Charles Aidman

Charles Aidman

Рождение : 1925-01-21, Frankfort, Indiana, USA

Смерть : 1993-11-07


Charles Aidman originally planned a career as an attorney, but was sidetracked during World War II and naval officer training at DePaul university. During a speech class the instructor, who also headed the drama department, saw Aidman as ideal for a role in an upcoming play. "I did the play and enjoyed it. It was the first play I was in, in my life...I've been acting ever since."


Charles Aidman


Необычайная отвага
Sen. Hastings
Вот уже более 10 лет, как Родос живет в кошмаре — он ищет своего сына, имя которого было внесено в список «пропавших без вести» во Вьетнаме. После безнадежных обращений к правительству, Родос решает самостоятельно раскрыть тайну исчезновения сына. После изнурительных недель обучения, он отправляется в Лаос. С этого момента и начинается самый сложный Вьетнамский конфликт.
The Tragedy of King Lear
Earl of Gloucester
Mike Kellin as Lear.
Marian Rose White
Dr. Ashcroft
Marian Rose White is placed in a State Home for the feeble-minded by her uncaring mother when her father dies. She is a young teenager and there is nothing wrong with her except for some clumsiness, mostly caused by poor vision. State law (in 1934) requires sterilization of all inmates. Sympathetic nurse, Bonnie McNeil, befriends Marian and protests her treatment.
Костюм фасона «Зут»
George Shearer
Это блистательная киноадаптация горячо встреченной критиками драматической театральной пьесы драматурга Луиса Вальдеса. Фильм посвящен «бунтам «зутеров», которые прокатились по Лос-Анджелесу в 1940-е годы. Главу уличной банды Генри Рейна и его друзей арестовали, на основе сомнительных доказательств признали виновными и отправили в тюрьму Сан-Квентин. Адвокаты-активисты Элис Блумфилд и Джордж Ширер начали борьбу с расовой дискриминацией, стремясь заставить правосудие признать несправедливость обвинения и добиться свободы для Генри и его товарищей.
Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story
Warden Johnson
Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.
The Last Song
Dr. Shaw
An aspiring singer unwittingly comes into possession of several tapes for which her engineer husband and his partner, in their electronic eavesdropping business, were murdered, and discovers that she and her daughter are now being stalked by the killers.
The Long Days of Summer
Narrator (voice)
In this sequel to his 1978 "When Every Day Was the Fourth of July" (and a pilot to a prospective series), producer/director Dan Curtis recalls more of his youth during the late '30, and follows a fictionalized family where the father has jeopardized a promising law career to defend a Jewish immigrant against the prejudices of a staid New England town.
The New Adventures of Heidi
The Wild Man
Heidi leaves the mountains of Switzerland for a trip to New York City.
The House of the Dead
Detective Malcolm Toliver
When a philandering husband accidentally finds himself lost during a rainstorm, he’s taken in by an elderly mortician and is forced to learn the ghastly origins of four freshly arrived corpses.
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
A little girl convinces her attorney father to defend a mute war veteran accused of murdering a store owner.
Twilight's Last Gleaming
A renegade USAF general, Lawrence Dell, escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo near Montana and threatens to provoke World War 3 unless the President reveals details of a secret meeting held just after the start of the Vietnam War between Dell and the then President's most trusted advisors.
Amelia Earhart
Mr. Earhardt
Biography follows the life of famed woman pilot Amelia Earhart, including her marriage to a famous publisher and her disappearance during a flight in 1937.
The Invasion of Carol Enders
Dr. Peter Bernard
Television thriller about a woman is possessed after a brutal attack.
Deliver Us from Evil
Arnold Fleming
Several men hiking in the mountains discover an injured skyjacker who parachuted from a plane with $600,000. They kill him, then start fighting each other over the money.
A Chant of Silence
A murdering skyjacker parachutes to safety and poses as a novice monk in an isolated New Mexico monastery.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Basil Hallward
Adaptation of the novel by Oscar Wilde.
Dirty Little Billy
Ben Antrim
Clearly influenced by the darker, more sinister style of spaghetti westerns, Dirty Little Billy offers a unique insight into the beginnings of the notorious outlaw Billy The Kid.
Gerald Kotcher
Уолтер Маттау играет пожилого вдовца Джозефа Котчера, живущего со своим сыном Джералдом, невесткой Уилмой и внуком Данканом. Теплые отношения Джозефа и внука ужасно нервируют Уилму. Она нанимает для сына няню, Эрику, и вынуждает мужа отправить Джозефа в дом для престарелых. Однако Котч отказывается, отправляется путешествовать и начинает помогать Эрике, которая вынуждена уйти с работы, так как узнает о своей беременности...
Adam at Six A.M.
Mr. Hopper
A disenchanted young Professor of Semantics at a California college learns of a distant relative's death in Missouri. He journeys cross-country to the funeral, then decides to spend the summer there and work as a laborer for a power-line company. In time, he meets a girl and falls in love but then faces an important decision as to which direction he wants his life to go.
Menace on the Mountain
Jed McIver
A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect there home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.
Secrets of the Pirate's Inn
Carl Buchanan
A gang of kids helps a sea captain search for a pirate’s treasure that’s rumored to be hidden somewhere in the old dilapidated inn the sea captain just inherited from his dead brother. Along the way, they unravel a series of clues which lead to a variety of hidden passages and trap doors. But they are not alone in their quest for Jean Lafitte’s pirate goodies!
Скажи им, что Вилли Бой здесь
Индеец Вилли Бой в ходе ссоры убивает отца своей девушки, после чего сбегает вместе с ней. На их след выходит отряд, возглавляемый шерифом Кристофером Купером.
Angel, Angel, Down We Go
Willy Steele
The overweight debutante daughter of the world's wealthiest couple falls in with a gang of tripped out, skydiving pseudo-reactionary pop stars, who take their beliefs of the American ideal to profoundly impossible heights.
The Sound of Anger
Jerry Thompson
A young man is arrested on suspicion of sabotaging the plane of his girlfriend's father, a wealthy man who despises him.
Sergeant Ryker
Maj. Kitchener - The Law Officer
During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy. He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.
Час оружия
Horace Sullivan
В результате очередной перестрелки шериф Уайт Эрп убивает нескольких людей из банды Клэнтона. После того, как бандиты в отместку убивают брата Эрпа, он вместе со своим другом Доком Холлидеем отправляется на поиски убийц.
Desperate to land a man on the moon before Russia does, NASA hastily preps a would-be spaceman for a mission that would leave him alone in a lunar shelter for a year.
The Devil's Children
Военная охота
Capt. Wallace Pratt
Группа новобранцев направляется к линии фронта в период окончания Корейской войны. В центре сюжета взаимодействия двух солдат — идеалиста и сумасшедшего, который в одиночку отправляется по ночам за линию фронта вырезать врагов, а также сироты.
Высота Порк Чоп Хилл
Lt. Harold
Королевская рота получает приказ взять высоту Порк Чоп Хилл и сбросить с нее красных китайцев, после чего удерживать против наступающего противника.