Peter Weck

Peter Weck

Рождение : 1930-08-12, Vienna, Austria


Peter Weck


Ihr Leben, bitte! - Peter Weck im Gespräch mit Michael Horowitz
Jedermann liebt Karli Spiehs – Einer Legende auf der Spur
Engel der Gerechtigkeit: Geld oder Leben
Stefan Binder
A drama directed by Sigi Rothemund.
7-ой гном
König (voice)
Необычная интерпретация знаменитой сказки о 7 гномах предлагает окунуться зрителям всех возрастов в волшебный, полный приключений и опасностей мир! Когда в сказочном дворце Бобо, самый младший из 7 гномов, случайно протыкает палец принцессы Талии и отправляет все королевство в глубокий сон на сто лет, Бобо и остальным гномам ничего не остается, как отправится в будущее, чтобы оживить Талию, попробовав заодно доказать, что и самый маленький гном может стать королем.
Utta Danella - Prager Geheimnis
Claudius Maiwald
Oma wider Willen
Dr. Richard Burger
A new collaboration between director Sigi Rothemund (Siggi Götz) and writer Erich Tomek.
Germaine Damar – Der tanzende Stern
Die Liebe kommt mit dem Christkind
Joseph Haller
Martin has not worked as a cook since the accidental death of his wife, with whom he ran a restaurant. The single father manages himself and his little daughter Katrin as a taxi driver. When the strict judge Annemarie withdrew his taxi license because of a minor offense, Martin had to hire himself out as Nikolaus at the Christmas market. The picky paragraph rider constantly runs into him. He would love to give her his opinion - instead the spark jumps over. It is well known that love goes through the stomach. But to do this, Martin would finally have to do what he does best: cook.
Die Mutprobe
Dr. Sebastian Körbler
Ein Ferienhaus auf Ibiza
In order to finally reconcile their adult, hopelessly chaotic children Karla, Henriette and Max, the resolute Greta takes an unusual approach: she invites all three to a holiday together in Ibiza, where she puts the brawlers to the choice: Either they tolerate themselves, or they are disinherited by their father Herbert. After a few half-hearted attempts to make peace, it will not be long before old conflicts break out. Thus, in sunny Spain, a turbulent round of family jealousies, heartache and unexpected love happiness unfolds.
Die Rosenkönigin
Otto Reder
The Weidemann have a perfume factory but the business goes bad and blindly trust Marie, a young woman with a gift for the fragrances, to launch a new essence that will save the company. But Marie falls in love with Bernard, the heir of the family that owns the bank continually denied that the appropriations to the Weidemann.
Die Rosenkönigin
The Weidemann have a perfume factory but the business goes bad and blindly trust Marie, a young woman with a gift for the fragrances, to launch a new essence that will save the company. But Marie falls in love with Bernard, the heir of the family that owns the bank continually denied that the appropriations to the Weidemann.
Lilly Schönauer - Umweg ins Glück
Max Thadäus Ehrenfels
Glück auf vier Rädern
Friedrich Sibelius
Papa und Mama
Charly Hupach
Jenseits von Hollywood – Das Kino des Otto Preminger
German Documentary about the Austrian-American Movie Director Otto Preminger.
Fliege hat Angst
Otto von Thalheim
Unter weißen Segeln - Urlaubsfahrt ins Glück
Karl von Hainburg
Jetzt erst recht!
Gerhard Salmhofer
Fliege kehrt zurück
Otto von Thalheim
Drei unter einer Decke
A comedy directed by Peter Weck.
Mann, oh Mann, oh Mann!
Zwei alte Gauner
Eddi von Zythen
Herrmann Ladner
The popular TV star and director Peter Weck staged the turbulent comedy "Herzensfeinde" by Uli Brée, in which romance is not neglected either. Weck himself shines as a lovable and hypochondriac pedant; his vacation partner and "Herzensfeinde" is congenially embodied by Friedrich von Thun. The attractive ladies of the heart of the two vacationers are played by Susanne Uhlen and Michèle Marian.
Associate Producer
The popular TV star and director Peter Weck staged the turbulent comedy "Herzensfeinde" by Uli Brée, in which romance is not neglected either. Weck himself shines as a lovable and hypochondriac pedant; his vacation partner and "Herzensfeinde" is congenially embodied by Friedrich von Thun. The attractive ladies of the heart of the two vacationers are played by Susanne Uhlen and Michèle Marian.
The popular TV star and director Peter Weck staged the turbulent comedy "Herzensfeinde" by Uli Brée, in which romance is not neglected either. Weck himself shines as a lovable and hypochondriac pedant; his vacation partner and "Herzensfeinde" is congenially embodied by Friedrich von Thun. The attractive ladies of the heart of the two vacationers are played by Susanne Uhlen and Michèle Marian.
Zwei unter einem Dach
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.
Am Ende siegt die Liebe
Die Ehre der Strizzis
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie follows "Geliebte Gegner" (1998).
