John Martinus

John Martinus

Рождение : 1939-07-27, København

Смерть : 2016-08-17


John Martinus


Королевский роман
Это история, происходившая в Датском королевстве в середине 18-го столетия. Юная королева Каролина-Матильда ненавидит своего супруга — психически больного короля Кристиана VII, который предпочитает проституток ее обществу. Появление в свите короля немецкого врача-вольнодумца Иоганна Фридриха Струэнзе вносит серьезные коррективы не только в жизнь Каролины, влюбляющейся в красавца доктора, но и в жизнь датчан — Струэнзе оказывает серьезное влияние на короля, который постепенно преобразовывает правительство. К сожалению, роман королевы и врача обречен, поскольку мачеха Кристиана не в восторге от перемен в Копенгагене.
Pure Hearts
To the mentally ill Kriss, the world is divided up into 'good and evil', just like in the old B&W melodrama, 'Pure Hearts', which Kriss and his fellow patient, Willy, spend their days repeatedly watching at the psychiatric ward. To Kriss this film is the bible. One day after a serious conflict with one of the hospital's other patients their viewing rights are retracted. Kriss is deeply frustrated by this, until he realises that Linda, the young girl in the film, actually exists in the shape of the film's star, the actress Ulla Vilstrup. Setting fire to the hospital, Kriss and Willy escape into the night, determined to find her, because life is what you make of it.
A college professor abandons his family and his career in order to champion his mistress, a student radical accused of killing a policeman.
Stealing Rembrandt
Two bumbling scrap metal thieves - father and son - steal the wrong painting during a museum heist. The painting turns out to be the only original Rembrandt painting in Denmark, and all hell breaks loose. What do you do when you've got Interpol, the Danish police and the entire Danish underworld on your heels? And who was this Rembrandt guy anyway?
Кай - упрямый и очень гордый мужчина. Бывший начальник, он живет в государственной квартире. Он растратил попусту свою жизнь и теперь получает пособие по безработице и напивается в одиночестве. Внезапно в тот же дом переезжает дочь Кая, с которой он не виделся 19 лет. И с Каем происходит неожиданная перемена. Его первое желание – скрыться от дочери, но все заканчивается тем, что Кай присматривает за шестилетним внуком. Впервые в жизни Кай оказывается с кем-то: у него появляется семья, о которой нужно заботиться.
Танцующая в темноте
Chairman / Dancer
Знаете ли Вы, что такое камера обскура? Это пропасть, обрывающая мир солнечного света и теней и ввергающая в царство мрачной, черной пустоты. Отчаяние, страх, недоумение и… надежда, ведь надежда, как известно, всегда умирает последней. Или вовсе не умирает… И музыка, звучащая отовсюду.
Man in Morning-Jacket
Говорят, что внутри каждого человека прячется маленький идиот. По крайней мере, так считает группа молодых людей, живущих веселой коммуной в шикарном, но абсолютно пустом загородном доме.Чтобы праздное существование не казалось скучным, члены компании выпускают своих скрытых идиотов наружу, притворяясь душевнобольными. Они со знанием дела изображают даунов в различных общественных местах, смущая окружающих людей до беспредельности.Ведь идиоту можно все: крушить сервизы в ресторане, совершать увлекательные экскурсии в женскую душевую нагишом и даже заняться групповым сексом со своими соратниками по «идиотизму». Но приходит день, когда игра перестает быть расслабляющей и забавной…
Election Night
Taxi Driver 2
On election night we meet Peter, an idealistic young man, who suddenly discovers he has forgotten to vote. On his way to the polls he encounters a variety of taxi drivers, all racist in their way and Peter has to decide whether to stand up for his convictions or getting to the polls on time. The film won an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Wild Flowers
Officer 3
Denmark in the 70's. The teenager Christoffer's parents Nisse and Maria have decided to move into a commune because they want to try the alternative lifestyle. But Christoffer doesn't like it and has trouble adapting. In school the others tease him because he lives in a commune. As a plan from the elders in the commune he starts in a Maoist group to learn about the real ways of the society. He doesn't like it but when his new girlfriend starts to see what he does as cool he goes into it. But at the same time the police start to suspect him to be the terrorist who blows up telephone booths around Copenhagen.
Groovy Days
Henrik is young and in love and moves with his girlfriend Anne into a commune in the countryside. It is the dawn of the 70's, a time to challenge authority and experiment with relationships. Henrik is challenged too: His role as a man is exhibited and discussed, he has to learn how to sew, to sleep in the group bedroom, to share his inheritance with the commune and his beloved Anne with a lesbian.
Den grønne elevator
Jack Wheeler
The Jut-Nuts III
Tandløs mand
Jacob and Finn run their low-budget private-eye business out of an auto salvage yard. Usually they are woefully incompetent, and on occasion they are inventive, like the time they find a boat captain's dentures. They're broke, so when Finn comes to the attention of a local hospital as having very healthy organs, Jacob is willing to help a corrupt doctor and his gold-digging nurse sell Finn's heart to a dying sheik in Switzerland. Finn rebels, so Jacob plots to substitute a pig's heart; then Finn gets attached to the pig and won't hear of its slaughter. As the sheik's health deteriorates and the doctor gets more desperate, Finn is in grave danger. Jacob has another plan.
Kærlighed uden stop
Murder in Paradise
Тень Эммы
Emma (Line Kruse) is an eleven year-old only child from a wealthy Danish family. Emma's parents seem more interested in their own interests than in her. One evening when Emma overhears her mother talking about how tragic it must be to have your child kidnapped, Emma decides to stage her own kidnapping. She soon meets Malthe, a kind-hearted, child-like, naïve sewer cleaner who literally stumbles on to her. She convinces Malthe that she is a Russian princess whose family is being chased by Bolsheviks, so Malthe lets Emma stay with him in his very modest abode. After being "kidnapped" for a few days, Emma decides to return home. But, just as she is about to return, she overhears a couple of servants talking about how her parents don't seem to be very upset over her dilemma....
Murder in the Dark
A womanizing journalist is on the outs with the cops who want him in jail and a mysterious "thin man" who wants him dead.
In the Middle of the Night
Benny and Arnold are homeless and along with others living on Nørrebro in Copenhagen. The police is set to clear the building they squat in, but on the night of the forced eviction, local acid head Spacy jumps from the sixth floor.
Банда Ольсена идёт на войну
Town Hall Employee
Банда Ольсена узнаёт о тайном замысле продажных правительственных чиновников, задумавших продать иностранцам планы создания парка развлечений для туристов в Дании. Эта операция может принести злоумышленникам баснословную прибыль и обокрасть всю страну. Соблазн откусить кусочек лакомого пирога появляется и у Эгона...
Bedside Head
The young headmaster of a boy's boarding school has decided that due to the virility of his young charges, they are a sort of national treasure. He believes that his school should become co-educational as soon as possible. In order to raise funds for the changeover, the boys stay behind during their summer vacation and temporarily convert the school into a love hotel.
Without a Stitch
When a high-school girl complains of her inability to reach sexual climax, her doctor suggests that she keep a diary of her sexual encounters. She does just that and soon finds herself caught up in a sexual merry-go-round that includes making a hardcore porno film in Sweden, an escapade with a German sadist and a lesbian encounter.