirsten performed her own stunts and utilized her martial arts training for the film, then went on to play the demure "Amanda Bloom" on the ABC Family television series, Kyle XY (2006). After the show finished its successful three seasons, Kirsten attended McGill University as an English Literature major. She was then immediately cast in Summit's The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), becoming a part of the hugely successful Twilight Saga. Shortly thereafter, she starred as the troubled "Alex Bell" in parts two and three of MTV's horror trilogy, My Super Psycho Sweet 16: Part 2 (2010) and My Super Psycho Sweet 16: Part 3 (2012), and portrayed the lovable "Char Chamberlin" on ABC Family's teen drama, The Lying Game (2011). Kirsten has both a solid history in the industry as well as a promising future in both film and television.


Kirsten Zien


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