Simon Martin


Два парня и девушка случайным образом выходят на серийного убийцу, и вместо того, чтобы заявить на него в полицию, они решают его шантажировать.
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation, though homosexuality is also hinted at) which affect his relationship with a woman who comes to love him. It is set mainly in London in 1914, when Grainger's mother Rose was ill (she would later jump to her death in New York, upset by ill-founded rumours of incest with her son).
Occasional Coarse Language
A group of women get together in front of the TV and talk about their sexual misadventures and problems...
Children of the Revolution
Post Production Supervisor
A man (Richard Roxburgh) the Australian government blames for 1990s political woes blames his mother (Judy Davis), a communist Stalin seduced in 1951.
Children of the Revolution
Script Editor
A man (Richard Roxburgh) the Australian government blames for 1990s political woes blames his mother (Judy Davis), a communist Stalin seduced in 1951.
Children of the Revolution
A man (Richard Roxburgh) the Australian government blames for 1990s political woes blames his mother (Judy Davis), a communist Stalin seduced in 1951.
Assistant Editor
Однажды Бет Уитс в своем доме застала грабителя. Испугавшись до смерти и вдоволь наоравшись, она выстрелила в него из арбалета и не промахнулась. «Ты что, Бет? Шуток не понимаешь?» — прохрипел преступник, оказавшийся близким другом ее мужа, и умер. Бет оправдали. Но это не счастливый финал, а только начало кошмарной истории. Дело в том, что из дома пропали серебряные ложки. Явившийся к Уитсам страховой агент, на первый взгляд, милый и чудаковатый, превращает их жизнь в фильм ужасов…
Platero y yo
Juan Ramón Jiménez
After a long period of absence, living in large and anonymous cities, a poet, Juan, returns to the village of his birth, Moguer, there he finds happiness through; the friendship of a small donkey, Platero, a free spirited girl, Aguedilla, and recalling memories of his childhood.