Widower Raghunath Singh lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his daughter, Shalini. While making a presentation on the importance of women, he is shot at by a woman, but is uninjured. Shortly thereafter, Shalini introduces him to her boyfriend, Advocate Ajaykumar Saxena, who turns out to be the nephew of Dindayal, Raghunath's childhood friend. Raghunath subsequently hires Amar to train Shalini to be a good businesswoman, and expects both to marry soon. Then Shalini finds out that there she has a twin named Ratnabai, who is the daughter of a Courtesan who had been intimate with Raghunath, and was responsible for the attempt on Raghunath's life. She brings Ratna to her home, much to the chagrin of her dad. Soon Ratna starts to make herself at home in her new surroundings, and her demands start to increase - from mimicking Shalini, to flirting with Ajay.
Сунил живёт в Дели со своей матерью и работает бухгалтером. Однажды он сталкивается с красавицей Анитой, позирующей художнику. Посчитав её бедной, он дарит ей 5 рупий. Вскоре молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга и собираются пожениться. Но однажды Сунил узнаёт, что Анита очень богата и всё время обманывала его. Ошеломленный обманом, он разрывает с Анитой все отношения. К тому же он узнаёт, что именно её отец убил его отца, а мать Аниты – продажная женщина…
Ab Dilli Dur Nahin is a journey of a small boy, Rattan, from his small village to New Delhi in the hope of meeting the Prime Minister of India and plead for his father's release from Prison. Set in 1951, Hariram lives in a small village with his wife Bela and son Rattan. On Diwali night, Bela dies of a snake bite and Hariram's world falls apart and he takes to Alcohol. Unable to pay bills, he threatens the Money Lender. Coincidentally the Money Lender is killed the same night and Hariram is tried and convicted of the crime. Rattan, now alone, gets help from Con-Man Ghasita and a young bunch of street children in his quest to reach New Delhi and free his father.
Girdharilal lives a poor lifestyle in Delhi along with his wife, Geeta, and two daughters, and a son. He works as a Money Order Clerk in the Post Office, earns Rs.110/- per Mensem, and wears a torn coat that his wife is tired of stitching. One day at work, he makes an error in a money order but does manage to fix it, collects his pay, and returns home, refusing to drink...