Nadia Gray

Nadia Gray

Рождение : 1923-11-27, Bucarest, Romania

Смерть : 1994-06-13


Nadia Gray
Nadia Gray
Nadia Gray


Обнаженный беглец
Karen Gisevius
Американцу Лейкеру, мебельщику из Великобритании, присуждена премия за дизайн, и он едет на выставку в Восточную Германию, чтобы покрасоваться перед коллегами. Но он меняет свои планы, после того как соглашается выполнить незначительное поручение сотрудника британской разведки, знакомого ещё со Второй мировой. Мистер Лейкер не знает, что его хотят использовать в качестве наёмного убийцы.
Двое в пути
Françoise Dalbret
Переживающие кризис супружеской жизни, Марк и Джоанна Уоллес отправляются отдохнуть на французскую Ривьеру, место их знакомства. Будучи студентом, Марк, изучавший памятники европейской архитектуры, встретился там с весёлой компанией девушек-музыкантов. Вначале Марк «запал» на Джекки, но затем переключился на Джоанну… Уже поженившись, они ещё не раз совершали поездки по Европе, и каждый раз их брак подвергался испытаниям на прочность. Нынешнее путешествие помогает им понять, что, сколько бы они ни ссорились и какие бы серьезные причины не говорили в пользу развода, они все ёще очень любят друг друга…
Древнейшая профессия в мире
Шесть новелл, в комедийной форме рассказывающих об истории проституции с древних времен до наших дней. Самые красивые актрисы ХХ века - в комедии, снятой знаменитыми режиссерами.
Громовержец и Виннету
Michele Mercier
Комендант приграничного городка Мирамонте захватил и посадил в тюрьму брата главаря банды Сайлера. Узнав об этом, Сайлер грозит сравнять город с землей, если его брат не будет выпущен на свободу. Знаменитый охотник Громовержец и вождь апачей Виннету помогают защитить город и отбить нападение бандитов.
Adventurer of Tortuga
Doña Rosita
In the New World, a rugged pirate leader and a corrupt governor vie for the affections of a beautiful Indian heiress.
The Crooked Road
An investigative reporter travels to a small European country with the hope of exposing its dictator's family secrets.
Encounters in Salzburg
Felicitas Willke
Eve Beynat
When a stranger enters a quiet, country town and is seduced by a sensuous married woman he unwittingly finds himself at the centre of a storm of sexual guilt and murder.
Wenn beide schuldig werden
Hilde Goetz
The Game of Truth
Solange Vérate
A dozen elegant people are gathered in a writer's desirable mansion. In the grand tradition of Agatha Christie, they all have something to hide.They begin a cruel game of truth, a game where you're not supposed to tell lies. As the questions become more and more intimate and precise, the tempers rise, while outside the storm is raging. Enter a hateful person (played by Paul Meurisse, the nasty headmaster in "Les Diaboliques") who seems to know a lot about them. Someone is murdered. Whodunit?
Les croulants se portent bien
In his desirable mansion, a widower wants to marry again with a twenty-year old brunette. His children disagree and they tell him so .
Gioventù di notte
Mr. Topaze
Mr. Topaze (Peter Sellers) is an unassuming school teacher in an unassuming small French town, who is honest to a fault. He is fired when he refuses to give a passing grade to a bad student, the grandson of a wealthy baroness. Castel Benac (Herbert Lom), a government official who runs a crooked financial business on the side, is persuaded by his mistress, Suzy (Nadia Gray), a musical comedy actress, to hire Mr. Topaze as the front man for his business. Gradually, Topaze becomes a rapacious financier who sacrifices his honesty for success and, in a final stroke of business bravado, fires Benac and acquires Suzy in the deal. An old friend and colleague, Tamise (Michael Gough) questions him and tells Topaze that what he now says and practices indicates there are no more honest men.
The Pavements of Paris
Arlette has too provincial parents to whom she announces her plan about own independence. After her departure, Marc, her absent fiance seek for her in vain in Paris until he discovers her picture on the magazine cover.
