Rumi Sakakibara


Ураганная семейка
Mitsuko Suzuki
Ittetsu and Maitsuko are married, but they are not just any normal couple. They robbed a bank and took a cool million or two from the capitalists. Then they duly vanished. Years have passed and their children have congregated to divide their parents' money, but first there is the matter of arrangements and a funeral.
Haru-san – The Bride's Father is a Great Detective
Kinuyo Shimada
Dollmaker Haruhiko Kasukabe, nicknamed Haru-san, lost his wife Ruriko in an airplane crash 22 years ago and has been living with his only daughter Furi since then. It is the day of Furi's wedding. However, Furi only told Haruhiko about the wedding a month before. Since the bridegroom had some trouble at his overseas job, he was only able to return to Japan the day of the wedding, so Haruhiko has not met him even once. What kind of man did Furi choose to marry, and why did she hide such an important thing for so long...!? Haruhiko, worrying over all this, shuts himself in his room and decides not to go to the wedding... then, something completely unexpected happens to him. His late wife Ruriko appears before him. The truth is, she has appeared at Haruhiko's side many times before. What could be Ruriko's goal...
Natsuko Sawada
Tatsuru Sawada works as an assistant cameramen. He spends his days just wasting away. To change himself, he joins the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. At the training camp. he causes trouble. He opposes Kazunari Hamura and frequently breaks the rule at the camp. Tatsuru and Kazunari are then sent to the Philippines with Shiho Nomura . Even in the Philippines, Tatsuru and Kazunari do not get along as well. One day, Tatsuru goes to Baguio to take a picture. There, he meets a boy named Noel and his older sister Angela. He worries about the situation in the Philippines. He feels helpless and goes back to Japan. 8 years later, Tatsuru and Kazunari meet again in the Tōhoku region where the great earthquake and tsunami occurred.
Haunted Highway
An American photographer has an affair with a mysterious woman (Yoshikawa), which leads him into a confrontation with the occult.
Haunted Highway
Executive Producer
An American photographer has an affair with a mysterious woman (Yoshikawa), which leads him into a confrontation with the occult.
The Lonely Affair of the Heart
Marco: Carry a Dream
Marco, a young Italian boy, is searching for his mother across Latin America after her letters mysteriously stop arriving. On his travels Marco encounters people who care for him and help him along his way; however, he must also face the evils of the adults who care for nothing but themselves and decide to take advantage of his situation.
Remembering the Cosmos Flower
Akiko returns to her home village in Japan after seven years in South America, where she contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. The town, thick with paranoia, is quick to ostracize the ailing Akiko. With only her best friend and her mom in her corner, Akiko suffers awful discrimination at school and at home.
Batten Robomaru: The Movie
Haruka Unno
Batten Robomaru is the second entry in the Toei Fushigi Comedy Series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei.
Ame no meguri ai
Japanese drama film.
Chotaro and Nakanishi, a duo of unemployed advertisers, drifted to Isehama, a port town near Yokohama, but a gang was making its presence felt in the town and the shopkeepers in the shopping arcade were troubled by it. Chotaro poses as a journalist and uses his words of wisdom to suggest that pen is mightier than the sword, so they create a mini-comic magazine and launch a campaign to expel the gang.
The Witty Samurai
The story of a timid samurai attempting to rid his name of the stigma attached to it.
Return of Ultraman: Terror of the Waterspout Monsters
Aki Sakata
A theatrical release of The Return of Ultraman episodes 13-14. It was released on December 12, 1971 as part of the Toho Champion Festival along with Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Earth's Greatest Battle ( edited from Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster and shorter versions of The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee, and The Little Match Girl.
Return of Ultraman
Aki Sakata
Episodes 5 and 6 of Return of Ultraman show, screened at Toho Championship Festival.
Мужчине живётся трудно. Фильм 7: История борьбы
На этот раз Тора-сан встречает работницу завода Ханако. Та предлагает Тора-сану жениться на ней, но неожиданно объявляется её поручитель и забирает девушку домой, когда Тора-сана не было рядом. И он опять отправляется в дорогу.
Кот в сапогах
Бедный юноша Пьер и принцесса Роза полюбили друг друга, но на их пути множество преград, и самая опасная из них — злой, ужасный Люцифер, всемогущий волшебник, властитель Ада, решивший жениться на красавице! Хорошо, что у Пьера и Розы нашелся настоящий друг, веселый и находчивый, хитрый и храбрый кот Перро. Никто и ничто не может I помешать ему, разве что преследующие его коты-наемные убийцы…