Charlie Chin Chiang-Lin

Charlie Chin Chiang-Lin

Рождение : 1948-05-19, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China


Charlie Chin Hsiang-lin (Chinese: 秦祥林; pinyin: Qín Xianglín; born May 19, 1948) is a Taiwanese actor.


Charlie Chin Chiang-Lin
Charlie Chin Chiang-Lin


The Moment: Fifty Years of Golden Horse
In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences.
Поймать призрака
The "Five Lucky Stars" attempt to help a restless ghost take revenge on the evil drug gang who took his life. At the same time, they want the ghost to help them get rich and court the four policewomen assigned to the case.
On the Run
Supt Lui
When Hsiang Ming's wife is murdered, he takes up the hunt for her killer. The killer turns out to not be at all like he imagined, and suddenly he has unsuspected enemies who are after him.
King of Stanley Market
Self-styled ladies man Richard Ng gets depressed when all those around him are finding love while he remains single.
Carry on Dancing
Dr. Chin
Cheung Sheung and Tze Ngor are twin sisters. Tze Ngor is a lunatic and stays in a mental hospital. But out of a madcap incident, Cheung Sheung is "cheated" into the hospital, exchanging identity with her insane sister. The mad house is lived by all kinds of weirdos. The "game" is that Cheung Sheung will stay in the hospital only for a while. But strangely enough, she gradually becomes more and more ease with the way of life in the hospital until one day, she's forgotten what life is like...
Carry on Hotel
Mr. Lau (Kent Cheng) is a seedy detective who sets up cameras to record an illicit affair. Things go awry however when a hideously glam rock band checks into Lau’s room, and gets a free show via his hook-up. Meanwhile, silly thief Donald Ng (Richard Ng) uses ninjitsu to fool the locals while a womanizing tour guide (Eric Tsang) gets stalked by not one, but two pretty women (Cherie Chung and Pat Ha). And Buddy Cheung (Jacky Cheung) is a lowly mechanic at the hotel who lusts after gorgeous executive Sunflower (Joey Wong). But his tomboy co-worker Boy George (Cecilia Yip) secretly pines for him.
Восточные кондоры
Szeto Chin
Когда американцы покидали Вьетнам, был оставлен секретный запас ракет и стратегического оружия, который не обнаружила вьетнамская армия. В 1976 году полковник армии США Лам получает задание уничтожить склад, прежде чем ракеты попадут в руки врага. Он набирает команду из китайских и вьетнамских заключенных. Всем, кто уцелеет, обещана свобода. После десантирования на территории Вьетнама, весь их путь по вражеской территории сопровождается постоянными стычками с вьетнамскими регулярными войсками во главе с безумным генералом…
Семейные бомбы
Кинмен был до 1949 г мирной территорией, пока Чан Кайши не превратил остров в оборонительный укрепрайон против коммунистов, вытеснивших его национальную армию с материка. Его изначальным планом было организовать на острове лечение раненых солдат и подготовиться к наступлению на позиции Мао Цзе Дуна, однако всё случилось иначе. На острове было объявлено военное положение, и он превратился в последнюю горячую точку гражданской войны. Кинмен подвергался массированному артобстрелу с материка в течение 1950-х и 60-х гг. В частности, 23 августа 1958 г коммунисты устроили сильнейший артиллерийский обстрел Кинмена. Всё полыхали огнём, имелись большие жертвы. Фильм рассказывает о 823 артиллерийской батарее под командованием полковника Килианга Чена и событиях того времени.
Мои счастливые звезды 2
Особый отдел полиции Гонконга ведет расследование деятельности мафиозного клана. Агенту отдела удается внедрить в мафию своего осведомителя. Но в Бангкоке мафия расправляется со «стукачом». Полицейский из Бангкока и специальный агент начинают совместную операцию по ликвидации мафиозного клана.
Мои счастливые звезды
Пара полицейских из Гонконга Рикки и Масклз (что означает `мускулы») попадают в поисках беглого преступника в Токио. Здесь приятелей ждет крупная неудача — Рикки похищен японскими бандитами. Но Масклзу на помощь из Гонконга спешит подкрепление в лице… мелких мошенников, которые умудряются попадать в самые жуткие и смешные передряги. Правда среди них есть и профессионал — красотка — полицейская Мисс Ву, чья схватка с японкой стала хрестоматийной для жанра боевых искусств.
