Praveen Paul


Щедрое сердце
Kamla 'Kamli' Srivastava
Однажды певце Амрит ввязывается в переделку после знакомства с мошенником Бхагаватом. Теперь для полиции он является преступником, и молодому человеку приходится скрываться от страж закона. Амрит попадает в железнодорожную катастрофу. После этого раненого парня принимают в дом Сахиба, где Амрит влюбляется в младшую дочь хозяина дома.
Любовница мужа
Kunti's Mother
В молодости Кунти отказалась от незаконнорожденного ребенка, предпочтя богатую и обеспеченную жизнь. Ее мечты сбылись, когда она вышла замуж за успешного адвоката Авинаша Кумара. Спустя годы она узнает, что ее муж встречается с молодой женщиной Мунмун, открыто заявляя о своей любви к ней. Лишь встреча с Мунмун заставляет Кунти посмотреть правде в лицо...
Mohan's Mother
Balraj Sahani plays a professional Artist with wife Achala Sachdev and son Manoj Kumar caught in the trap of Rehman and Shashikala who for the payment of a large Life insurance policy frame him in the murder of Rehman - who escapes to a world of crime after becoming a dead man for the world.
Shadilal's Wife No.1
Kalyani lives in a small tenement with three sons, Vijay, Nandu, and Bhola, all of whom are unemployed, slackers and trouble-makers. One day Nandu gets into serious trouble with Shantilal, who summons the police, and has him arrested. Kalyani goes to the Police Station to plead with the In-Charge Officer to release Nandu, to no avail. She then goes to Shantilal to try to persuade him to withdraw the charges, also to no avail.
Опасное сходство
Bhola's Foster Mother
Бхола — молодой музыкант, который приезжает в Бомбей, чтобы попытаться заработать на жизнь своим талантом. Он также хочет помочь своей хромой сестре — близняшке Беле — найти ей подходящую партию для брака. Ранжит Камар — богатый бизнесмен, который занимается также воровством алмазов и контрабандой, поразительно похож на Бхолу. Они сталкиваются на костюмированной вечеринке, на которой Ранжит и его любовница Рита убеждают ничего не подозревающего инаивного деревенского парня Бхолу стать двойником Ранжита в общественной жизни, в то время как сам Ранджит творит свои преступные действия. Женщина-полицейский под прикрытием преследует Бхолу / Ранжита, надеясь поймать вора.
Bindu's Mother
Простой деревенский мужик влюбляется в свою новую соседку. Он обращается за помощью к своим друзьям из музыкального театра, чтобы отвлечь прекрасную девушку из соседнего дома от ее учителя музыки.
Haye Mera Dil
Deepak's Mother
Banwari steals Rs.10000 from his employer Manoharlal. Manohar files a police complaint, Banwari is caught and sent to jail. He breaks jail, kills Manohar and abducts his daughter Geeta as a revenge. Banwari brings up Geeta as Sangeeta, a famous stage dancer, as his daughter and makes money through her stage shows but he still wants Manohar's wealth and intend to blackmail Sangeeta's mother Kamla once she is found. Deepak, an educated but unemployed young man, is madly in love with Sangeeta but cannot approach her as she is a celebrity. He gets a chance one day and soon they fall in love.
Bhola's Wife (as Pravin Paul)
A tourist guide meets an unhappy married woman who wants to take up dancing. With his motivation, she becomes a successful dancer but success corrupts the man's mind.
Naughty Boy
A man is devastated when his beloved is seemingly killed in a train crash, so his colleagues suggest he goes for a picnic to cheer himself up.
Char Diwari
Sunil leads a poor lifestyle along with his widowed mother, and two school-going siblings, Anu and Tikku. He gets married to Lakshmi, who soon gets pregnant. Anu graduates from school and each of the family make individual sacrifices so that she can attend college. During Diwali, Lakshmi falls down the stairs, is hospitalized, has a miscarriage, and will never be able to conceive. Sunil decides to keep this a secret from the rest of the family, but subsequently confides in his mother. When Lakshmi finds out she wants him to re-marry, but he refuses. Then Tikku is sent to live with his maternal uncle for a few days. Shortly thereafter the family will be faced with three crises as Anu prepares to elope with a wealthy fellow collegian, a death, and a theft.
Mr. India
Mr. India is a 1961 film about a naive unemployed youth who is mistaken for a look-alike gangster.
Sapne Suhane
Sapne Suhane is a 1961 hindi-language Romance movie.
The Test
Lady listening to gossip
The postmaster of a village receives a check for 500,000 rupees, for the purpose of bequeathing it to the village’s most upstanding citizen.
Mehlon Ke Khwaab
Asha's aunt
After winning a lottery, Asha and Bela round up a holiday to find suitable husbands. But they end up being framed for stealing a precious necklace.
Chaudhvin Ka Chand
Shaida's mother
The setting is the city of Lucknow in northern India, where Islamic culture flourished. Two of the three best friends who live in this city have fallen in love with the same woman named Jameela unknowingly. Aslam and Nawab are the two friends caught in this love triangle. Written by Anonymous Nawab Pyare Mian gets a close look at a stunning woman in a busy market place, and is left stunned by her beauty. Unable to get her out of his mind, he asks his friends, Shedad and Aslam, for assistance. Then to Nawab's delight he spots her at his sister's birthday celebration, and asks Nasibhan to find out who she is. After a few misunderstandings, he does find out her name, which is Jameela. But the problem is that his friend, Aslam, has also fallen for her, and the friends will have to make sacrifices for each other, then after that the decision will be Jameela's to decide who to chose for her life-partner.
Народ пробуждается
Спасая чемодан с золотом, от укравших его, Ранджит попал в руки полиции. Доказать, что не он вор, было невозможно, и его осудили на пять лет. Выйдя из тюрьмы, он работает на строительстве плотины, недалеко от места, где спрятан чемодан. На строительстве Ранджит полюбил девушку, которая для него стала дороже всякого золота, и он решает в день открытия плотины передать чемодан с сокровищем правительству страны.
Dekh Kabira Roya
Geeta's Mother
A romance masquerading as a debate on art. A painter, a writer and a singer meet three women, each of whom loves one of the art forms they practise. Unfortunately, they are mismatched. The ensuing misunderstandings are resolved only after their respective soul mates have been discovered and their marriages arranged. This is one the the last independent films by A. Chakrabarty, formerly of Bombay Talkies and the man who discovered Dilip Kumar in his first film, Jwar Bhata (1944).
После того, как ее старший брат погибает в аварии, а отец слепнет, Камла жертвует своей любовью и счастьем, чтобы позаботиться о нуждах своей семьи, но ее близкие предают ее.
Mrs. Kashinath
Gauri, an orphan, is falsely accused of theft and lands up in a reformatory run by Ashok. Due to her rebelliousness, she gets into trouble. But, gradually she comes into her own with Ashok's help.