Die Ehre der Strizzis
Paul Schäfer
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie follows "Geliebte Gegner" (1998).
Das Mädchen aus der Torte
Das Mädchen aus der Torte
Эйми и Ягуар
Chefredakteur Keller
Берлин, 1943. До знакомства с Фелис Лили — мать четырех детей — была добропорядочной домохозяйкой. Но эта встреча, перевернувшая всю ее жизнь, стала для молодой женщины новым экспериментом, яркой вспышкой счастья, несмотря на постоянные бомбежки и рейды полиции. Лили развелась с мужем и позволила Фелис переехать к ней, осознавая насколько это опасно: ведь Фелис — еврейка, член подпольной группы сопротивления, попавшая «под колпак» Гестапо…
Geliebte Gegner
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie was followed by "Die Ehre der Strizzis" (2000).
Geliebte Gegner
Paul Schäfer
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie was followed by "Die Ehre der Strizzis" (2000).
Ein Schutzengel auf Reisen
Xaver Frey
Ein Schutzengel auf Reisen
Hofrat Geiger
Hofrat Dr. Martin Geiger
Hofrat Geiger
Ich begehre dich
Clemens Cotta
Ich begehre dich
Von Frau zu Frau: Die Sammlerin
Was zu beweisen war
Heute und damals
Mrs. Harris - Ein Kleid von Dior
Die weiße Stadt
Mladen Raikow
Vor Gericht seh'n wir uns wieder - Skurriles aus dem schönen Wien
Der Fall Winslow
Sir Robert Morton
Nichts als Erinnerung
Der Ehegatte Karl
An all-knowing interlocutor guides us through a series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. A soldier meets an eager young lady of the evening. Later he has an affair with a young lady, who becomes a maid and does similarly with the young man of the house. The young man seduces a married woman. On and on, spinning on the gay carousel of life.
If Every Day Was Sunday
The owner of a travel agencies decides to took a holiday with his family. He combines business with pleasure and undertakes a tour of inspection of some of his enterprises. Incognito he arrives with his family at the Castle Hotel on the Wörthersee. But the hotel manager has been warned of the impending visit and means to give the important guest the red carpet treatment. Unfortunately he does not know him personally and so takes the wrong man for the incognito inspector. Neither of the two men enjoy the mix-up and the poor hotel director has to live through some uncomfortable hours before he manages to pour oil on the troubled water.
Mensch, ärgere dich nicht
Trubel um Trixie
Teddy Wiesinger
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Immer Ärger mit Hochwürden
Thomas Springer
A new highway, a new chairlift, the election of the new mayor and again a lot of alcohol.
Main Thing Holidays
Meine Tochter - Deine Tochter
Hochwürden drückt ein Auge zu
Thomas Springer
A ship, a bus, a pastor, a businessman and a lot of alcohol.
Zwischenspiel oder Die neue Ehe
Wenn mein Schätzchen auf die Pauke haut
Big Ben
Wenn mein Schätzchen auf die Pauke haut
Das haut den stärksten Zwilling um
Peter Werner / Ferdinand Werner
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Eine unwürdige Existenz
Max Albin
Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten
Bernd Ander
German music comedy.
König Johann
Arthur Plantagenet - Herzog von Bretagne
Nachbarn sind zum Ärgern da
Unsere Pauker gehen in die Luft
Dr. Hanniball
Ein Dorf ohne Männer
König Matthias Corvinus
Hilfe, ich liebe Zwillinge!
Hilfe, ich liebe Zwillinge!
Gauner, Gelder und Giraffen
Heinrich Kunst
The Viking Who Became a Bigamist
von Weiland
The Italian Vittorio Coppa works as a sleeper car commuter and commutes regularly between Munich and Rome. Because he believes that true love exists only in connection with marriage, he is secretly married twice.
Unser Doktor ist der Beste
Studienrat Zackgiebel
Königin einer Nacht
Peter von Hazy
Always Trouble with the Teachers
Madame Sans-Gêne - Die schöne Wäscherin
Graf Neipperg
Der blaue Strohhut
Paradies der flotten Sünder
Ignaz Hirnbeißer has won the lottery. Now he has the money to travel to where the smartest playboys and the hottest girls can be found. However, he is told adventurous stories about this place at the travel agency.
Bei Kerzenlicht
Eiszeit der Liebe
James Fenton
Im weißen Rößl
Leopold Brandmeyer - Zahlkellner
An der Donau, wenn der Wein blüht
Dr. Walter Kuntz
Der seidene Schuh
Liebesgrüße aus Tirol
Prof. Dr. Stefan Burger
Dr. Stefan Burger (Peter Weck) wants to take over the management of a home for children. Together with Rena (Gitte Hænning) he gets involved in a small scam.