Heaven Can Help
Traffic Cop Killer
Mak is an optimist. He is driven to despair after a series of depressing events and got himself into a car accident. As he passed out, his spirit went to hell where the devils told him that he will die after the deaths of the Millionaire Wong, Ms Pao and Mr. Shek. At the same, a big bag is thrown at him from a passing car. In it is the dead body of Millionaire Wong. Mak turns to Shek's sister for help...
Пом Пом
Herb [cameo]
Неразлучные полицейские Ричард (Ричард Нг) и Джон (Джон Шам) – настоящие «лузеры». Судите сами – они служат в полиции уже 12 лет, но за все это время так и не продвинулись по службе, не обзавелись девушками и живут вместе в съемной квартирке. Ну разве так годится? А тут еще под ногами крутится наркобарон Хва (Чан Лунг) – вроде бы уже давно по нему тюрьма плачет, ан нет – с юридической точки зрения к нему не подкопаешься…
Победители и грешники
Пять преступников со смешными прозвищами, выйдя из тюрьмы, решают начать честную жизнь и открывают фирму по уборке квартир. Одним из их клиентов оказывается подпольный фальшивомонетчик. В тот самый момент, когда шеф полиции собирался взять фальшивомонетчика с поличным, друзья занимались уборкой в его доме и случайно прихватили чемоданчик с деньгами…
The Longest Night
Taiwanese war film based on a small-scale battle between the invading People's Liberation Army and the resisting Republic of China Armed Forces on a few small islands (including Dadan Island) in the Taiwan Strait in late July 1950.
Coolie Killer
Ko Da Fu
Ko leads a team of Hong Kong assassins that are taken out one by one. Ko manages to flee to the countryside, where he aims to find out who's behind this and to gain the strength to fight back. Helping him is local girl Tong, whilst chasing Ko is the long arm of the law, represented by cop Chung.
Peter Yu (Chin Han) goes on a business trip to the Philippines leaving his lovely wife and two children behind him. While conducting business there he saves a desperate girl from a number of pursuers. The girl is Marianna (Anna Malai) and she’s the cause of a deadly rivalry between two native tribes. The leader of one of the tribes wants to marry her, but Marianna and her tribe want nothing to do with them. Marianna escapes to HK where she finds Peter and persuades him to hire her as a maid so that she can hide out. Nancy (Sally Yeh), Peter's wife, isn't too keen on the idea especially when she discovers her husband’s infidelity. Nancy leaves HK to visit her relative in the Philippines and Peter follows to make amends. They decide to go on a road trip where hopefully they can begin anew. Their scenic tour goes askew immediately and soon turns into a horrific nightmare; as they too are pursued by the tribe that is after Marianna.
The Imp
Cheung Ging-Keung
Keung has a pregnant wife but he has been unemployed for a long period. One day he gets a new job as a security guard in a commercial building. But strange incidents start happening and his colleagues die in horrible ways one by one. A geomancer tells Keung that he will be the next victim and teaches him how to avoid his fate. But Keung begins to notice his wife's strange behaviour...
Love Massacre
The boyfriend of a young co-ed turns into a demented stalker after his sister's suicide.
The Coldest Winter in Peking
Story of a US-educated scientist who returned to China, and suffered during the years of the Cultural Revolution.
Evening News
Tang Shih-Yen
Shih-Yen is upset about Ko-Ching prioritizing her career over their marriage and even getting an abortion without his knowledge. To express discontent, Shih-Yen moves in with his mistress. Despite feeling overwhelmed by her messy personal life, Ko-Ching manages to lead her company and delivers a successful fashion show. The film reflects on career women’s struggles between family and work, it also describes the gender role stereotypes in a marriage. Although the film demonstrates clearly women’s difficult role in society, it still chooses to show the possibility of women being independent, capable and charming to refute the status quo of patriarchy.
The Beloved Grass
The Beloved Grass is a Taiwanese Romance starring Charlie Chin.
An Unforgettable Day
Taiwanese romantic drama set in a mining town starring Brigitte Lin.
Return of Monsoon
Chia Yi (Brigitte Lin) is already engaged but she still feels lonely deep in her heart. She has a tough decision to make when her cousin (Charlie Chin) confesses his admiration for her...
Touch of Fairlady
Gao Lei
hong kong romance
Off to Success
A group of youths undergo the hardships of military training.
