Raja Nawathe


One condition prevents young Leena (Leena Chandravarkar) from receiving her inheritance: She's unwed -- and until she marries, her uncle won't relinquish her legacy. When the frustrated Leena meets jobless Sanjeev (Sanjeev Kumar), the duo concocts a quid-pro-quo scheme: For a sum, Sanjeev will temporarily pose as her spouse. But once Leena has her fortune in hand, she's ready for "hubby" to make tracks.
One condition prevents young Leena (Leena Chandravarkar) from receiving her inheritance: She's unwed -- and until she marries, her uncle won't relinquish her legacy. When the frustrated Leena meets jobless Sanjeev (Sanjeev Kumar), the duo concocts a quid-pro-quo scheme: For a sum, Sanjeev will temporarily pose as her spouse. But once Leena has her fortune in hand, she's ready for "hubby" to make tracks.
One condition prevents young Leena (Leena Chandravarkar) from receiving her inheritance: She's unwed -- and until she marries, her uncle won't relinquish her legacy. When the frustrated Leena meets jobless Sanjeev (Sanjeev Kumar), the duo concocts a quid-pro-quo scheme: For a sum, Sanjeev will temporarily pose as her spouse. But once Leena has her fortune in hand, she's ready for "hubby" to make tracks.
Deep Sharma lives a very poor lifestyle with his widowed mom, Radha, and a younger brother, Ashok, who he would like to become a Judge. Unable to fend for themselves in the small town, Deep relocates to Bombay, where he attempts to sell poetry, to no avail. Then he is asked to write stories about an imaginary bandit, Sangram Singh, which he agrees to do so under the pen name of his friend, Jani Babu. Shortly thereafter he gets very popular, so much so that his girlfriend, Lajwanti's dad, the former King Maheshwari Prasad, consents to let him marry his daughter. Then things get complicated when a bandit who calls himself Sangram Singh goes on a crime-spree throughout the region.
Patthar Ke Sanam
Rajesh works for Meena's father. Meena and her friend Taruna decide to play a prank on him. Both women pretend to fall in love with him, but he finds out, resulting in acrimony.
Кханна, богатый человек, нанимает убийцу, чтобы убить своего соперника, Соханлала. Затем Ханна сообщает по телефону племяннице жертвы Аше о его смерти. Пока Аша кричит, в комнату входит злоумышленник и застреливает Ханну. Несколько дней спустя Аша выигрывает поездку в другую страну с шестью другими: барристером Ракешем, Дхарамдасом, Кишаном, доктором Ачарьей, Мадхусуданом Шармой и Китти Келли. Самолет с шестью победителями и членом экипажа Ананд вынужден совершить вынужденную посадку на неизвестном острове. Однако как только Ананд и все пассажиры выходят из самолета, он взлетает, оставляя всех в затруднительном положении. Загадочная невидимая женщина начинает петь песню. Песня звучит в разные моменты времени во время фильма, а женщину не видно. Затем группа замечает особняк и входит в него. В особняке никого нет, кроме дворецкого. Дхарамдас находит дневник, который показывает, что все они причастны к преступлению и что все они будут убиты...
Sohni Mahiwal
Ijjat Beg comes to India with his caravan and settles in a town in Gujrat. Here, he falls in love with Sohni, who owns a shop of metal pots.
The Flowering of Spring
The only son of the Royal Astrologer, Narsin (Om Prakash) namely Gopal (Bharat Bhushan) is not interested in astrology but in music and songs, much to the dismay of Narsin.
At the behest of his father, Raj writes letters to Chandra, a prospective bride. However, unbeknownst to him, it is Neelu, Chandra's sister, who responds to his letters and falls in love with him.
Assistant Director
Раджу вынужден жить на улице, так как в детстве его отец бросил мать, и они остались на улице. Он пытается убить отца, но терпит неудачу. И теперь должен предстать перед судом, а защищать его решается его подруга детства.
Assistant Director
A man obsessed over two things, the theater and a childhood friend, recounts his life story to his new bride.