Heirate mich, Cherie
Dr. Georg Schönberger
Das Konzert
Dr. Franz Jura
Rote Lippen soll man küssen
Фильм рассказывает о судьбе молодого священника Стивена Фермойла, ставшего кардиналом. История начинается вскоре после окончания первой мировой войны и кончается накануне второй. Режиссер показывает жизнь Стивена в тесной связи с миром людей, забывших Бога и живущих греховными страстями…
Im singenden Rössel am Königssee
Franz Fidelis / Benedikt Fidelis
Ist Geraldine ein Engel?
Austrian sex comedy.
Leutnant Gustl
Leutnant Gustav "Gustl" Wilfert
Die Försterchristel
Kaiser Franz Joseph
Und ewig knallen die Räuber
Graf Ildefons
Almost Angels
Max Heller
Supported avidly by his mother and more reluctantly at first by his father, a working-class Austrian boy joins the Vienna Choirboys, where he proves to be unusually talented.
Mariandl's Homecoming
Peter Hofer
Der Vogelhändler
Graf Stanislaus
Sissi - Forever My Love
Archduke Karl Ludwig (archive footage)
The beautiful account of the powerful drama of love and courage of Austrian Archduke Franz Joseph and Princess Elizabeth (Sissi) of Bavaria. This is a condensed version of the original German language 3-part "Sissi" series.
The Dream of Lieschen Müller
Lieschen Müller is in her mid-20s, works a dull office job and fancies the handsome waiter from the diner down the street, wishing for a more exciting life. In a vivid, lucid dream she happens upon a gigantic fortune, allowing her to live out her wildest fantasies. Quickly, however, she realizes that that's not what makes her happy.
Peter Hofer
Junge Leute brauchen Liebe
Axel Enders
Immer will ich dir gehören
Bob Lindner
Meine Nichte tut das nicht
Gitarren klingen leise durch die Nacht
Toni Weinheber
Paradies der Matrosen
Robby Hansen
Liebe verboten – Heiraten erlaubt
Wolfgang Mertens
Wenn das mein großer Bruder wüßte
Dave Berry
Men are not angels either
Rendezvous in Wien
Ohne Mutter geht es nicht
Franz Fuchs
Ihr 106. Geburtstag
Robert Burger
Man müßte nochmal zwanzig sein
Peter Vogt
Konrad Fürst
A young country girl breaks up the engagement with her fiancé and moves to the city to live with her lover. The new man will give her some unpleasant surprises.
Wiener Luft
A movie with three episodes directed by Ernst Hofbauer, Walter Kolm-Veltée and Karl Leiter.
Theodor Kaiser
Der Kaiser und das Wäschermädel
Hans Herrlinger, Maler
Das Abschiedssouper
Vater, unser bestes Stück
Franz Fuchs
Der müde Theodor
Die liebe Familie
August the Thug
Mädchen mit schwachem Gedächtnis
Poldi Kohlegger / Peter Parker
Anny arrives in Munich to start a career as an actress, but soon ends up without money and job, sleeping on a park bench. When the police picks her up, she pretends to have amnesia and is taken to the police station. There she's surprised to get presented to her alleged parents. Not knowing yet what kind of game they play, she goes home with them and lets the rich couple coddle her.
Die gestohlene Hose
Toni von Rabenstein
Liebe, die den Kopf verliert
Walter Kopetzky
Archduke Karl Ludwig
Юная Сисси — дочь герцога Макса Баварского — простая скромная девушка. Она сторонится шумных светских развлечений, бегает по лесам, ухаживает за животными, наслаждается природой и мечтает о любви. Случайно познакомившись в лесу с красивым молодым офицером, она чувствует, что встретила мужчину своей мечты. Да и офицер не на шутку увлечен девушкой, хотя и считает ее простой крестьянкой. Каково же изумление обоих, когда на балу ему представляют младшую дочь герцога Максимилиана, а ей — австрийского императора Франца-Иосифа. К несчастью для влюбленных, властная мать Франца-Иосифа, эрцгерцогиня Софи уже выбрала супругу своему сыну — принцессу Хелену, старшую сестру Сисси… Несмотря ни на что, император готов впервые пойти против воли матери и объявить Сисси своей невестой…
Die Wirtin zur Goldenen Krone
Молодые годы королевы
Prince Henry of Orange
Королева Виктория в 18 лет становится во главе Британской Империи. Лорд Мельбурн, премьер-министр, заботливо посвящает её в государственные дела. Мать и дядя одновременно вынашивают честолюбивые планы выдачи её замуж, о которых Виктория не желает ничего слышать. Она тайно покидает Лондон. Непогода вынуждает её заночевать на постоялом дворе Довер. Там она, ничего не подозревая, влюбляется в кандидата в свои женихи принца Альберта фон Заксен-Кобург, который тоже не желает быть узнанным и очень скоро воспылал к ней чувствами. Сопровождающий принца, обеспокоенный этой влюблённостью, просит молодую даму уехать, чтобы не нарушать планы женитьбы…
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