Carlos Tristancho

Carlos Tristancho

Рождение : 1955-05-03,


Carlos Tristancho


La duquesa roja
An Andalusian duchess has the dilemma of what to do with a grove, whether to convert it into a natural reserve or to make a luxury urbanization. The duchess, who is torn between her aristocratic privileges and a social commitment that has cost her more than one dislike in the past, must make a decision about her lands, to which she wants to get some money without harming the people. On the other hand, An ambitious Basque financier, Antónón Ibarrondo, intends to build a luxury urbanization in the Marbella style in the grove. Around the duchess, the businessman, environmentalists and other members in the conflict, problems begin to arise and everything will be decided in a referendum, convened with the idea that it is the people who decide, which coincides with the annual celebration of the Pilgrimage del Pueblo.With a cast "
Light My Passion
The relationship that botanist Angel establishes in his mind between plants, their stems, petals and pistils and the legs and feet of women, is the common thread of a plot that mixes sexual passion, love, greed and picaresque through a study of characters and situations.
Если они скажут, что ты чувствуешь
Испания. Последние годы гражданской войны. Сидя в руинах, каталонские дети рассказывают друг другу страшные истории, связанные с войной и сексом. Все эти истории - смесь вымысла и реальных событий. Затем действие фильма переносится на 45 лет вперед, в Барселону после падения режима Франко. Монахиня и доктор, которые были дружны с детства, пытаются идентифицировать в морге труп одного из персонажей тех лет. Обнаружение тела ведет к открытию новых тайн того далекого военного времени.
Pedro Jarrapellejos is a ladies man who cannot turn the heads of Isabel or her beautiful daughter. When both peasant women are found raped and murdered in a brutal scene, a schoolteacher is falsely accused. Pedro knows his own nephew and his friend participated in the killings, but he uses his considerable influence over the police and courts to intimidate the witnesses into silence.
Tu novia está loca
Arturo Rico
Amaya is a modern girl, independent, who runs an advertising gency. The business is doing well and is enmaorada of her boyfriend, a lawyer of lost causes somewhat confused. Its stable and happy life is shattered with the appearance of a famous movie star, party animal and womanizer.
Луте: Он передвигается или взрывается
Juan José Agudo
Основанный на воспоминаниях Элеутерио Санчеса "Луте", молодого осужденного убийцы, ставшего легендарным в Испании благодаря побегу из тюрьмы в 1960-х годах.
Hay que deshacer la casa
Ana is a middle aged woman who many years ago decided to start a new life in Paris. Now she must return to her hometown after the death of her parents, since they have left her an inheritance. There she meets Laura, her only sister, with whom she has to share the money received and, especially, an old house located in the center of Guadalajara. Now, the two women will have to leave the differences and problems behind that have arisen in the past to catch up and recover the fraternal relationship. Written by lament
Star Knight
A medieval alchemist (Klaus Kinski), knight (Harvey Keitel) and priest (Fernando Rey) mistake a flying-saucer alien for a dragon.
The Heifer
During the Spanish Civil War a platoon of mismatched Republican soldiers cross the front-line to steal the bull that the enemy is going to fight on the local holiday of the nearby village. In addition to ruining the Nationalist faction's celebration they want the animal in order to butcher it and feed their famished troops. They get caught in the process and have to go through a series of funny and pathetic incidents before they can get back to their side.
Garage Attendant
Бандит Вилли Паркер ради своей свободы «сдал» подельщиков. И вот, спустя 10 лет, двое наемников: Брэддок и Майрон находят его в Испании. Но они еще должны доставить Паркера по назначению, когда везде уже объявлено о его похищении.
Bicycles Are for the Summer
In Madrid, the family of Don Luis, his wife Dolores and their children, Manolita and Luisito, share the daily life of the Civil War with their maid and neighbours. Despite having failed his exams, Luisito wants his father to buy him a bicycle. However, the situation forces them to delay the purchase and the delay, like the war itself, is to last much longer than expected.
Femenino singular
Убийство в Центральном комитете
На пленуме ЦК Компартии Испании, едва вышедшей из подполья после смерти Франко, происходит убийство. Во время кратковременного отключения электричества прямо за столом президиума был заколот кинжалом Генеральный секретарь Гарридо. Вести следствие было поручено комиссару Фонсеке, ярому антикоммунисту, во времена каудильо собственноручно не гнушавшемуся пытать противников режима. Новый лидер коммунистов, Сантос, решает провести собственное расследование и нанимает частного детектива Пепе Карвальо. Помогать ему от партии назначена бывшая участница боевого крыла Кармела. Но стоило сыщику взяться за дело, как ему пришлось убедиться, что его расследование очень интересует спецслужбы сверхдержав...
The Battle of Reefer
La quinta del porro
Пепи, Люси, Бом и остальные девушки
Пепи изнасилована полицейским, который поймал ее за выращивание марихуаны в квартире. Теперь Пепи намеревается отомстить ему, сделав так, чтобы от него ушла его жена-мазохистка.
Everybody Calls Me 'The Cat'
7 cabalgan hacia la muerte
Street Warriors
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the most conflict neighbourhoods in Spain. The characters chosen were real juvenile delinquents all with criminal records, which the director used to give the film a realistic touch. This film is very powerful and dramatic, it shows how these kids were brought up to survive on the streets.
La nueva Marilyn
Tío Carlos
(as Carlos Tristán)
Los inmorales
Tarzan and the Kawana Treasure