Кандид или оптимизм
La dame de compagnie / Dame
Фильм снят по повести Вольтера «Кандид, или Оптимизм» (1758г.), перенесенный в ХХ век, во времена Второй мировой войны, о любви Кунигунды и Кандида.
María, matrícula de Bilbao
Bilbao in the fifties. To continue the family marine tradition, El Viejo, an old sailor, forces his grandson Luiso to follow the profession of their ancestors as skipper of the ship Maria.
Letto a tre piazze
Antonio married Amalia and went to fight in Russia during World War II. Since he didn't return Amalia thought he was dead, so she married another man. Many year after the war end, Antonio returned. Amalia has to choose between two husbands.
Death at Dawn
Victoria Costa
The prestigious composer Virgilio Delise, suspected of being involved in the death of his stepfather, unexpectedly runs away. Doria, an ambitious insurance detective, will stop at nothing to prove his guilt.
Death at Dawn
The prestigious composer Virgilio Delise, suspected of being involved in the death of his stepfather, unexpectedly runs away. Doria, an ambitious insurance detective, will stop at nothing to prove his guilt.
Le signore
Tatiana Becker
Сладкая жизнь
Журналист Марчелло — наблюдатель и участник всех эпизодов жизни итальянской элиты конца 50-х годов. Женщины как тени сменяют друг друга, не задевая его чувств, даже явление американской кинодивы Сильвии, воплощения сексуальности и порока, не выводит его из ступора. Внезапное самоубийство его друга Штайнера, пришедшего к мысли о бессмысленности их жизни, приводит Марчелло к катарсису, но надолго ли…
Безжалостное лето
Риччоне, тихий городок на Адриатическом побережье Италии, июль 1943 года. Ужасы войны пока ещё не пришли сюда. На этом почти пасторальном фоне разворачивается запретный в глазах окружающих роман между Карло, сыном крупного лидера фашистской парии, и намного старше его Робертой, вдовой капитана-героя войны. Внешний мир вторгается в тихую жизнь обитателей городка радиосводкой, сообщающей о падении режима Муссолини. А потом Карло останавливает военный патруль, и ему грозит мобилизация. Карло соглашается отсидеться в убежище, предоставляемым ему Робертой, но в пути их настигает бомбёжка. Роберта вынуждена вернуться в Риччоне, к матери и дочери, Карло продолжит свой путь в военную комендатуру. Оба понимают, что больше им не увидеться…
Holiday Island
Carla Occhipinti
Intersecting lives on an island holiday: A lawyer anxious he caused a youth's death.An engineer suspecting his wife after being teased by pranksters.A young man falling for a nurse.A Frenchman seeing his wife wooed by a local.
La reine Greta
Брижит, дочь председателя правительства Франции, влюблена в молодого человека по имени Мишель, шефа кабинета министров.Но ее возлюбленный время зря не теряет. Он так любвеобилен, что не в силах отказать женам чиновников, которые звонят ему и просят встречи.Брижит, влекомая любовным порывом, приходит в гостиничный номер к Мишелю с целью стать его любовницей, но тут неожиданно в комнату врывается её отец....
Sénéchal the Magnificent
La princesse Marida Ludibescu
Sénéchal, an actor touring the provinces with the "Tournées Carlini" does not meet the success he thinks he deserves. One night in Dreux, he finds himself without his luggage and dressed up as a Foreign Legion officer, he is invited to a party thrown by a colonel. He creates a sensation there and does not leave the colonel's wife ... indifferent! Back in Paris, Sénéchal goes through a similar experience. This time around, wearing tuxedo and top hat, he gets mistaken for a diplomat and charms the guests of a wedding party. Arrested by the police, he chooses to do without an attorney at his trial and his brilliant eloquence has him acquitted. A question remains unanswered though : will all those people who give an ovation in real life ever go to see him on stage ?
