Kulvinder Ghir
Рождение : 1965-08-10, Nairobi, Kenya
Kulvinder Ghir (born 10 August 1965) is a British actor, comedian and writer. Diversity in the entertainment industry has seen him perform on TV, film and theatre. His transition into comedy wasn't easy. As a young man, worried how his parents would react to his passion, he would secretly go off to comedy clubs to perform. Conquering tough audiences gave him the confidence to then move into the wide world of radio, film and television.
Шестнадцатилетний школьник Джавед из семьи пакистанских эмигрантов живет в глубинке Англии конца 1980-х. Его жизнь кроткого и замкнутого подростка переворачивается благодаря влиянию музыки Брюса Спрингстина. Вдохновившись ей, Джавед решается сделать то, на что раньше считал себя неспособным.
Sanjay / Guards / Other Dogs (voice)
Любимая порода собак у очень богатых и влиятельных людей — это корги. Маленькие собачки полностью погружены в жизнь своих больших хозяев. Спасаясь от политических интриг, любимец Британской Королевы вынужден покинуть Букингемский дворец. Теперь ему предстоит не только познакомиться с тайной жизнью улиц Лондона, но и доказать, что он настоящий Королевский Корги...
Мэтт и Анна молодая пара, живущая в Лондоне. Анна начинает свою карьеру и знает, что она хочет, в то время как Мэтт все еще пытается найти свою цель в жизни. На поверхности они счастливы, но напряжение начинает нарастать. Однажды молодчики в масках утром врываются в квартиру и похищают Анну, а Мэтта запирают в таинственный жилет и оставляют мобильный телефон. Мэтт, следуя инструкциям выдаваемым ему через мобильный телефон, должен доставить жилет некому Дмитрию. Если он потерпит неудачу, попытается обратиться за помощью или отклоняется от инструкций, они убьют Анну. В течение одного дня Мэтт должен проделать путь через весь Лондон в отчаянной попытке спасти свою подругу, в то время как ему будут мешать это сделать.
Hamid struggles to care for his younger brothers when their father abandons them for Pakistan. Based on true events.
This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.
Martin (deceased) is stuck in a dead-end job, welcoming the newly departed into the afterlife. All he dreams of is going 'Up There'. But his plans are thrown into disarray when he has to team up with the relentlessly chirpy Rash and together they lose a new arrival. The mismatched pair give chase and end up in a remote seaside town populated by cocky teenagers, sinister old women and the enigmatic Liz, who has 'suicide written all over her'. Can they stop bickering long enough to find the lost soul? Will Rash be reunited with his brother Chunky? And can Martin get back in time to finally get 'Up There'? UP THERE is a killer comedy about life, death and irritating friends.
Portrayal of the late Bradford playwright Andrea Dunbar. Andrea Dunbar wrote honestly and unflinchingly about her upbringing on the notorious Buttershaw Estate in Bradford and was described as ‘a genius straight from the slums.’ When she died tragically at the age of 29 in 1990, Lorraine was just ten years old. The Arbor revisits the Buttershaw Estate where Dunbar grew up, thirty years on from her original play, telling the powerful true story of the playwright and her daughter Lorraine. Also aged 29, Lorraine had become ostracised from her mother’s family and was in prison undergoing rehab. Re-introduced to her mother’s plays and letters, the film follows Lorraine’s personal journey as she reflects on her own life and begins to understand the struggles her mother faced.
Big Chris leads a chorus of characters from various animated children's television shows in a medley of seven songs: 1. "Can You Feel It" 2. "Don't Stop" 3. "Jai Ho!" 4. "Tubthumping" 5. "Never Forget" 6. "Hey Jude" 7. "One Day Like This"
Tariq Malim
A psychological thriller about how an elite SAS unit's position is revealed by the British Prime Minister to ensure an arms deal goes ahead and to secure his re-election.
Alfie Singh
Alfie Singh, accountant turned film producer, has a great idea for a film. It's called Ealing Comedy and it's about an accountant turned film producer called Alfie Singh. Alfie will play himself and his real son, Paul, will play his son in the film. Turned down by all the financiers, Alfie vows to make the film himself. His life with his wife and teenage son and his struggles to finance and make films in the UK are all woven together in a series of mad-cap events, resulting in a very British film
Taj's Father
Тадж Бадаландабад только что закончил колледж и отправляется поступать в Оксфорд. Он мечтает пойти по стопам своего отца и не только получить ученую степень, но и стать членом закрытого лагеря «Братская гильдия лис и собак», следующим представителем Бадаландабадов, названных «Султаном простыней». Однако когда Тадж приезжает в Оксфорд, Пип Эверетт, Серый Граф, возглавляющий «Лис и собак», говорит ему, что произошла ошибка, и Тадж не принят в лагерь. Но Тадж не сдается и скоро становится главой альтернативной тусовки самых главных придурков Оксфорда — «Петух и быки». Кто же выиграет главный приз в соревнованиях Оксфорда и получит сердце красавицы Шарлотты?
Members of a British opera troupe mount a production of "Sweeney Todd" within a maximum-security prison.
A brother and sister travel from London to India for the funeral rites of their estranged Sikh father. For her it is a chance to discover more about her homeland, but for him the confrontation with foreign customs and the burden of new duties is unwelcome and traumatic.
Young, handsome and alone in London at the start of a great career. But will Sunil's luck hold out against the seductions of pretty girls, the wiles of con-men and a hundred temptations of the great city?
Rita and Sue are two teenagers living on a run-down council estate in Bradford, who both share a job babysitting for Bob and Michelle's children. Whilst giving them a lift home one night, Bob decides to take Rita and Sue up to a deserted, country-side landscape. Clearly knowing what he has in mind, Rita and Sue are only too happy to oblige and both have a sexual encounter with him that becomes a regular occurrence.
A son of a retiring Priest, now on the rebound, decides on an unconventional route to find marriage.