Art Bonilla

Art Bonilla


Art Bonilla
Art Bonilla


Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Выросший в Аризоне после Второй мировой войны, молодой человек по имени Сэмми Фебельман узнает сокрушительную семейную тайну и исследует, как сила кино может помочь ему увидеть правду.
A woman's failed attempt at masturbating leaves her accused of being suicidal.
An emigrating father writes home to his son.
Foreign Land
Life changed for Alejandro Reis - Alex - in just a few brief moments when he discovers that he is not an American citizen. His parents brought him across the Mexican border when he was just months old. Flora Hendricks, on the other hand is born in Missouri. She decides to run away from home. Alex finds himself deported to Mexico On a seeming parallel track, Flora is arrested for shoplifting. And put in the same deportation bus with Alex. Once on Mexican soil Alex and Flora find out quickly that they are way out of their depth. They learn quickly that Tijuana and most of the other border towns are ultra violent places that are overrun by dangerous, warring criminal factions.
Акварельные открытки
Девочка из маленького город, слишком мудрая для своих лет, возвращается домой, где ее ждет масса семейных проблем.
Valentina's Tango
A dark comedy from Rogelio Lobato.
The Mexican American War
General Santa Ana
One of the most controversial conflicts in U.S. history, the Mexican-American War erupted as President James K. Polk sought to extend the borders of the nation to the Pacific, taking by force whatever territory stood in the way. This special, produced by The History Channel and hosted by Oscar de la Hoya, looks at the war from the perspective of both countries, and chronicles the fighting from its inception to its conclusion with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Главный герой — 24-летний детектив — очень страдает и комплексует по поводу того, что выглядит он, как неоперившийся юнец. Поэтому и отношение к нему у всех — снисходительное. Но ведь парень считает, что достоин большего! И вот молодому детективу выпадает дело, которое дает ему возможность использовать преимущества своей внешности, проявить профессионализм и доказать всем, что за юным лицом скрывается настоящая гроза преступного мира. Его внедряют в учебное заведение, в стенах которого гнездится преступная группировка!
The Last Run
Landscaping Co-Worker
When a young accountant is devastated after discovering his inspiringly beautiful girlfriend is cheating on him, his best friend, who's engaged to a girl he doesn't love, convinces him to go on a "run" and sleep with as many women as he can to get over his heart break.
Laughing Out Loud: America's Funniest Comedians
This set gives you a chance to see some of todays best comedians when they were much younger. some peoples bits are very short, one joke short, which leaves you feeling a little jipped. The replay value is minimal because you have to skip around so much to keep the laughs going.
A woman with a tragic past rents her bungalow to a man who loves cooking, but according to her distorted mind he uses his knives more than he should.
Once You Meet a Stranger
This television remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train" (1951) follows the same story, but has changed the genders of the lead characters from male to female. Sheila Gaines is a former child star whose first husband is unwilling to give her a divorce. A chance meeting with Margo Anthony on a train leads to a conversation where the mentally unstable Margo, who hates her mother, suggests that they swap murders, so as to solve their problems. Although she thinks nothing of the conversation, Sheila's life takes a surprising turn when her husband is murdered by Margo. Now Margo wants Sheila to do her part of "the deal." With the police on her tail and Margo constantly in her face, Sheila must find a way out of this tangled web.
...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him
Twelve-year-old Mexican-American Marcos (Jose Alcala) recalls the hardships of the previous year, reflecting on the arduous trek his migrant-worker family made from Texas to the Midwest during harvest season. Along the way, Marcos learns plenty about the harsh realities of bigotry and the power of family in America of the 1950s. The coming-of-age Chicano drama is based on Tomas Rivera's semiautobiographical 1971 novella.
Hispanic Man #2
Вполне может быть, что человек не одинок во Вселенной, и встреча с собратом по разуму, отличающимся от землян только формой черепа, не исключена. Во время посадки на Землю корабль яйцеголовых инопланетян сбивает истребитель ВВС США. Яйцеголовые вынуждены жить среди людей. Постепенно семейство чужаков осваивается среди землян и даже принимает американский образ жизни.
Rescate mortal
Cristian del Castillo
A college student goes on vacation to a South American country after learning he has cancer, and gets involved in the local civil war after his best friend is kidnapped by the revolutionary guerilla.
Alien Warrior
He’s the ALIEN WARRIOR - the mysterious defender of justice in a world of deceit, corruption and decay. He’s been sent to save the Earth from its impending ruin. Rugged BRETT CLARK (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Bachelor Party) stars as an interstellar being with superhuman powers sent to Earth to restore law and order. His mission takes him to the violent streets where the law means nothing. His quest begins! A confrontation with the dark side, the destructors of society. With his supernatural abilities and a growing legion of followers, he becomes the ALIEN WARRIOR!
Безжалостные люди
Самой заветной мечтой Сэма Стоуна было избавиться от своей сварливой жёнушки. И вот его день настал: жену похитили с целью получить кругленькую сумму. Естественно, что у Сэма даже в мыслях нет расставаться со своими кровными в обмен на «любимую» супругу. Но он ещё не подозревает, что его жена обладает способностью наладить дружеские отношения даже с бандитами.