Fly Up with Love
Cheerful graphic comedy taking place in a girl-jammed electronic processing factory. A young foreman, initiative and ambitious and hardworking, falls in love with a girl worker who leaves him because of a third party involved, but comes back to him at last and helps him run a factory of his own.
It Was Rainy Last Night
A romance about a girl who falls in love and marries a music teacher. The couple struggle through life as the man does not want to accept money from his rich father.
Walking in the Setting Sun
Taiwanese romance film.
Love of the White Snake
Hui Sin
This early Brigitte Lin film is based on the same Chinese folk tale that Tsui Hark later used as his source for The Green Snake. It is the story of two sister snakes that want to feel what it is to be human and one of them needs to know what it is to feel human love. It is a sweet magical but ultimately tragic tale of breaking societal taboos. -
The Misty Moon
Brigitte Lin and Charlie Chin star in this Taiwanese drama about a kindergarten teacher who falls in love with a divorcee but leaves him because she thinks he's still in love with his ex-wife.
An Everlasting Love
Chin Kai
A bittersweet love story that unfolds over several years. The central character goes through much happiness and heartache.
Con Artists
Hong Kong movie
Fearless Kung Fu Elements
According to Chinese legend, the Universe is made of five basic elements: gold,wood, water, fire and earth. These elements are also considered very powerful in kung fu. This film tells the story of five princes and their loyalty to their clan as each must fight the demon fox using one of the five elements.
A Pirate of Love
A Pirate of Love is a taiwanese Romance starring Charlie Chin and Sylvia Chang
Cloud of Romance
Meng Chiao
TUAN Wan-lu is a naïve and carefree young woman raised in the family of a professor and doted on by her protective older brother and childhood friend KU Yu-lan. Though Wan-lu is deeply attracted to MENG Chiao, their romance is thwarted by the taunts of MENG Chiao’s mother. At the same time, she discovers she is actually the illegitimate daughter of a club hostess. In the face of this double blow, she decides to marry Yu-lan, the one who has always been there for her. Caught between MENG Chiao’s persistent wooing and her own wavering heart, how will Wan-lu will find her way out?
There's No Place like Home
Taiwanese romance film released to commemorate the 9th anniversary of First Films' founding.
Men of the Hour
Shang Li is suspected of murder. He runs away, and while the hunters search for him, they have plenty of time to think again. Maybe Shang Li is innocent? Isn't there someone else around with a much better reason to commit that murder? Which takes us into the second half of the movie where much more kung fu fighting takes place than in the first.
The Love Affair of Rainbow
The son of a wealthy man married a peasant’s daughter against his family’s objection . When he became a successful author, his wife felt belittled and fearsome as their social status gap had widen . Thus she willingly accepted his sister’s proposal to change her appearance so as to match his current status...
The Chasing Game
Mandarin movie about the romance of an undergraduate with the prettiest girl on campus.
Different Love
Wen Hsing Yu
Brigitte Lin is Sung Hsiao Yu, a young girl in love with Wen Hsing Yu (Charlie Chin), a botanist who's trying to cross-fertilize flowers to create a perfect breed of rose. But Hsing Yu has a rival, Tsui Wen Lun, who despises Wen Hsing Yu for being on better terms with his father AND capturing Hsiao Yu's heart. But when Wen Lun gets in with Hsiao Yu's father, that may be all she wrote. Can Hsiao Yu safely choose her preferred man - Wen Hsing Yu - if it ends up leaving her father in trouble? Or will Hsiao Yu sacrifice love for family?
A Saturday Date
The Autumn Love Song
When a rich guy met a poor gal and fell in love, his authoritative father disapproved of their relationship owing to his girlfriend’s complicated family background and a retarded brother. The gal was forced to leave but despite of all obstacles, the guy persevered in his effort to win his right for love…
Come Fly with Me
Cheng Chieh
Charlie Chin is Cheng Chieh, an engineer obsessed with flying. Brigitte Lin is Liu Yen-mei, a rich girl who has to choose between Chieh and a rich man's son who stoops to manipulation to separate the 2 lovebirds.
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
Misty Drizzle
A divorced entrepreneur (Yueh Yang) and his handsome partner (Charlie Chin) both fall for the beautiful company secretary (Brigitte Lin)...
