Marina Bouras

Marina Bouras

Рождение : 1970-02-21, Aten, Grekland


Marina Bouras


Eva, an idealistic prison officer, is faced with the dilemma of her life when a young man from her past gets transferred to the prison where she works. Without revealing her secret, Eva asks to be moved to the young man’s ward – the toughest and most violent in the prison. Here begins an unsettling psychological thriller, where Eva’s sense of justice puts both her morality and future at stake.
In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
All In
The movie depicts the story of goalkeepers Lovisa and Elin which are fighting for the last place in the starting line-up on the U23 Swedish football national team. Since Mette, the new national team’s goalkeeping trainer, has headhunted the girls, they are both fighting to be the best in the country and earn their spot. They are spending more and more time on the field together with Mette which gives both Elin and Lovisa a whole new understanding of their sport. With Mette’s coaching they of course become better and better, but at what price?
A Worthy Man
Night at the bakery. When everyone else is sleeping, Erik the baker works alone. All is quiet except for the sound of his radio, always tuned to the same late-night joke programme. Erik practices his own jokes while he kneads the dough in the hopes of getting on the air and be named Joker of the Week. Meanwhile the distance grows between him and his family at the dinner table.
A solitary young woman has a strong desire for garbage. When her mother's exhibitionist tendencies are revealed by the neighbours, she is forced to deal with her own paraphilia.
Simon and Frede lives in a provincial village south of Copenhagen. The year is 1991, and if you don't like watching football, there are few alternatives. Simon is good at drawing, and is reminded over and over again that this is a useless talent. An American grafitti video opens the eyes of Simon, for the American sub-culture, and a trip to Copenhagen increases his fascination for this form of art. Simon make Frede accompany him to the capital, where they join the grafitti group CHAOZ
Satisfaction 1720
Edel Cathrine Kaas
Set in the year 1720, the story is about what happens to 29-year-old Tordenskiold when the Great Northern War ends and he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. His trusted valet persuades him to go on a European ‘road trip’ to search for a bride.
События фильма разворачиваются в Копенгагене в течение пяти дней. Население возмущено тем, что новое правительство нарушило обещания, которые они давали перед выборами. И теперь датские компании совместно с Соединенными Штатами начинают разработку нефтяных скважин в Гренландии. В центре событий оказывается олимпийский стрелок, ныне работающий геофизиком, который рассказывает общественным массам о небезопасности данного решения правительства.
This Is Love
Set in Vietnam and Germany, This Is Love centers on Chris and the nine-year-old Jenjira on the run from the mafia. Together with his friend Holger, Chris bought the young Vietnamese girl's freedom from human traffickers – without actually being able to pay. Meanwhile, the female detective Maggie learns after 16 years why her husband up and left her without a word. These two worlds come together when Chris is accused of murder and Maggie is charged with interrogating him.....
The Coach
A small-town tale of Niels, a 14-year-old boy with nothing on his mind but handball. His coach, recognizing his great goal-keeping talent, takes special care of him. On the night of the qualification rounds for the final Danish championships, the coach throws a party for the whole team and lets Niels and his girlfriend Pernille use his bedroom, but Niels falls asleep and things take a surprising turn, which puts Niels under pressure both on and off the field.
Green Hearts
Epo, Dingo and Grandpa are bicycle couriers for Copenhagen's Green Couriers. The three friends love the freedom of their jobs, but should have started careers years ago. Grandpa and Dingo are in steady relationships. Epo is a swinging single, to the jealous chagrin of his two pals. Nobody picks up the best-looking receptionists in town like Epo - before he meets Cecilie, that is. Conversely, Grandpa and Dingo have finally resolved to break out of the constricting confines of their commitments. They are turning over a new leaf, but is it really what they are after?
Jhinna (voice)
Трагическая гибель владыки великого Авалона вновь разожгла веками тлевшую вражду между авалонцами и зеритами. Уже никто из старейшин и не помнил, что в незапамятные времена стало причиной то разгоравшейся, то вновь затухавшей ненависти. В предчувствии скорого вторжения, жители наглухо закрыли ворота древнего Авалона. Между тем, юный сын погибшего государя Хэл Тара, который должен наследовать трон, озабочен не будущим правлением, а желанием жестоко отомстить зеритам за смерть отца. Переодевшись в простые одежды и взяв с собой только отцовский меч, Хэл покидает родной замок и отправляется навстречу неизвестности. Он уверен, что во всех бедах его семьи и его страны виноваты коварные соседи.
Angel of the Night
Rebecca has inherited her grandmother's Gothic mansion and brings both her best friend an her boyfriend for a weekend. While exploring the crypts they discover an old dusty book, which describes the life of a vampire. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the vampire was Rebecca's great grandfather, Rico.
I Wonder Who's Kissing You Now
Axel's Wife
Говорят, что внутри каждого человека прячется маленький идиот. По крайней мере, так считает группа молодых людей, живущих веселой коммуной в шикарном, но абсолютно пустом загородном доме.Чтобы праздное существование не казалось скучным, члены компании выпускают своих скрытых идиотов наружу, притворяясь душевнобольными. Они со знанием дела изображают даунов в различных общественных местах, смущая окружающих людей до беспредельности.Ведь идиоту можно все: крушить сервизы в ресторане, совершать увлекательные экскурсии в женскую душевую нагишом и даже заняться групповым сексом со своими соратниками по «идиотизму». Но приходит день, когда игра перестает быть расслабляющей и забавной…
Café Hector
Café Hector is the new in-place for the chic, high-flying, articulate jet-set, where steaming cups of cappuccino accompany their trendy chit-chat. Uffe is definitely not "in." He can't get a cappuccino, but he is given permission, just this once, to use the toilet. But Uffe is prepared for the situation. He can't take any more humiliation and he is armed!