The Black Devil
Duchessa Lucrezia
The Spaniards under Charles V aim to occupy all of Italy with the help of traitorous allies like Don Lorenzo. Lorenzo conspires to marry off his supposed niece Isabella to Charles V’s nephew, Prince Rodriguez, to confirm Spain’s dominance. The Black Devil, a heroic masked avenger, falls in love with the fake Isabella and takes vengeance on Lorenzo with the help of his friend Ruggerio and his men.
Слово вора
Дезидерио — вор-джентльмен, специализирующийся на краже драгоценностей, настоящий эксперт как в оценке, так и в подделке драгоценностей. Оцененному за эти качества теми, кто не знаком с его нелегальной деятельностью, ему удается устроиться на работу директором ювелирного дома Габриэле Бертинори. Используя свои навыки в изготовлении ювелирных изделий, он создает идеальную имитацию драгоценного камня с драгоценным бриллиантом: на посту директора ему будет легко заменить оригинал.
Suzy Morgan
A GI on furlough attends a Folies-Bergères show. He falls in love with a dancer, Claudie, the star of the theater.
Hengst Maestoso Austria
Gräfin Marika Szilady
Der goldene Falke
Ines Della Torre
Musik im Blut
Gina Martelli
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Последние пять минут
Valeria Roberti, moglie di Filippo
Хотя для богатого предпринимателя Карло Реани квартирный вопрос не стоял слишком остро, уступить сдаваемые в Риме в аренду просторные апартаменты другому претенденту — Ренате Адорни, собиравшейся снять их вместе с подругой для устройства швейной мастерской — бизнесмен не пожелал. Тем более, что синьорина синьору понравилась. В итоге конкурирующие стороны пошли на мировую и договорились заключить супружеский союз. В своем соглашении Рената и Карло предусмотрели вроде бы всё, даже если в будущем в их брак вторгнется настоящая большая любовь.
Casta diva
Giuditta Pasta
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Il cardinale Lambertini
Gabriella di Roccasibalda
Papal aspirant "Cardinal Lamberti" has to tread a fine line between the powerful Duke of Montimar and doing the right thing by a young couple in love in late 1730s Bologna.
Sins of Casanova
1760 Spain provides the setting for Giacomo Casanova's romantic escapades, every woman he encounters unable to resist his disarming charm, be they single, engaged, or even married.
The Two Orphans
Diana Contessa de Linières
Дом Рикорди
Giulia Grisi
История семьи Рикорди, самого престижного музыкального издателя во всей Италии.
I cinque dell'Adamello
The odyssey of 5 Alpine soldiers who died during the First World War because of an avalanche. Their bodies were found several years later.
Neapolitan Carousel
la bella stracciona
Music, ballet, folk dances and mime eliciting the spirit of Naples across the ages are loosely tied together by the comedic wanderings and exploits of the Esposito family.
Crossed Swords
Nobleman Rainiero, Sidonia's duke son, comes back home with his friend Renzo. Soon after arrival, Renzo will get in a big trouble and he will be forced to choose between going to church for marriage or going to prison.
Dames Don't Care
Henietta Aymes
Lemmy Caution is on the trail of a women who may or may not be mixed up in a blackmail scheme.
Pietà per chi cade
Anna Savelli
Gran varietà
A musical comedy divided into five segments: Mariantonia, Cuttica, Il Fine Dicitore, Fregoli and Il Censore.
100 Years of Love
Countess Muriella di Lucoli (segment "Pendolin")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Ivan, il figlio del diavolo bianco
Principessa Alina
Дева Рейна
Maria Meister, la fille du patron de la péniche
Reported missing in 1940, Jacques Ledru comes back to Strasbourg as Martin Schmidt. He tracks down his wife Genevieve, but she's remarried and has taken the head of his shipping company. She and her husband will do anything to get rid of Jacques and keep his company.