Girl Friend
Kao Ling-feng
An early Brigitte Lin Romance.
Come Rain or Come Shine
A musical comedy developed from the usual poor-boy-loves-rich-girl situation.
Love, Love, Love
Love, Love, Love is a Taiwanese film, released in 1974 by Central Motion Pictures Corporation and spoken in Mandarin. It stars Charlie Chin as Li Ai-fang and Brigitte Lin as Lin Chuen-chuen. Chin Chuan is co-starring in this film. It was written, composed, and directed by Liu Chia-chang.
Hiroshima 28
Kimura Makimune
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
The Country Bumpkin
The Country Bumpkin is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Long Way from Home
A romantic melodrama starring Brigitte Lin.
The Marriage
A film by Lee Hsing
My Father, My Husband, My Son
Taiwanese drama film directed by Pai Ching-jui.
The Heart with a Million Knots
The Deadly Chase
Tan Cheng
Разборка в Гонконге
Chin Chen
Незнакомка, спасающаяся от преследования бандитов, оставляет в машине таксиста Чен Чина сумочку, которая исчезает при загадочных обстоятельствах. С этого момента жизнь Чена превращается в сущий ад. С одной стороны его преследует полиция, с другой — бандиты во главе с Джеки Чаном. Оказавшись между двух огней, храбрый таксист начинает собственное расследование.
The Call-Girls
A story of female sex workers across all social strata.
The Private Eye
Li Biao
The Private Eye is a Crime movie starring Charlie Chin
The Sister of the San-Tung Boxer
The cinematic follow up to the Shaw Brothers classic The Boxer from Shangtung! What's that? The infamous Boxer from Shangtung has a sister? Yes indeed. And guess what? She's cut from the same heroic kung fu cloth as her sibling. You messed with her brother, and now you're going to get a taste of Ma Su-Cheng's feet and fists of fury.
Dragon Blows
It starts out in rip roaring fashion, with our heroine (genre veteran Chiao Chiao) watching an out of control man rip the bodice from a struggling farm girl. Incensed by this brutality and no doubt offended by the film's one and only topless scene, she rams her fist through a brick wall and kills the man with her distinctive 'dragon blow'. Enter the film's male hero, her brother, who scolds his sister for using this deadly and forbidden weapon. The story then commences in earnest, as brother and sister end up protecting a poor orphan girl who has a valuable jade necklace that a nefarious criminal syndicate is desperate to obtain. Much mayhem ensues, though the film remains chaste and relatively bloodless after its promising beginning.
The Invasion
Love Is Smoke
Chiu Ling introduces his girlfriend Ma San to work for his uncle Chiu Chi. Ma San and Chiu Chi gradually fall in love with each other.
Pei Shih
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
Cheating in Panorama
The Invincible Iron Palm
A fighter known as "Iron Palm" pretends to take control of a transport company as a first step to control the entire city, including gambling, prostitution and drug businesses.
The Living Sword
Cathay Classic, Paul Chang and Melinda Chen star in this melodramatic Wu Xia picture. Sammo Hung is in the first minute or two as a duelist in the tournament and probably directed the fights.
Secret of My Millionaire Sister
Choo died in South America and left a legacy of US Dollars two million to the younger daughter, Pei Fun, of his old friend Chang in Hongkong. The second beneficiary in the will, should Pei Fun die, was Nana, the young widow. Nana returned to Hongkong and conspired with her lover Johnny to wrest the fortune from the Chang family...
Mallow Forest
Sung Chen-nan
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the bandit Zhang Xianzhong, fearing that his treasures may be seized by the Manchurians, entrusts his henchman Yun to escort it to Mount Mei for safekeeping. However, Yun has made arrangements with the Manchurian spy Jin to ambush the treasure on the way to Mount Mei.
Mad, Mad, Mad Swords
Luo Yuanzhao the Mighty Legs
The star in Mad Mad Mad swords is a common man with numerous weaknesses and a complete worthless student of a prestigious school. To the suprise of all, however, he manages to defeat a string of renowned swordsmen, including the one-armed swordsman and the blind swordsman, by tricks and luck.
Lotus Camp
Melinda Chen Man-Ling stars in another Cathay wuxia flick.
The Black Panther
White Messenger
A Wuxia mystery adventure from Cathay films.
The Violet Mansion
Another Cathay Wu Xia flick featuring Melinda Chen Manling.