Roy Thinnes

Roy Thinnes

Рождение : 1938-04-06, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Roy Thinnes
Roy Thinnes
Roy Thinnes


The Green Girl
A feature-length documentary about Star Trek's iconic original Green Girl, Susan Oliver: Prolific actress of the '50s - '80s, original member of the American Film Institute's Directing Workshop for Women, record-setting female aviator; Tragically taken by cancer in 1990. With over 120 major acting credits in film and television, Susan Oliver was literally a household name in the 1960's. She set a number of world records as a pilot and was one of the only women directing major TV shows in the 1980's. And yet many people don't even remember her name today. It's time to remember Susan Oliver...
Любовь со словарем
Peter Andrews
Как это часто бывает, пока тебе не стукнуло тридцать, жизнь Норы пролетала как одно мгновение. Все подруги замужем, у многих дети, а у Норы даже бойфренд — и тот «прекрасный семьянин». Все пошло наперекосяк, и если бы не случайная встреча с изворотливым и не совсем законопослушным французом Жюльеном, она никогда бы не научилась любить…
Franklin DeMott
While searching the past for her missing father with a time machine of her own invention, the young protagonist Spectropia is accidentally transported to New York in 1931. There she finds herself in the body of a female sleuth called Verna de Mott. Spectropia is a time travel drama exploring the anxieties generated by capitalist consumer culture and emerging technologies through a ghost story and the metaphor of supernatural possession.
Игры разума
От всемирной известности до греховных глубин — всё это познал на своей шкуре Джон Форбс Нэш-младший. Математический гений, он на заре своей карьеры сделал титаническую работу в области теории игр, которая практически перевернула этот раздел математики и практически принесла ему международную известность. Однако буквально в то же время заносчивый и пользующийся успехом у женщин Нэш получает удар, который переворачивает уже его собственную жизнь — врачи ставят ему диагноз «параноидная шизофрения»...
John Cabot
A hospital in need of funds announces a cure for a form of brain cancer, having saved several wealthy men's lives. When a young girl with the cancer dies, one doctor notices that she and all the cured men had been treated with exactly the same medicine. Investigating further, she uncovers a plot by the administration to locate wealthy men already suffering from a serious condition, and give them the cancer, which can then be treated successfully.
The Invaders
David Vincent
Nolan Wood is a pilot who uncovers a plot to promote the ecological destruction of Earth in order to pave the way for alien colonization. Now, with the help of a dedicated, open-minded doctor, Wood embarks on a desperate race to convince authorities of this conspiracy - while staying one step ahead of his alien pursuer - in this cautionary tale.
Blue Bayou
Barry Fontenot
A Los Angeles lawyer has to go to New Orleans for a steamy case involving a troubled teen.
Dark Holiday
American tourist Gene LePere (Lee Remick), on vacation in Turkey, is hounded by a street vendor into buying a carved head she doesn't want. Then she is cast into prison for smuggling an antique.
Rush Week
Dean Grail
Toni, a journalism student, transfers to a new college, where several coeds begin to disappear under suspicious circumstances. She decides to investigate the mystery on her own, and soon finds herself becoming embroiled in a twist filled saga of deeply buried secrets which attract the attention of a sadistic killer who will stop at nothing to hide the truth...
Invasion of the Mindbenders
Principal Borden
Two "Normal" teenagers - they cut classes, get into fights and are never far from their Walkman headsets - notice a sudden change in their fellow students. No one is able to explain this zombie-like behavior which, at the command of an unseen alien, makes them punish transgressors with merciless violence.
A sultry nightclub singer, a small-town girl in the big city, sets out to avenge her boyfriend's murder after he is killed while running illegal booze for the mob.
Bennett Hall
Состоятельная молодая женщина после смерти мужа открывает модный магазин в Голливуде для богатых клиентов. Ей постоянно приходится отстаивать собственные интересы перед конкурентами — настоящими «акулами» в бизнесе, которые в борьбе за покупателя не останавливаются ни перед чем — идут на подкуп сотрудников магазина, прибегают к услугам бульварной прессы..
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
Det. Cliff Bell
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
The Return of Mod Squad