Cristina Vernini
Produced in Italy in breathtaking Technicolor, this biographical story of Puccini (played by L'avventura's Gabriele Ferzetti) spans his creative life from early student days to the height of success, including his early flop Madama Butterfly and his incomplete Turandot. Along the way he encounters three women who change his life, including a sexy, beautiful singer (Two for the Road's Nadia Gray) whom he drops for a small town girl (Sirocco's Marta Toren), and a servant girl who commits suicide over him. Well-selected excerpts from Manon, La Boheme, Madama Butterfly and Turandot are featured along with other Puccini music, including the voice of Beniamino Gigli. Sets, costumes and production values are first class, all sumptuously filmed by Claude Renoir.
Top Secret
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Melody of Love
Nadia Sandor
A comedy with lots of Neapolitan songs and shots of the Bay of Naples finds Maria Morelli unable to marry her singing sailor/lover, Giacomo because her father, Don Salvatdore Morelli objects. She can't elope because her father has an heart ailment and uses it to hold Maria. Giacomo misunderstands and takes off on a global singing tour.
Anna Comin
Невеста на одну ночь
Любвеобильный граф д`Ориго пользуясь отсутствием жены преследует таинственную женщину и просит о помощи в ее поисках мэра города, дядю местного композитора-любителя. Мэр знает, что это Джеральдина, «роковая женщина», но чтобы помочь своему племяннику, Энрико, получить разрешение на постановку его оперы, выдает ее за жену племянника, Оттавию. Джеральдина соглашается поддержать игру, она идет в дом Энрико, чтобы встретиться с графом. Оттавия же отправляется на эту ночь в дом Джеральдины…
Valley of the Eagles
Kara Niemann
A Norwegian scientist builds a device that can convert sound waves into electrical energy. However, the machine is stolen by the scientist's wife and assistant, who head across the frozen tundra towards Russia. A police inspector and a local girl team up with the scientist to help recover the device.
Night Without Stars
Alix Delaisse nee Malinay
A partially blind Englishman retires to the French Riviera. He meets and falls for the Widow of a French Resistance fighter but is horrified when he discovers she is involved with smugglers and murderers.
The Duchess of Lémoncourt
Louis Mennechain is a modest locksmith. So imagine his amazement when Professor Piétrefond approaches him and tells him he recognizes in him a descendant of the kings of France, more precisely of Louis XVII (the king who never reigned). According to him he is none other than the monarch's great grandson. Louis's life is soon turned upside down as he becomes the center of attention of a group of ardent royalists. Even a duchess "gives" him her love to make sure that he accepts his role as pretender to the throne...
The Spider and the Fly
Madeleine Saincaize
"The Spider and the Fly is set in Paris during the cloud-cuckoo days before WW I. The storyline intertwines the destinies of three people. Guy Rolfe plays Phillipe de Ledocq, a resourceful safecracker who always manages to elude arrest. Eric Portman is cast as police-chief Maubert, who will not rest until Ledocq is behind bars. And Nadia Gray is Madeleine, the woman beloved by both Ledocq and Maubert. Just as Maubert has managed to capture his man, Ledocq is released at the behest of the government, who wants him to steal secrets from the German embassy revealing the whereabouts of the Kaiser's secret agents. And just how does Madeleine figure into all of this? Spider and the Fly is a diverting precursor to the 1960s TV series It Takes a Thief." ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
L'inconnu d'un soir
Edith, a young orphan, is exploited as a waitress and bullied by her adoptive father. But she has a dream: she wants to become a star. One day the Orient Express, which never stops at the little station across the café she works in, is forced to pull up due to a technical incident. And out of a carriage gets ... a company of dancers, who start rehearsing before Edith's amazed eyes. She meets the director of the company, handsome dancing star Harry Belmont, who takes an interest in her beauty and in her natural talent. When she leaves her obnoxious father for Vienna, Harry is absent. She nearly gets seduced by a libidinous man but, after a narrow escape, she gets a job from Treberg, the owner of the restaurant she had dined in. Treberg finds her there, hires her as a dancer and the pair soon meets tremendous success. A star is born but, realizing that he comes second to her, he prefers to vanish.