Pete, Linc and Julie are called back to the force when a series of sniper attacks are made on their old boss. But the three soon discover that they themselves are the intended targets of a gunman who lives in their old "flower child" world of the 1960s.
Code Name: Diamond Head
Johnny Paul
A failed Quinn Martin pilot for a series starring a Hawaii-based government counter intelligence agency run by the indomitable Aunt Mary. In this, his only adventure, Diamond Head has to prevent the evil Tree from stealing a deadly nerve toxin gas and selling it to foreign powers. To help Diamond Head is the Dragon Lady and Zulu.
Herb Fleming
A young woman trapped in an unhappy marriage goes from affair to affair in her search for the "secret" to happiness.
Martin Vogel
Фильм рассказывает о гибели самого крупного воздушного судна двадцатого века, огромного дирижабля-авианосца «Гинденбург», построенного как символ новой гитлеровской Германии. Под командованием Макса Прусса в 1937 году дирижабль отправился в своё последнее путешествие из Германии в Америку. Желая продемонстрировать американцам свою мощь, показав им «Гинденбург», никто из немецкого командования и не подозревал, что на его борту находится саботажник, планирующий взорвать воздушную гордость Германии.
Небольшой частный самолет, неожиданно потерявший управление, на полном ходу врезается в «Боинг» Колумбийских авиалиний, выполняющий рейс № 409 Вашингтон — Лос-Анджелес. Второй пилот и бортинженер авиалайнера погибают, а капитан корабля теряет зрение. Радиосвязь с землей утеряна. Стюардесса Нэнси Прайор, пытающаяся успокоить пассажиров, понимает, что только счастливый случай может спасти несущийся над бездной самолет…
Наперегонки со смертью
Arnold McMillan
Северная Африка, ноябрь 1942 года. История о двух американских лётчиках. Когда одного из них (Рой Тиннес) сбивают в ходе атаки на немецкий конвой, другой (Дуг Макклюр) сажает свой самолёт и спешит на помощь. На обратном пути к самолёту вдруг появляется немецкий танк и начитает по ним стрелять. В последний момент очередным выстрелом с танка самолёт получает повреждения, и взлететь становится невозможно. Начинается гонка по пересечённой местности на повреждённом самолёте против танка...
Satan's School for Girls
Satan's School for Girls is set within the grim walls of Fallbridge College for Girls. Hoping to learn the truth behind the "suicide" of her younger sister, Beth Hammersmith enrolls in Fallbridge under the assumed name of Karen Oxford. Our heroine soon learns that the school is in the clutches of a coven of witches called "The Five" -- and that she herself has the right satanic qualities to enable The Five to take over the world
The Indian
A black Union Army deserter and his crippled American Indian hostage form a strained partnership in the interests of surviving the advancing threats of a racist bounty hunter and neighboring bandits.
The Norliss Tapes
David Norliss
A newspaper publisher listens to the personal tapes of investigative reporter David Norliss, who has disappeared during an investigation. The tapes tell the story of that investigation, involving a recent widow whose late husband has been seen working in his private studio. As Norliss and the widow investigate, they unravel a plot involving Voodoo and the walking dead.
The Horror at 37,000 Feet
Alan O'Neill
A commercial-jet captain (Chuck Connors) has ghosts on board from stones of an English abbey being shipped overseas.
The Man Hunter
David Farrow
A professional hunter is brought in to track a bank robbery suspect through a Louisiana swamp, and winds up getting romantically involved with the suspect's wife.
Black Noon
Reverend John Keyes
Reverend John Keyes and his wife, Lorna, on their way to a new congregation out west, break down in the desert and are rescued by the residents of a nearby town. At first warm and welcoming, the townspeople become more and more solicitous of John and insistent that he stay on as their minister, against the wishes of Lorna, who goes unheeded and slowly becomes deathly ill. Will John realize the danger before it is too late?
The Psychiatrist: God Bless the Children
Dr. James Whitman
A hip psychiatrist teams up with an ex-addict to combat drug addiction in a small town in this pilot for "The Psychiatrist."
The Other Man
Johnny Brant
The neglected wife of an ambitious district attorney starts an affair with an ex-convict he had sent to prison. When her lover is found murdered, she begins to suspect that her husband did it.
Путешествие по ту сторону Солнца или Двойник
Colonel Glenn Ross
Беспилотный исследовательский зонд по изучению Солнца обнаружил новую планету в Солнечной системе, на той же самой орбите что и Земля, но на противоположной стороне Солнца. Европейский Центр Исследования космоса совместно с НАСА предлагает пилотируемый полет на новую планету